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Neurological Sciences

Ausgabe 5/2020

Inhalt (46 Artikel)

Acute stroke management pathway during Coronavirus-19 pandemic

Claudio Baracchini, Alessio Pieroni, Federica Viaro, Vito Cianci, Anna M. Cattelan, Ivo Tiberio, Marina Munari, Francesco Causin

Digital triage for people with multiple sclerosis in the age of COVID-19 pandemic

Simona Bonavita, Gioacchino Tedeschi, Ashish Atreja, Luigi Lavorgna

Recent progress in neuronal intranuclear inclusion disease: a review of the literature

  • Review Article

Hafiz Khuram Raza, Sandeep Singh, Pabitra Rai, Thitsavanh Chansysouphanthong, Arooj Amir, Guiyun Cui, Wenjing Song, Lei Bao, Su Zhou, Hongjuan Shi, Hao Chen

Theory of mind in Alzheimer’s disease and amnestic mild cognitive impairment: a meta-analysis

  • Review Article

ZhongQuan Yi, PanWen Zhao, Hui Zhang, YuanYuan Shi, HaiChun Shi, JianGuo Zhong, PingLei Pan

The associations of HLA-DRB1 gene polymorphisms with late-onset myasthenia gravis: a meta-analysis

  • Review Article

Cai-Se Ling, Ming-Li Shen, Yi Wang, Wen-Ke Cai, Xiao-Qian Lin, Qian Huang, Gong-Hao He

Prevalence of dysphagia in a consecutive cohort of subjects with MS using fibre-optic endoscopy

  • Original Article

C. Solaro, A. Cuccaro, G. Gamberini, F. Patti, E. D’Amico, R. Bergamaschi, E. Berra, A. Giusti, C. Rezzani, M. Messmer Uccelli, M. G. Grasso

Low thalamic monoamine transporter availability is related to excessive daytime sleepiness in early Parkinson’s disease

  • Original Article

Sang-Won Yoo, Yoon-Sang Oh, Dong-Woo Ryu, Kwang-Soo Lee, Chul Hyoung Lyoo, Joong-Seok Kim

Increased prevalence of multiple sclerosis and clusters of different disease risk in Northern Italy

  • Original Article

Roberto Bergamaschi, Maria Cristina Monti, Leonardo Trivelli, Vincenzo Paolo Introcaso, Giulia Mallucci, Paola Borrelli, Leonardo Gerosa, Cristina Montomoli

Eye movement abnormalities are associated with brainstem atrophy in Wilson disease

  • Original Article

Jaromír Hanuška, Petr Dušek, Jan Rusz, Olga Ulmanová, Andrea Burgetová, Evžen Růžička

Prevalence, dimensions, and predictor factors of sexual dysfunction in women of Iran Multiple Sclerosis Society: a cross-sectional study

  • Original Article

Vida Ghasemi, Masoumeh Simbar, Giti Ozgoli, Seyed Massood Nabavi, Hamid Alavi Majd

Biochemical parameters in determination of nutritional status in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis

  • Original Article

Beata Chełstowska, Magdalena Kuźma-Kozakiewicz

Validation of the Freezing of Gait Questionnaire in patients with Parkinson’s disease treated with deep brain stimulation

  • Original Article

Ota Gal, Kamila Polakova, Hana Brozova, Ondrej Bezdicek, Martina Hoskovcova, Robert Jech, Evzen Ruzicka

A subjective cognitive impairments scale for migraine attacks: validation of the Italian version of the MIG-SCOG

  • Original Article

Antonio Russo, Marcello Silvestro, Federica Garramone, Alessandro Tessitore, Maria Cropano, Fabrizio Scotto di Clemente, Luigi Trojano, Gioacchino Tedeschi, Gabriella Santangelo

The Visual Scanning Test: a newly developed neuropsychological tool to assess and target rehabilitation of extrapersonal visual unilateral spatial neglect

  • Original Article

Marco Borsotti, Irene Eleonora Mosca, Francesca Di Lauro, Silvia Pancani, Cristiano Bracali, Tomas Dore, Claudio Macchi, Francesca Cecchi

The relationship between obstructive sleep apnea and Parkinson’s disease: a systematic review and meta-analysis

  • Original Article

A-Ping Sun, Na Liu, Ying-Shuang Zhang, Hai-Yan Zhao, Xiao-Lu Liu

The frequency of central nervous system complications in the Cypriot cohort of ATTRV30M neuropathy transplanted patients

  • Original Article

Efthimios Dardiotis, Savanna Andreou, Athina-Maria Aloizou, Elena Panayiotou, Vasileios Siokas, Mihaela Nedea Ioannou, Emmelia Vounou, Kyproula Christodoulou, George A. Tanteles, Demos Michaelides, Theodoros Kyriakides

Efficacy and safety of cerebrolysin in neurorecovery after moderate-severe traumatic brain injury: results from the CAPTAIN II trial

  • Original Article

Dafin F Muresanu, Stefan Florian, Volker Hömberg, Christian Matula, Nicole von Steinbüchel, Pieter E Vos, Klaus von Wild, Codruta Birle, Ioana Muresanu, Dana Slavoaca, Olivia Verisezan Rosu, Stefan Strilciuc, Johannes Vester

Vitamin D3 might improve headache characteristics and protect against inflammation in migraine: a randomized clinical trial

  • Original Article

Zeinab Ghorbani, Mansoureh Togha, Pegah Rafiee, Zeynab Sadat Ahmadi, Reyhaneh Rasekh Magham, Mahmoud Djalali, Sahar Shahemi, Fahimeh Martami, Mahnaz Zareei, Soodeh Razeghi Jahromi, Shadi Ariyanfar, Maryam Mahmoudi

The role of carotid stenosis ultrasound scale in the prediction of ischemic stroke

  • Open Access
  • Original Article

Yi Tang, Ming-yu Wang, Tao-tao Wu, Jian-yu Zhang, Ru Yang, Bo Zhang, Ying Shi, Pin Meng, Niu Ji, Yongan Sun, Ying-da Xu, Bing-chao Xu, Xin-yu Zhou, Xiao-bing He, Guang-hui Zhang, Xiao-qin Niu, Zai-po Li, Bei Wang, Bei Xu, Zeng-lin Cai, Yong-jin Zhang, Ming-li He

Quantitative metabolomics of saliva using proton NMR spectroscopy in patients with Parkinson’s disease and healthy controls

  • Original Article

Sadhana Kumari, Vinay Goyal, S. Senthil Kumaran, S.N. Dwivedi, Achal Srivastava, N.R. Jagannathan

Hospital and healthcare insurance system record–based epidemiological study of myasthenia gravis in southern and northern China

  • Original Article

Wei Fang, Yan Li, Rong Mo, Jianjian Wang, Li Qiu, Chuangyi Ou, Zhongqiang Lin, Zhidong Huang, Huiyu Feng, Xuetao He, Weizhi Wang, Peipei Xu, Lihua Wang, Hao Ran, Weibin Liu

Comprehension of written texts for the assessment of clinical competence and decision making in people with mild to moderate Alzheimer disease

  • Original Article

Valentina Moro, Valeria Valbusa, Nicole Corsi, A. Bonazzi, Maria Teresa Condoleo, Elisabetta Broggio, Giuseppe Gambina

Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease: experience from a large Italian tertiary neuromuscular center

  • Original Article

Luca Gentile, Massimo Russo, Gian Maria Fabrizi, Federica Taioli, Moreno Ferrarini, Silvia Testi, Annalisa Alfonzo, M’Hammed Aguennouz, Antonio Toscano, Giuseppe Vita, Anna Mazzeo

Utility of a scoring system for differentiating cancer-associated stroke from cryptogenic stroke in patients with cancer

  • Original Article

Yuzo Hasegawa, Taiki Setoguchi, Tsukasa Sakaida, Toshihiko Iuchi

Premorbid functional reserve modulates the effect of rehabilitation in multiple sclerosis

  • Original Article

Letizia Castelli, Laura De Giglio, Shalom Haggiag, Arianna Traini, Francesca De Luca, Serena Ruggieri, Luca Prosperini

Neuropsychological assessment in acute stroke patients

  • Original Article

Fabrizio Pasotti, Francesca G. Magnani, Marcello Gallucci, Gerardo Salvato, Daniela Ovadia, Massimiliano Scotto, Stefano Merolla, Sandro Beretta, Giuseppe R. Micieli, Elio C. Agostoni, Giovanna Beretta, Gabriella Bottini

Alteration of brain temperature and systemic inflammation in Parkinson’s disease

  • Open Access
  • Original Article

Hsiu-Ling Chen, Kei Yamada, Koji Sakai, Cheng-Hsien Lu, Meng-Hsiang Chen, Wei-Che Lin

Acute venous thrombosis of inferior cerebellar vein, case report

  • Letter to the Editor

Maria Sofia Cotelli, Angelo Costa, Michele Frigerio, Mauro Magoni, Marinella Turla

Freezing of gait in Parkinson’s disease may share the mechanisms of dystonia

  • Letter to the Editor

Yasushi Shimo, Taku Hatano, Mayu Sakurai, Satoko Sekimoto, Selly Marisdina, Nobutaka Hattori

Is post-traumatic stress disorder a too underestimated factor in the early rehabilitation of cerebro-vascular events?

  • Letter to the Editor

Cesare Giuseppe Cerri, Cecilia Perin, Cesare Maria Cornaggia, Massimiliano Beghi

Refractory status epilepticus behind autoimmune encephalitis

  • Letter to the Editor

Leila Zummo, Daniele Lo Coco, Gianluca Lopez, Daniela Palma, Ornella Daniele

Spontaneous Pisa syndrome in a patient with early-onset Alzheimer’s disease

  • Letter to the Editor

Kyung Ah Woo, Dallah Yoo, Chang-Seok Ki, Jee-Young Lee

A case of metabolic encephalopathy associated with euglycemic diabetic ketoacidosis

  • Letter to the Editor

Seunghee Na, Myoung-Ah Lee, In-Uk Song

Steroid-responsive myositis in a patient with Sjögren’s syndrome and refractory peripheral neuropathy

  • Letter to the Editor

Kosei Hirata, Masaki Kobayashi, Akiko Miyashita, Takanori Yokota

Epilepsy over the centuries: a disease survived at the time

  • History of Neurology

Domenico Chirchiglia, Pasquale Chirchiglia

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Neu im Fachgebiet Neurologie

Kaliumhaltiges Kochsalz schützt vor Schlaganfallrezidiven

Erhalten Menschen nach einem Schlaganfall statt normalem Kochsalz eine kaliumhaltige Alternative, reduziert dies sowohl das Risiko für erneute ischämische und hämorrhagische Insulte als auch die Gesamtmortalität. Dafür sprechen Ergebnisse einer großen randomisierten Studie.

Der Mann mit der Alzheimermutation, der keine Demenz bekommt

Nur sehr selten werden Menschen mit einer Alzheimermutation von einer familiären Demenz verschont, was meist an protektiven Genvarianten liegt. Ein über 70-jähriger Mann stellt die Forschung jedoch vor ein Rätsel. Vielleicht hat ihm die Arbeit in großer Hitze geholfen.

Auch nach TIA kommt es zu kognitivem Abbau

Trotz raschem und vollständigem Verschwinden der Symptome bergen auch transitorische ischämische Attacken das Risiko langfristigen kognitiven Abbaus, wie eine Studie zeigt. Die Größenordnung gleicht jener nach einem Schlaganfall.

Schlaganfall oder Schlaganfall-Imitator?

Ein breites Spektrum von Erkrankungen kann einen Schlaganfall vortäuschen. Bei der notwendigen schnellen Unterscheidung zwischen solchen „stroke mimics“ und echten Schlaganfällen können einige klinische Faktoren und Symptome unterstützend herangezogen werden. 

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