Retinal inflammation is a pivotal characteristic observed in various retinal degenerative disorders, notably age-related macular degeneration (AMD), primarily orchestrated by the activation of microglia. Targeting the inhibition of microglial activation has emerged as a therapeutic focal point. Quercetin (Qu), ubiquitously present in dietary sources and tea, has garnered attention for its anti-neuroinflammatory properties. However, the impact of Qu on retinal inflammation and the associated mechanistic pathways remains incompletely elucidated. In this study, retinal inflammation was induced in adult male C57BL/6 J mice through intraperitoneal administration of LPS. The results revealed that Qu pre-treatment induces a phenotypic shift in microglia from M1 phenotype to M2 phenotype. Furthermore, Qu attenuated retinal inflammation and stabilized the integrity of the blood-retina barrier (BRB). In vitro experiments revealed that Qu impedes microglial activation, proliferation, and migration, primarily via modulation the ERK/STAT3 signaling pathway. Notably, these actions of Qu significantly contributed to the preservation of photoreceptors. Consequently, Qu pre-treatment holds promise as an effective strategy for controlling retinal inflammation and preserving visual function.
Graphical Abstract
Exposure to LPS, microglia undergo activation and polarization towards the M1 phenotype. The activation of the cellular ERK/STAT3 signaling pathway resulted in the release of a multitude of cytokines. This cascade disrupts the BRB and damage the photoreceptors. In contrast, Qu intervenes in this process by inhibiting the ERK/STAT3 pathway, facilitating a transition in cellular polarization towards the anti-inflammatory M2 phenotype.
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