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19.07.2017 | Not the Last Word

Not the Last Word: Viscosupplementation, Opioid Overuse, and the Excesses of Empathy

verfasst von: Joseph Bernstein, MD

Erschienen in: Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research® | Ausgabe 10/2017

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According to the 13th law in the novel The House of God [15], excellence in medical care delivery requires doing “as much nothing as possible.” That adage was offered tongue-in-cheek, of course, but it contains a large kernel of truth: It is easy to overdo things, and too much medicine can make us sicker and poorer [3]. …
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Not the Last Word: Viscosupplementation, Opioid Overuse, and the Excesses of Empathy
verfasst von
Joseph Bernstein, MD
Springer US
Erschienen in
Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research® / Ausgabe 10/2017
Print ISSN: 0009-921X
Elektronische ISSN: 1528-1132

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