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25.03.2022 | Pituitary Adenoma

Growth hormone secreting pituitary adenomas show distinct extrasellar extension patterns compared to nonfunctional pituitary adenomas

verfasst von: Dhiraj J. Pangal, Danielle Wishart, Mark S. Shiroishi, Jacob Ruzevick, John D. Carmichael, Gabriel Zada

Erschienen in: Pituitary | Ausgabe 3/2022

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Patterns of extension of pituitary adenomas (PA) may vary according to PA subtype. Understanding extrasellar extension patterns in growth hormone PAs (GHPA) vis-a-vis nonfunctional PAs (NFPAs) may provide insights into the biology of GHPA and future treatment avenues.


Preoperative MR imaging (MRI) in 179 consecutive patients treated surgically for NFPA (n = 139) and GHPA (n = 40) were analyzed to determine patterns of extrasellar growth. Extension was divided into two principal directions: cranio-caudal (measured by infrasellar/suprasellar extension), and lateral cavernous sinus invasion (CSI) determined by Knosp grading score of 3–4. Suprasellar extension was defined as tumor extension superior to the tuberculum sellae- dorsum sellae line, and inferior extension as invasion through the sellar floor into the sphenoid sinus or clivus. Categorical analysis was performed using Fisher’s exact test.


GHPAs were overall more likely to remain purely intrasellar compared to NFPA (50% vs 26%, p < 0.001). GHPAs, however, were 7 times more likely to exhibit isolated infrasellar extension compared to NFPA (20% vs 2.8%, p = 0.001). Conversely, NFPAs were twice as likely to exhibit isolated suprasellar extension compared to GHPA (60% vs 28%, p < 0.001), as well as combined suprasellar/infrasellar extension (25% vs 3%, p = 0.011). There were no overall differences in CSI between the two subgroups.


GHPA and NFPA demonstrate distinct extrasellar extension patterns on MRI. GHPAs show proclivity for inferior extension with bony invasion, whereas NFPAs are more likely to exhibit suprasellar extension through the diaphragmatic aperture. These distinctions may have implications into the biology and future treatment of PAs.
Growth hormone secreting pituitary adenomas show distinct extrasellar extension patterns compared to nonfunctional pituitary adenomas
verfasst von
Dhiraj J. Pangal
Danielle Wishart
Mark S. Shiroishi
Jacob Ruzevick
John D. Carmichael
Gabriel Zada
Springer US
Erschienen in
Pituitary / Ausgabe 3/2022
Print ISSN: 1386-341X
Elektronische ISSN: 1573-7403

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