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07.04.2020 | Epidemiology • Short Communication

Perioperative myocardial injury risk after elective knee and hip arthroplasty in patients with a high risk of obstructive sleep apnea

verfasst von: Steven Lee, AJ Hirsch Allen, Erin Morley, Petrus Swart, William Henderson, Rachel Jen, Najib Ayas

Erschienen in: Sleep and Breathing | Ausgabe 1/2021

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Myocardial injury after non-cardiac surgery (MINS) occurs in approximately 8–13% of patients and has significant 30-day mortality. Patients with obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) suffer recurrent hypoxemia during sleep and surgical patients with OSA are known to have increased risk of cardiorespiratory complications. We hypothesized that patients at high risk for OSA may have an increased risk of MINS. As a secondary analysis, we assessed rates of postoperative cardiopulmonary complications.


Adult patients undergoing elective knee or hip arthroplasty with STOPBANG score ≥ 5 were recruited. MINS was determined by measuring troponin-I on postoperative days 1 and 2.


A total of 82 patients were studied. Only one patient had a positive troponin (MINS rate of 1.2%). The rate of cardiopulmonary complications was low (4.9%) and the 30-day mortality rate for these patients was 0.


The incidence of MINS and postoperative cardiopulmonary complications in patients with elective arthroplasty and a high risk of OSA were low.
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Perioperative myocardial injury risk after elective knee and hip arthroplasty in patients with a high risk of obstructive sleep apnea
verfasst von
Steven Lee
AJ Hirsch Allen
Erin Morley
Petrus Swart
William Henderson
Rachel Jen
Najib Ayas
Springer International Publishing
Erschienen in
Sleep and Breathing / Ausgabe 1/2021
Print ISSN: 1520-9512
Elektronische ISSN: 1522-1709

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