05.05.2016 | Original Paper
Reliability of Therapist Effects in Practice-Based Psychotherapy Research: A Guide for the Planning of Future Studies
verfasst von:
Anne-Katharina Schiefele, Wolfgang Lutz, Michael Barkham, Julian Rubel, Jan Böhnke, Jaime Delgadillo, Mark Kopta, Dietmar Schulte, David Saxon, Stevan L. Nielsen, Michael J. Lambert
Erschienen in:
Administration and Policy in Mental Health and Mental Health Services Research
Ausgabe 5/2017
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This paper aims to provide researchers with practical information on sample sizes for accurate estimations of therapist effects (TEs). The investigations are based on an integrated sample of 48,648 patients treated by 1800 therapists. Multilevel modeling and resampling were used to realize varying sample size conditions to generate empirical estimates of TEs. Sample size tables, including varying sample size conditions, were constructed and study examples given. This study gives an insight into the potential size of the TE and provides researchers with a practical guide to aid the planning of future studies in this field.