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04.12.2024 | Hauptreferate: Hauptprogramm der DGP

Overview of a comparative analysis of microsatellite instability and standard mismatch repair protein-deficiency tests in a large cancer cohort

verfasst von: Dr. András Kiss, Ph.D. D.Sc. M.Sc., Maja L. Nádorvári, Janina Kulka, Tamás Barbai, Erzsébet Rásó, István Kenessey, Gábor Lotz, József Tímár

Erschienen in: Die Pathologie | Sonderheft 1/2024

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Mismatch repair deficiency (dMMR) with microsatellite instability (MSI) is frequent in cancer, particularly in gastrointestinal and endometrial malignancies. The increased tumor mutational burden renders dMMR/MSI tumors suitable targets for immune checkpoint inhibitors—provided the regulatory genetic defect can be detected. dMMR and MSI are considered equally effective predictors of the efficacy of ICIs; however, while dMMR testing is based on detection of missing MMR proteins in immunohistochemistry (IHC), MSI polymerase chain reaction (PCR) testing focuses on the consequences of dMMR at the genomic level.

Materials and methods

A retrospective analysis was carried out in a large cancer cohort (n = 1306). dMMR was tested by four IHC reactions (MLH1, PMS2, MSH2, MSH6), and MSI was assessed by pentaplex PCR (BAT-25, BAT-26, MONO-27, NR-21, NR-24) in 703 cases. In 64 cases (5%), technical failures (mostly poor preanalytical fixation) prevented dMMR/MSI testing. Tumors were colorectal (CRC; n: 978), cancer of unknown primary (n: 126), endometrial (n: 39), pancreatic (n: 36), and gastric (n: 33). dMMR was diagnosed as classical, nonclassical, or unusual, depending on IHC.


The MSI-high incidence was 12.1% overall and similar in the CRC subcohort. Interestingly, the dMMR incidence was higher in the total cohort (20.3%) and similar in the CRC subcohort. The incidences of proficient MMR (pMMR) and microsatellite stability (MSS) were similar in the total cohort and in the CRC subcohort. A 19.3% discrepancy was found between MMR IHC and MSI PCR for the entire cohort, independent of tumor types. In the case of pMMR, the discrepancy rate for MSS/MSI-low was low (2.0%; entire cohort and the CRC subcohort). However, the discrepancy between dMMR and MSI-high was high within the entire cohort (60.9%) and in the CRC (58.6%) and non-CRC subcohorts (68%). This high discrepancy was not due to tumors with a low T/N ratio. Regarding dMMR phenotypes, classical dMMR had a ~ 60% correlation with MSI-high status, while non-classical dMMR had a much lower and unusual dMMR a very low (< 10%) correlation with MSI-high in the entire cohort and in the CRC subcohort. Overall, the MSI PCR sensitivity for MMR IHC status was very low.


dMMR and MSI-high likely result in an increased rate of structurally altered proteins, i.e., neoantigens, and the efficacy of cancer immunotherapies is thus expected to be higher. We compared MMR IHC to MSI PCR in a large cohort of cancer patients to study how PCR test results correlate to MMR IHC. Our data imply that preanalytical factors strongly influence the results of MMR IHC and MSI PCR and may question the current dogma that dMMR phenotype and genetic MSI status are equivalent predictive markers for immunotherapies.
Overview of a comparative analysis of microsatellite instability and standard mismatch repair protein-deficiency tests in a large cancer cohort
verfasst von
Dr. András Kiss, Ph.D. D.Sc. M.Sc.
Maja L. Nádorvári
Janina Kulka
Tamás Barbai
Erzsébet Rásó
István Kenessey
Gábor Lotz
József Tímár
Springer Medizin
Erschienen in
Die Pathologie / Ausgabe Sonderheft 1/2024
Print ISSN: 2731-7188
Elektronische ISSN: 2731-7196

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