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19.12.2023 | Review Article

OOPHORECTOMY: When and Why? A Novel Risk Stratification Tool as an Aid to Decision Making at Gynecological Surgeries

verfasst von: Suvarna Satish Khadilkar, Meena Samant

Erschienen in: The Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology of India | Ausgabe 6/2023

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The decision regarding oophorectomy during gynecological surgeries, especially in perimenopausal and postmenopausal women, has historically posed a significant dilemma. Traditionally, it was widely believed that conserving the ovaries held no benefits, leading to a common practice of recommending bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy alongside hysterectomy for benign conditions in women aged 40–45 and above. Given our evolving comprehension of postmenopausal ovarian function and the genetic susceptibility to ovarian epithelial cancers, the decision regarding oophorectomy poses a dilemma. Oophorectomy is recommended for women with a higher risk of ovarian cancer and ovarian conservation is necessary with women with higher risk of co-morbidities. This paper reviews the available literature on these aspects of oophorectomy. Despite a wealth of literature narrating the advantages and disadvantages of oophorectomy, covering various aspects such as ovarian cancer risk, myocardial infarction incidence, and post-oophorectomy peritoneal cancer, there is a notable absence of a comprehensive evaluation system for risk stratification. The objective of the present paper is to address this gap by consolidating existing literature into a risk stratification system. This system will provide treating physicians a tool that facilitates more informed, case-specific decisions in collaboration with patients and their families. While recognizing that the ultimate decision must be tailored to the individual case and agreed upon mutually by the surgeon, patient, and family, the proposed system seeks to streamline risk stratification. This, in turn, should aid in determining the most suitable course of treatment that maximizes benefits for the patient.
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OOPHORECTOMY: When and Why? A Novel Risk Stratification Tool as an Aid to Decision Making at Gynecological Surgeries
verfasst von
Suvarna Satish Khadilkar
Meena Samant
Springer India
Erschienen in
The Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology of India / Ausgabe 6/2023
Print ISSN: 0971-9202
Elektronische ISSN: 0975-6434

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