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18.03.2021 | Nephrology - Original Paper

Outcomes of death and prolonged renal insufficiency in ethylene glycol poisoned patients

verfasst von: Gabriela Raluca Grigorasi, Ionut Nistor, Mihaela Corlade-Andrei, Luminita Voroneanu, Dimitrie Siriopol, Mugurel Apetrei, Diana Carmen Cimpoesu, Adrian Covic

Erschienen in: International Urology and Nephrology | Ausgabe 1/2022

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Despite the severity of ethylene glycol intoxication, there is a paucity of studies that analyze prognostic factors. This study aims to determine prognostic factors with impact on core outcomes like death and prolonged kidney injury (KI) in ethylene glycol poisoned patients.


We retrospectively assessed prevalence, clinical and biochemical features in one large data set from two regional hospitals from the North-East region of Romania, between January 2012 and October 2017.
Secondly, we compared prognostic factors of cases treated with dialysis plus antidote (N = 28 patients) with cases who received antidote only and supportive therapy (N = 28 patients).


Of the 56 cases included, 16 deaths (28.57%) were recorded. The symptomatology at admission was more severe among patients requiring hemodialysis: a lower mean value for initial pH, lower initial alkaline reserve (AR) and higher mean values for initial serum creatinine (Cr1).
The data analysis (survivors/deceased) showed a correlation between pH, Glasgow Coma Score (GCS), and increased mortality. In addition, we found a correlation between initial mean values for pH, AR (mmol/L), Cr1 (mg/dL), and peak Cr24 (mg/dL) with outcomes of RI or death.


Compared with survivors, patients who died or had prolonged kidney injury were more likely to exhibit clinical signs such as coma, seizures, and acidosis. Hemodialysis and antidote should be started early and continued until acidosis is corrected.
Zurück zum Zitat Scalley RD, Ferguson DR, Piccaro JC et al (2002) Treatment of ethylene glycol poisoning. Am Fam Physician 66(5):807–812PubMed Scalley RD, Ferguson DR, Piccaro JC et al (2002) Treatment of ethylene glycol poisoning. Am Fam Physician 66(5):807–812PubMed
Zurück zum Zitat Tanasescu A, Macovei RA, Tudosie MS (2014) Outcome of patients in acute poisoning with ethylene glycol-factors which may have influence on evolution. J Med Life. 7 Spec No. 3(Spec Iss 3):81–6 Tanasescu A, Macovei RA, Tudosie MS (2014) Outcome of patients in acute poisoning with ethylene glycol-factors which may have influence on evolution. J Med Life. 7 Spec No. 3(Spec Iss 3):81–6
Outcomes of death and prolonged renal insufficiency in ethylene glycol poisoned patients
verfasst von
Gabriela Raluca Grigorasi
Ionut Nistor
Mihaela Corlade-Andrei
Luminita Voroneanu
Dimitrie Siriopol
Mugurel Apetrei
Diana Carmen Cimpoesu
Adrian Covic
Springer Netherlands
Erschienen in
International Urology and Nephrology / Ausgabe 1/2022
Print ISSN: 0301-1623
Elektronische ISSN: 1573-2584

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