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07.07.2017 | Case Report

Rare Duodenal Varix Coil Erosion Post TIPS Creation and Coil Embolization of Mesenteric–Systemic Shunt

verfasst von: Matthew P. Soape, Andrew Lichliter, Marco Cura, Maria R. Lepe-Suastegui, J. Steven Burdick

Erschienen in: Digestive Diseases and Sciences | Ausgabe 9/2017

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Gastrointestinal bleeding from portal hypertension occurs mainly as a result of gastroesophageal varices, which are present in 50 % of cirrhotic patients. These varices bleed at a rate of 5–15 % each year. Duodenal varices are uncommon and make up only 17 % of all reported ectopic variceal bleeds [1]. We present the case of a patient with cirrhosis post transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunt (TIPS) creation and coil embolization of a large competent duodenal varix who was found incidentally to have a migrated coil in her cecum on computed tomography scan of the abdomen. Endoscopic examination revealed the coil in the duodenum, which was successfully removed using endoscopic forceps. The coil in the cecum was subsequently eliminated per rectum. This case demonstrates that prophylactic TIPS creation and embolization of mesenteric–systemic shunt with soft coils is an option for large competent duodenal varix and large tortuous mesenteric–systemic shunt. …
Zurück zum Zitat Watanabe N, Toyonaga A, Kojima S, et al. Current status of ectopic varices in Japan: results of a survey by the Japan Society for Portal Hypertension. Hepatol Res. 2010;40:763–776.CrossRefPubMed Watanabe N, Toyonaga A, Kojima S, et al. Current status of ectopic varices in Japan: results of a survey by the Japan Society for Portal Hypertension. Hepatol Res. 2010;40:763–776.CrossRefPubMed
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Zurück zum Zitat Hussain S, Ghaoui R. Porto-gastric fistula from penetration of coil from gastric varix after TIPS procedure for bleeding gastric varices. J Interv Gastroenterol. 2011;1:33.CrossRefPubMedPubMedCentral Hussain S, Ghaoui R. Porto-gastric fistula from penetration of coil from gastric varix after TIPS procedure for bleeding gastric varices. J Interv Gastroenterol. 2011;1:33.CrossRefPubMedPubMedCentral
Zurück zum Zitat Merchant M, Mahendra D, Martin J, et al. Portogastric fistula complicating remote gastric variceal coil embolization. Clin J Gastroenterol. 2013;6:395–397.CrossRefPubMed Merchant M, Mahendra D, Martin J, et al. Portogastric fistula complicating remote gastric variceal coil embolization. Clin J Gastroenterol. 2013;6:395–397.CrossRefPubMed
Rare Duodenal Varix Coil Erosion Post TIPS Creation and Coil Embolization of Mesenteric–Systemic Shunt
verfasst von
Matthew P. Soape
Andrew Lichliter
Marco Cura
Maria R. Lepe-Suastegui
J. Steven Burdick
Springer US
Erschienen in
Digestive Diseases and Sciences / Ausgabe 9/2017
Print ISSN: 0163-2116
Elektronische ISSN: 1573-2568

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