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16.04.2024 | Interventional Cardiology (SR Bailey and T Helmy, Section Editors)

Occupational Risks of Radiation Exposure to Cardiologists

verfasst von: Jean-Benoît Veillette, Marc-Antoine Carrier, Stéphane Rinfret, Julien Mercier, Jean Arsenault, Jean-Michel Paradis

Erschienen in: Current Cardiology Reports | Ausgabe 6/2024

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Purpose of Review

Invasive cardiologists are exposed to large amounts of ionizing radiation. This review aims to summarize the main occupational risks in a radiation-exposed cardiology practice.

Recent Findings

We carried out a literature review on the subject. The studies reviewed allowed us to list six main health risk categories possibly associated with radiation exposure among cardiologists: deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) and biochemical damages; cancers; ocular manifestations; olfaction, vascular, and neuropsychological alterations; musculoskeletal problems; and reproductive risks.


Our descriptive analysis demonstrates higher risks of DNA damage and lens opacities among radiation-exposed cardiology staff. Surveys and questionnaires have demonstrated a higher risk of musculoskeletal disease in exposed workers. Studies reported no difference in cancer frequency between radiation-exposed workers and controls. Changes in olfactory performance, neuropsychological aspects, and vascular changes have also been reported. Limited literature supports the security of continuing radiation-exposed work during pregnancy. Therefore, there is an urgent need to increase knowledge of the occupational risks of radiation exposure and to adopt technologies to reduce them.
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Occupational Risks of Radiation Exposure to Cardiologists
verfasst von
Jean-Benoît Veillette
Marc-Antoine Carrier
Stéphane Rinfret
Julien Mercier
Jean Arsenault
Jean-Michel Paradis
Springer US
Erschienen in
Current Cardiology Reports / Ausgabe 6/2024
Print ISSN: 1523-3782
Elektronische ISSN: 1534-3170

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