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13.01.2021 | Nicht-ST-Hebungsinfarkt | Teamwork + Education

Thrombozytenfunktionshemmer im Notfall

Einsatz von Medikamenten mit plättchenhemmender Wirkung im Rettungsdienst und in der Notaufnahme

verfasst von: Prof. Dr. med. Thomas Hohlfeld, Dr. med. Dr. rer. nat. Sören Twarock

Erschienen in: Notfall + Rettungsmedizin | Ausgabe 2/2022

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  • Acetylsalicylsäure
  • Clopidogrel
  • Prasugrel
  • Ticagrelor
  • Cangrelor
  • Tirofiban
  • Eptifibatid
Zurück zum Zitat Newby LK, Hasselblad V, Armstrong PW et al (2003) Time-based risk assessment after myocardial infarction. Implications for timing of discharge and applications to medical decision-making. Eur Heart J 24:182CrossRef Newby LK, Hasselblad V, Armstrong PW et al (2003) Time-based risk assessment after myocardial infarction. Implications for timing of discharge and applications to medical decision-making. Eur Heart J 24:182CrossRef
Zurück zum Zitat Twarock S, Bagheri S, Bagheri S et al (2016) Platelet-vessel wall interactions and drug effects. Pharmacol Ther 167:74CrossRef Twarock S, Bagheri S, Bagheri S et al (2016) Platelet-vessel wall interactions and drug effects. Pharmacol Ther 167:74CrossRef
Zurück zum Zitat Majithia A, Bhatt DL (2019) Novel antiplatelet therapies for atherosclerotic diseases. Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol 39:546CrossRef Majithia A, Bhatt DL (2019) Novel antiplatelet therapies for atherosclerotic diseases. Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol 39:546CrossRef
Zurück zum Zitat Zeymer U, Hohlfeld T, vom Dahl J et al (2017) Prospective, randomised trial of the time dependent antiplatelet effects of 500 mg and 250 mg acetylsalicylic acid i.v. and 300 mg p.o. in ACS (ACUTE). Thromb Haemost 117:625CrossRef Zeymer U, Hohlfeld T, vom Dahl J et al (2017) Prospective, randomised trial of the time dependent antiplatelet effects of 500 mg and 250 mg acetylsalicylic acid i.v. and 300 mg p.o. in ACS (ACUTE). Thromb Haemost 117:625CrossRef
Zurück zum Zitat Valgimigli M, Bueno H, Byrne RA et al (2017) 2017 ESC focused update on dual antiplatelet therapy in coronary artery disease developed in collaboration with EACTS. Eur Heart J 389:213 Valgimigli M, Bueno H, Byrne RA et al (2017) 2017 ESC focused update on dual antiplatelet therapy in coronary artery disease developed in collaboration with EACTS. Eur Heart J 389:213
Zurück zum Zitat Rothwell PM, Algra A, Chen Z et al (2016) Effects of aspirin on risk and severity of early recurrent stroke after transient ischaemic attack and ischaemic stroke: time-course analysis of randomised trials. Lancet 388:365CrossRef Rothwell PM, Algra A, Chen Z et al (2016) Effects of aspirin on risk and severity of early recurrent stroke after transient ischaemic attack and ischaemic stroke: time-course analysis of randomised trials. Lancet 388:365CrossRef
Zurück zum Zitat Prasad K, Sieminuik R, Hao Q et al (2018) Dual antiplatelet therapy with aspirin and clopidogrel for acute high risk transient ischaemic attack and minor ischaemic stroke: a clinical practice guideline. BMJ 363:k5130CrossRef Prasad K, Sieminuik R, Hao Q et al (2018) Dual antiplatelet therapy with aspirin and clopidogrel for acute high risk transient ischaemic attack and minor ischaemic stroke: a clinical practice guideline. BMJ 363:k5130CrossRef
Zurück zum Zitat Johnston SC, Amarenco P, Denison H et al (2020) Ticagrelor and aspirin or aspirin alone in acute ischemic stroke or TIA. N Eng J Med 383:207CrossRef Johnston SC, Amarenco P, Denison H et al (2020) Ticagrelor and aspirin or aspirin alone in acute ischemic stroke or TIA. N Eng J Med 383:207CrossRef
Zurück zum Zitat Regitz-Zagrosek V, Blomstrom C, Borghi C et al (2011) ESC guidelines on the management of cardiovascular diseases during pregnancy. Eur Heart J 32:3147CrossRef Regitz-Zagrosek V, Blomstrom C, Borghi C et al (2011) ESC guidelines on the management of cardiovascular diseases during pregnancy. Eur Heart J 32:3147CrossRef
Zurück zum Zitat Cauldwell M, Rudd A, Nelson-Piercy C (2018) Management of stroke and pregnancy. Eur Stroke J 3:227CrossRef Cauldwell M, Rudd A, Nelson-Piercy C (2018) Management of stroke and pregnancy. Eur Stroke J 3:227CrossRef
Thrombozytenfunktionshemmer im Notfall
Einsatz von Medikamenten mit plättchenhemmender Wirkung im Rettungsdienst und in der Notaufnahme
verfasst von
Prof. Dr. med. Thomas Hohlfeld
Dr. med. Dr. rer. nat. Sören Twarock
Springer Medizin
Erschienen in
Notfall + Rettungsmedizin / Ausgabe 2/2022
Print ISSN: 1434-6222
Elektronische ISSN: 1436-0578

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