Ausgabe 11/2018
Inhalt (57 Artikel)
Comparative Characteristics of Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Treated by Bariatric Surgery Versus Medical Treatment: a Multicentre Analysis of 277,862 Patients from the German/Austrian DPV Database
- Original Contributions
Katharina Laubner, Nicole Prinz, Joachim Brückel, Andreas Serwas, Marcus Altmeier, Reinhard Welp, Dietmar Krakow, Felix Groß, Esther Bollow, Jochen Seufert, Reinhard W. Holl
Laparoscopic-Guided Transversus Abdominis Plane (TAP) Block as Part of Multimodal Analgesia in Laparoscopic Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass Within an Enhanced Recovery After Surgery (ERAS) Program: a Prospective Randomized Clinical Trial
- Original Contributions
Jaime Ruiz-Tovar, Alejandro Garcia, Carlos Ferrigni, Juan Gonzalez, Cesar Levano-Linares, Montiel Jimenez-Fuertes, Carolina Llavero, Manuel Duran
Destiny of Failed Adjustable Gastric Bandings: Do All the Patients Need Further Bariatric Surgery?
- Original Contributions
Alessandro Genzone, Alice Ferguglia, Marijus Ambrazevicius, Mauro Toppino, Luca Grasso, Marco Ettore Allaix, Mario Morino
Association of Adverse Childhood Experiences and Food Addiction to Bariatric Surgery Completion and Weight Loss Outcome
- Original Contributions
Allison A. Holgerson, Matthew M. Clark, Gretchen E. Ames, Maria L. Collazo-Clavell, Todd A. Kellogg, Karen M. Graszer, Sarah A. Kalsy, Karen Grothe
A Predictive Model of Weight Loss After Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass up to 5 Years After Surgery: a Useful Tool to Select and Manage Candidates to Bariatric Surgery
- Original Contributions
Kevin Seyssel, Michel Suter, François Pattou, Robert Caiazzo, Helene Verkindt, Violeta Raverdy, Mathieu Jolivet, Emmanuel Disse, Maud Robert, Vittorio Giusti
Calibration of the Gastric Pouch in Laparoscopic Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass: Does It Matter? The Influence on Weight Loss
- Original Contributions
Beata M. M. Reiber, Mark Tenhagen, Michiel A. J. M. Hunfeld, Huib A. Cense, Ahmet Demirkiran
Evidence That the Length of Bile Loop Determines Serum Bile Acid Concentration and Glycemic Control After Bariatric Surgery
- Open Access
- Original Contributions
Adriana Mika, Lukasz Kaska, Monika Proczko-Stepaniak, Agnieszka Chomiczewska, Julian Swierczynski, Ryszard T Smolenski, Tomasz Sledzinski
Metabolic Parameters, Weight Loss, and Comorbidities 4 Years After Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass and Sleeve Gastrectomy
- Original Contributions
Corey J. Lager, Nazanene H. Esfandiari, Yingying Luo, Angela R. Subauste, Andrew T. Kraftson, Morton B. Brown, Oliver A. Varban, Rasimcan Meral, Ruth B. Cassidy, Catherine K. Nay, Amy L. Lockwood, Darlene Bellers, Colleen M. Buda, Elif A. Oral
Loss and Regain of Weight After Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy According to Preoperative BMI
- Original Contributions
Attila Csendes, Ana María Burgos, Gustavo Martinez, Manuel Figueroa, Jaime Castillo, Juan Carlos Díaz
Bariatric Surgery in Patients with Cirrhosis and Portal Hypertension
- Original Contributions
Zubaidah Nor Hanipah, Suriya Punchai, Arthur McCullough, Srinivasan Dasarathy, Stacy A. Brethauer, Ali Aminian, Philip R. Schauer
MGB-OAGB: Effect of Biliopancreatic Limb Length on Nutritional Deficiency, Weight Loss, and Comorbidity Resolution
- Original Contributions
Anmol Ahuja, Om Tantia, Ghanshyam Goyal, Tamonas Chaudhuri, Shashi Khanna, Anshuman Poddar, Sonam Gupta, Kajari Majumdar
Initial Assessment of Mucosal Capture and Leak Pressure After Gastrointestinal Stapling in a Porcine Model
- Original Contributions
Suzanne E. Thompson, Maggie T. Young, Michelle T. Lewis, Steven M. Boronyak, Jeffrey W. Clymer, Elliott J. Fegelman, Deborah A. Nagle
Changes in Bone Mineral Density Following Weight Loss Induced by One-Anastomosis Gastric Bypass in Patients with Vitamin D Supplementation
- Open Access
- Original Contributions
Maria Luger, Renate Kruschitz, Eva Winzer, Karin Schindler, Igor Grabovac, Franz Kainberger, Michael Krebs, Friedrich Hoppichler, Felix Langer, Gerhard Prager, Rodrig Marculescu, Bernhard Ludvik
Metabolic Surgery Comparing Sleeve Gastrectomy with Jejunal Bypass and Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass in Type 2 Diabetic Patients After 3 Years
- Original Contributions
Matías Sepúlveda, Munir Alamo, Yudith Preiss, Juan P. Valderas
Metabolic Surgery for the Treatment of Diabetes Mellitus Positioning of Leading Medical Associations in Mexico
- Open Access
- Original Contributions
Miguel F. Herrera, Eduardo García-García, Juan F. Arellano-Ramos, Miguel Agustín Madero, Jorge Antonio Aldrete-Velasco, Juan Antonio López Corvalá
Discrepancies Between BMI and Classic Cardiovascular Risk Factors
- Open Access
- Original Contributions
Stefanie R. van Mil, Guy H. E. J. Vijgen, Astrid van Huisstede, Boudewijn Klop, Gert-Jan M. van de Geijn, Erwin Birnie, Gert-Jan Braunstahl, Guido H. H. Mannaerts, L. Ulas Biter, Manuel Castro Cabezas
Depression Before and After Bariatric Surgery in Low-Income Patients: the Utility of the Beck Depression Inventory
- Original Contributions
Francisco Alabi, Lizbeth Guilbert, Gabriela Villalobos, Karen Mendoza, Rocío Hinojosa, Juan C. Melgarejo, Omar Espinosa, Elisa M. Sepúlveda, Carlos Zerrweck
Influence of Drain Placement on Postoperative Pain Following Laparoscopic Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass for Morbid Obesity: Randomized Controlled Trial
- Original Contributions
Ersin Gundogan, Cuneyt Kayaalp, Aydin Aktas, Kutay Saglam, Mufit Sansal, Cihan Gokler, Egemen Cicek, Ufuk Uylas, Fatih Sumer
Laparoscopic Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass for Failed Vertical Banded Gastroplasty
- Open Access
- Original Contributions
Mahmoud Zakaria, Ahmad Elhoofy
Does Bismuth Subgallate Affect Smell and Stool Character? A Randomized Double-Blinded Placebo-Controlled Trial of Bismuth Subgallate on Loop Duodenal Switch Patients with Complaints of Smelly Stools and Diarrhea
- Original Contributions
Hinali Zaveri, Amit Surve, Daniel Cottam, Walter Medlin, Christina Richards, Austin Cottam, Samuel Cottam
Use of Opioid Analgesics Before and After Gastric Bypass Surgery in Sweden: a Population-Based Study
- Open Access
- Original Contributions
Stefan Wallén, Eva Szabo, Maria Palmetun-Ekbäck, Ingmar Näslund
Is Pre-operation Social Connectedness Associated with Weight Loss up to 2 Years Post Bariatric Surgery?
- Original Contributions
Urszula Tymoszuk, Meena Kumari, Andrea Pucci, Wui Hang Cheung, Amy Kirk, Anita Tschiala, Kayon Carr-Rose, Helen Kingett, Jacqueline Doyle, Andrew Jenkinson, Majid Hashemi, Marco Adamo, Mohamed Elkalaawy, Mai Stafford, Rachel L. Batterham
Clinical Characteristics of Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass Patients with Death from Accidental Overdose or Intentional Self-Harm: a Descriptive Study
- Original Contributions
Michelle R. Lent, Elizabeth Avakoff, Nicholas Hope, David S. Festinger, Christopher D. Still, Adam M. Cook, Anthony T. Petrick, Peter N. Benotti, G. Craig Wood
The Effect of the Bariatric Surgery Type on the Levothyroxine Dose of Morbidly Obese Hypothyroid Patients
- Original Contributions
Jorge Pedro, Filipe Cunha, Pedro Souteiro, João Sérgio Neves, Vanessa Guerreiro, Daniela Magalhães, Rita Bettencourt-Silva, Sofia Castro Oliveira, Maria Manuel Costa, Joana Queirós, Paula Freitas, Ana Varela, Davide Carvalho
The Evaluation of Screening Questionnaires for Obstructive Sleep Apnea to Identify High-Risk Obese Patients Undergoing Bariatric Surgery
- Original Contributions
Stephen A. Glazer, Ann L. Erickson, Ross D. Crosby, Jennifer Kieda, Agata Zawisza, Mervyn Deitel
Efficacy of High-Dose Liraglutide as an Adjunct for Weight Loss in Patients with Prior Bariatric Surgery
- Original Contributions
Peter Rye, Renuca Modi, Sarah Cawsey, Arya M. Sharma
Influence of Time Interval from Bariatric Surgery to Conception on Pregnancy and Perinatal Outcomes
- Original Contributions
Cátia Rasteiro, Célia Araújo, Sara Cunha, Rita Caldas, Joana Mesquita, Adérito Seixas, Nuno Augusto, Carla Ramalho
Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy Is Associated with Lower 30-Day Morbidity Versus Laparoscopic Gastric Bypass: an Analysis of the American College of Surgeons NSQIP
- Original Contributions
Jean B. Guerrier, Zachary C. Dietch, Bruce D. Schirmer, Peter T. Hallowell
Conversion Surgery for Failed Adjustable Gastric Banding: Outcomes with Sleeve Gastrectomy vs Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass
- Original Contributions
Fatih Mehmet Avsar, Ali Sapmaz, Ali Uluer, Nihal Zekiye Erdem
Impact of Early Postbariatric Surgery Acute Kidney Injury on Long-Term Renal Function
- Original Contributions
Zubaidah Nor Hanipah, Suriya Punchai, Toms Augustin, Stacy A. Brethauer, Philip R. Schauer, Ali Aminian
Update: 10 Years of Sleeve Gastrectomy—the First 103 Patients
- Original Contributions
Daniel M. Felsenreich, Lukas M. Ladinig, Philipp Beckerhinn, Christoph Sperker, Katrin Schwameis, Michael Krebs, Julia Jedamzik, Magdalena Eilenberg, Christoph Bichler, Gerhard Prager, Felix B. Langer
Endothelial Function of Patients with Morbid Obesity Submitted to Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass With and Without Obstructive Sleep Apnea-Hypopnea Syndrome
- Original Contributions
Ana Cristina de Assunção Machado, Antonio Marcos Vargas da Silva, Luis Ulisses Signori, Glauco da Costa Alvarez, Claudio Corá Mottin
No Difference in Ghrelin-Producing Cell Expression in Obese Versus Non-obese Stomach: a Prospective Histopathological Case-Control Study
- Original Contributions
Mario Musella, Francesco Di Capua, Maria D’Armiento, Nunzio Velotti, Alessio Bocchetti, Katia Di Lauro, Giuseppe Galloro, Severo Campione, Giuseppe Petrella, Francesco Paolo D’Armiento
Association of Maternal Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass with Obstetric Outcomes and Fluid Intelligence in Offspring
- Original Contributions
Carina Andriatta Blume, Brenda Moretto Machado, Raíssa Ramos da Rosa, Maisa dos Santos Rigoni, Daniela Schaan Casagrande, Cláudio Corá Mottin, Beatriz D. Schaan
Letter to the Editor: Mean Platelet Volume May Not Be Increased After Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy
- Letter to the Editor
Cengiz Beyan, Esin Beyan
Left Gastric Artery Embolization for Weight Loss—a Dead-End Procedure
- Letter to the Editor
Jodok M. Fink, Verena Martini, Gabriel Seifert, Goran Marjanovic
Response to Letter of “Left Gastric Artery Embolization for Weight Loss—a Deadend Procedure”
- Letter to Editor/LED Reply
Zhi-Bin Bai, Bin-Yan Zhong, Gao-Jun Teng
Reply to Letter to the Editor “Left Gastric Artery Embolization for Weight Loss—a Dead-End Procedure”
- Letter to Editor/LED Reply
Luigi Angrisani, A. Santonicola, A. Vitiello, L. Ferraro, P. Iovino
Trends in BMI, Glycaemic Control and Obesity-Associated Comorbidities After Explantation of the Duodenal-Jejunal Bypass Liner (DJBL)
- Letter to the Editor
Radwan Kassir, Jean Gugenheim, Imed Ben Amor, Rani Kassir, Frédérique Sauvat
Reply to Letter to the Editor in Response to “Elipse Balloon: the Pitfalls of Excessive Simplicity”
- Letter to Editor/LED Reply
Luigi Angrisani, A. Santonicola, A. Vitiello, L. Ferraro, P. Iovino
Yet Another Mortality with a Biliopancreatic Limb of > 200 cm with One Anastomosis Gastric Bypass
- Letter to the Editor
Kamal K. Mahawar
Reply to: Yet Another Mortality with a Bilio-Pancreatic Limb of > 200 cm with One Anastomosis Gastric Bypass
- Letter to Editor/LED Reply
Anmol Ahuja, Om Tantia, Ghanshyam Goyal, Tamonas Chaudhuri, Shashi Khanna, Anshuman Poddar, Sonam Gupta, Kajari Majumdar
Response to Letter to the Editor: Implications of Celiac Disease Among Patients Undergoing Gastric Bypass
- Letter to Editor/LED Reply
Lindsey M. Freeman, Matthew Kroh
Does Bariatric Surgery Cause Vitamin A, B1, C or E Deficiency? A Systematic Review
- Review Article
Carrie-Anne Lewis, Susan de Jersey, George Hopkins, Ingrid Hickman, Emma Osland
More than an Anti-diabetic Bariatric Surgery, Metabolic Surgery Alleviates Systemic and Local Inflammation in Obesity
- Review Article
Chunlan Zhang, Jingjing Zhang, Zhenqi Liu, Zhiguang Zhou
Adverse Events of the Duodenal-Jejunal Bypass Liner: a Systematic Review
- Review Article
Bark Betzel, Joost P. H. Drenth, Peter D. Siersema
The Efficacy of Energy-Restricted Diets in Achieving Preoperative Weight Loss for Bariatric Patients: a Systematic Review
- Review Article
Fathimath Naseer, Asim Shabbir, Barbara Livingstone, Ruth Price, Nicholas L. Syn, Orla Flannery
Robotic Versus Laparoscopic Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass for Morbid Obesity: a Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
- Review Article
Lixia Wang, Liang Yao, Peijing Yan, Dongsheng Xie, Caiwen Han, Rong Liu, Kehu Yang, Tiankang Guo, Limin Tian
Whether a Short or Long Alimentary Limb Influences Weight Loss in Gastric Bypass: a Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
- Review Article
Jiadi Gan, Yingjin Wang, Xiaodong Zhou
Short-Term Impact of Bariatric Surgery on Best-Corrected Distance Visual Acuity and Diabetic Retinopathy Progression
- Brief Communication
Patrick Richardson, Adela Hulpus, Iskandar Idris
Re-sleeve Gastrectomy 4 Years Later: Is It Still an Effective Revisional Option?
- Brief Communication
F. De Angelis, M. Avallone, A. Albanese, M. Foletto, G. Silecchia
Pilot Study of a New Model of Bariatric Surgery: Laparoscopic Intestinal Bipartition—Safety and Efficacy Against Metabolic Disorders
- Brief Communication
Riad Sarkis, Aline Khazzaka, Radwan Kassir
Causal Attributions for Obesity Among Patients Seeking Surgical Versus Behavioral/Pharmacological Weight Loss Treatment
- Brief Communication
Rebecca L. Pearl, Thomas A. Wadden, Kelly C. Allison, Ariana M. Chao, Naji Alamuddin, Robert I. Berkowitz, Olivia Walsh, Jena Shaw Tronieri
Correction to: Effect of Sleeve Gastrectomy on Platelet Counts and Mean Platelet Volumes
- Correction
Faruk Kutluturk, Zeki Ozsoy