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30.06.2023 | Original Article

Patient Perspectives on Contraceptive use in North India: A Case for Increased Contraceptive Counseling by Providers

verfasst von: Sneha Mittal, Vineeta Gupta, Namrata Saxena, Kirti Lata

Erschienen in: The Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology of India | Ausgabe 6/2023

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Given the underutilization of contraception in India, this study was undertaken to gauge cisgender female clients’ knowledge of, attitudes toward, and barriers to contraceptive usage in North India.


The present study was done at a tertiary care Institute in North India, where 209 structured interviews were conducted with cisgender female patients attending the outpatient department. One-way chi-square tests for independence, Kruskal–Wallis test, and Wilcoxon test were applied to quantitative data. Themes from qualitative questions were coded and analyzed.


Differences in awareness among contraceptives were found to be highly statistically significant (H (9) = 1022.3, p < 2.2 e−16). Friends or colleagues comprised the predominant information source for most contraceptive methods. Participants’ contraceptive usage was low, with 27.27% stating no prior use and 47.47% indicating occasional use (X2 (3, N = 198) = 66.121, p < 2.89 e−14). Lack of perceived need, concern for side effects, fear and desire for children were top reasons for non-use of contraceptive methods. Majority of the participants (79.45%) expressed comfort speaking with their spouse about contraception, 47.18% with a medical provider, 32.82% with friends, 15.38% with family, 2.05% with a health educator, and 3.59% with no one. Participants indicated little prior contraceptive counseling experience.


Our study shows differential levels of awareness, usage, and barriers on contraceptive methods among participants. Results also suggest the importance of spouses and friends in clients’ contraceptive decision-making process and their limited counseling experience with health care providers.
1While language around the study sample specifies their gender identity as cisgender females, in other places terms such as “women,” “men,” “female,” and “male” are used in accordance with the literature they refer to.
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Patient Perspectives on Contraceptive use in North India: A Case for Increased Contraceptive Counseling by Providers
verfasst von
Sneha Mittal
Vineeta Gupta
Namrata Saxena
Kirti Lata
Springer India
Erschienen in
The Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology of India / Ausgabe 6/2023
Print ISSN: 0971-9202
Elektronische ISSN: 0975-6434

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