23.10.2019 | Case Report
Nevus Lipomatosus Cutaneous Superficialis: a Rare Hamartoma
verfasst von:
Aleena Jain, Ashok Sharma, Renu Sharda, Chitresh Aggarwal
Erschienen in:
Indian Journal of Surgical Oncology
Ausgabe 1/2020
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Nevus lipomatosus cutaneous superficialis (NLCS) is a rare idiopathic benign hamartomatous anomaly of the skin characterized by the presence of clusters of mature ectopic adipocytes amongst dermal collagen bundles [
2]. Two clinical patterns of NLCS exist—multiple form (classical type) and solitary form. Classical type lesions are congenital or develop usually during first three decades of life. They present as multiple skin-coloured or yellowish papules, coalescing into plaques with zosteriform, linear, or segmental distribution. The lesions are slow-growing, with smooth or cerebriform surface, and can attain large size if untreated. They commonly occur at pelvic girdle, lower trunk, gluteal region, and thigh [
1]. …