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02.05.2023 | Correspondence

Prospective role of liquid biopsy for early screening in laryngeal cancer

verfasst von: Xiao-yang Gong, Hai-bing Chen, Zhao-yi Lu, Chan Zhu, Dong-sheng Chen, Xi Chen

Erschienen in: Investigational New Drugs | Ausgabe 3/2023

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Laryngeal cancer (LC) is a common malignant tumour of the head and neck, with a significantly higher incidence in males (3.6/100,000) [1]. The 5-year survival rate for advanced LC is 30–40% [2]. Unfortunately, most patients with advanced LC are only eligible for total laryngectomy, leading to a loss of speech and sense of smell [3, 4]. Consequently, early detection and management of LC are vital for improving the survival rate and quality of life [5]. However, over 40% of patients with LC are diagnosed at an advanced stage [6]. Although endoscopy is one of the most effective diagnostic tools for identifying precancerous lesions and early benign and malignant tumours of the larynx, narrow-band imaging outperforms white light laryngoscope in identifying superficial mucosal lesions [7]. Nevertheless, endoscopy is a complex procedure that requires specialised doctors, making it unsuitable for general population screening. …
Nur mit Berechtigung zugänglich
Zurück zum Zitat Liang K, Yang Y, Zha D, Yue B, Qiu J, Zhang C (2018) Overexpression of lncRNA snaR is correlated with progression and predicts poor survival of laryngeal squamous cell carcinoma. J Cell Biochem Published online December 2. Liang K, Yang Y, Zha D, Yue B, Qiu J, Zhang C (2018) Overexpression of lncRNA snaR is correlated with progression and predicts poor survival of laryngeal squamous cell carcinoma. J Cell Biochem Published online December 2. https://​doi.​org/​10.​1002/​jcb.​28136
Zurück zum Zitat Rizzo M, Ralli M, Nicolazzo C et al (2020) Detection of circulating tumor cells in patients with laryngeal cancer using ScreenCell: comparative pre- and post-operative analysis and association with prognosis. Oncol Lett. Published online April 10. Rizzo M, Ralli M, Nicolazzo C et al (2020) Detection of circulating tumor cells in patients with laryngeal cancer using ScreenCell: comparative pre- and post-operative analysis and association with prognosis. Oncol Lett. Published online April 10. https://​doi.​org/​10.​3892/​ol.​2020.​11528
Prospective role of liquid biopsy for early screening in laryngeal cancer
verfasst von
Xiao-yang Gong
Hai-bing Chen
Zhao-yi Lu
Chan Zhu
Dong-sheng Chen
Xi Chen
Springer US
Erschienen in
Investigational New Drugs / Ausgabe 3/2023
Print ISSN: 0167-6997
Elektronische ISSN: 1573-0646

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