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Prevention Science

Ausgabe 6/2024

Inhalt (38 Artikel)

The Impact of the Communities that Care Approach in Reducing Violence and Crime Within an Urban, High-Burden Community

Deborah Gorman-Smith, Rachel C. Garthe, Michael E. Schoeny, Franklin N. Cosey-Gay, Chris Harris Sr., C. Hendricks Brown, Juan A. Villamar

The Potential of Minimum Wage Increases to Reduce Youth Homicide Disparities: Diminishing Returns for Black Youth

Briana Woods-Jaeger, Tasfia Jahangir, Marcia J. Ash, Kelli A. Komro, Imani J. Belton, Melvin Livingston

Implementation and Evaluation of a Multi-level, Place-Based Tobacco Prevention and Control Program at a Minority-Serving Institution in Texas

Brad Love, Rosemary Coffman, Charulata Ghosh, Jennifer Cofer, Alex N. Hurst, Katherine Oestman, Mayra Aquino, Lauren Kriss, Mansi Shah, Gerold Dermid, Margaret Raber, Ernest Hawk, Michael T. Walsh Jr., Ruth Rechis

Modeling the Effects of Policies that Restrict Tobacco Retail Outlets on Prenatal Smoke Exposure and Perinatal Health Care Utilization

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Joseph Boyle, D. Jeremy Barsell, Junfeng Jim Zhang, Jason A. Oliver, F. Joseph McClernon, Bassam Dahman, Cathrine Hoyo, Bernard F. Fuemmeler, David C. Wheeler

Promoting 21st Century Health and Wellness Skills in Elementary School Children: a Group Randomized Trial

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Patrick H. Tolan, Alexis R. Harris, Margaret Burchinal, Patricia A. Jennings

The Association of Stigma, School, and Family Factors with Patterns of Substance Use Among LGBTQ Youth

Antonia E. Caba, Jessica N. Fish, Christopher W. Wheldon, Ryan J. Watson

The Effects of Suicide Prevention Gatekeeper Training on Behavioral Intention and Intervention Behavior: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

Sarah G. Spafford, Marielena R. McWhirter Boisen, Emily E. Tanner-Smith, Geovanna Rodriguez, James R. Muruthi, John R. Seeley

The Impact of Sparse Datasets When Harmonizing Data from Studies with Different Measures of the Same Construct

George W. Howe, Getachew Dagne, Alberto Valido, Dorothy L. Espelage, Karen M. Abram, C. Hendricks Brown, Carlos Gallo

Correction to: Scaling Interventions to Manage Chronic Disease: Innovative Methods at the Intersection of Health Policy Research and Implementation Science

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Emma E. McGinty, Nicholas J. Seewald, Sachini Bandara, Magdalena Cerdá, Gail L. Daumit, Matthew D. Eisenberg, Beth Ann Griffin, Tak Igusa, John W. Jackson, Alene Kennedy-Hendricks, Jill Marsteller, Edward J. Miech, Jonathan Purtle, Ian Schmid, Megan S. Schuler, Christina T. Yuan, Elizabeth A. Stuart

Correction: Sample Size Requirements to Test Subgroup-Specific Treatment Effects in Cluster-Randomized Trials

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Xueqi Wang, Keith S. Goldfeld, Monica Taljaard, Fan Li

Correction: Child Temperament as a Moderator of Promoting First Relationships Intervention Effects Among Families in Early Head Start

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Jason T. Hustedt, Alison Hooper, Rena A. Hallam, Jennifer A. Vu, Myae Han, Melissa Ziegler

Correction: Characterizing Family Contextual Factors and Relationships with Child Behavior and Sleep Across the Buffering Toxic Stress Consortium

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Tiffany Phu, Elly Miles, Amy Dominguez, Jason Hustedt, Sarah Enos Watamura

Correction: Assessing the Implementation of an LGBTQ+ Mental Health Services Training Program to Determine Feasibility and Acceptability During the COVID-19 Pandemic

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Jessica N. Fish, Evelyn C. King-Marshall, Rodman E. Turpin, Elizabeth M. Aparicio, Bradley O. Boekeloo

Correction: Considerations for Subgroup Analyses in Cluster-Randomized Trials Based on Aggregated Individual-Level Predictors

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Brian D. Williamson, R. Yates Coley, Clarissa Hsu, Courtney E. McCracken, Andrea J. Cook

Correction: Heart 2 Heart: Pilot Study of a Church-Based Community Health Worker Intervention for African Americans with Hypertension

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Elizabeth B. Lynch, Christy Tangney, Todd Ruppar, Laura Zimmermann, Joselyn Williams, LaDawne Jenkins, Steve Epting, Elizabeth Avery, Tamara Olinger, Teresa Berumen, Maggie Skoller, Rebecca Wornhoff

Correction: Implementation of the Diabetes Prevention Program in Georgia Cooperative Extension According to RE-AIM and the Consolidated Framework for Implementation Research

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Hannah K. Wilson, Caroline Wieler, Darci L. Bell, Ajit P. Bhattarai, Isaura M. Castillo-Hernandez, Ewan R. Williams, Ellen M. Evans, Alison C. Berg

Correction: A Mixed-Methods Approach for Evaluating Implementation Processes and Program Costs for a Hypertension Management Program Implemented in a Federally Qualified Health Center

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Aisha Tucker-Brown, Michelle Spafford, John Wittenborn, David Rein, Ashley Marshall, Kincaid Lowe Beasley, Marla Vaughan, Natalie Nelson, Michelle Dougherty, Roy Ahn

Correction: A Hybrid Pragmatic and Factorial Cluster Randomized Controlled Trial for an Anti-racist, Multilevel Intervention to Improve Mental Health Equity in High Schools

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Marta I. Mulawa, Sharron L. Docherty, Donald E. Bailey Jr., Rosa M. Gonzalez-Guarda, Isaac M. Lipkus, Schenita D. Randolph, Qing Yang, Wei Pan

Correction: Preventing and Managing Chronic Disease Through Implementation Science: Editor’s Introduction to the Supplemental Issue

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Justin D. Smith, Sandra F. Naoom, Lisa Saldana, Sharada Shantharam, Tina Anderson Smith, Jennifer M. Kohr

Correction: Ethnic-Racial Socialization, Teacher Discrimination, and Black Youth’s School Engagement and Achievement

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Sharon F. Lambert, Farzana T. Saleem, Chang Liu, Theda Rose

Correction: Youth Empowered Advocating for Health (YEAH): Facilitating Partnerships Between Prevention Scientists and Black Youth to Promote Health Equity

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Briana Woods-Jaeger, Tasfia Jahangir, Devin Lucas, Marjorie Freeman, Tiffaney L. Renfro, Kristin E. Knutzen, Nkosi Cave, Melvin Jackson, Caroline Chandler, Christa Riggins, Alexandra F. Lightfoot

Correction: Discriminatory Experiences Among Black Youth: How Encounters and Expectations Explain Emotional Well-Being

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Nicole M. Summers-Gabr, Mikiko Sato, Sarah M. Chilenski, Francisco Villarruel, Paula Smith, Charles Henderson, Jeremiah Newell, Hilder Wilson, Astrid Craig

Correction: Introduction to Special Issue on Advancing Health Equity Among Black Communities

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Katrina J. Debnam, Caryn R. R. Rodgers, Paula Smith

Correction: Racial and Ethnic Representation in Preventive Intervention Research: a Methodological Study

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Pamela R. Buckley, Velma McBride Murry, Charleen J. Gust, Amanda Ladika, Fred C. Pampel

Correction: The Strong African American Families Program: Disrupting the Negative Consequences of Racial Discrimination Through Culturally Tailored, Family-Based Prevention

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Cady Berkel, Velma McBride Murry, Nalani A. Thomas, Beza Bekele, Marlena L. Debreaux, Catherine Gonzalez, Rachel A. Hanebutt

Correction: Re-envisioning, Retooling, and Rebuilding Prevention Science Methods to Address Structural and Systemic Racism and Promote Health Equity

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Velma McBride Murry, Cory Bradley, Gracelyn Cruden, C. Hendricks Brown, George W. Howe, Martín-Josè Sepùlveda, William Beardslee, Nanette Hannah, Donald Warne