# Organism: H. sapiens # Application version: 3.6.0 # Database version: 13 March 2017 00:00:00 # Network generated on: 6 April 2019 # Author: GeneMANIA (genemania.org) # Notes: Network weight reflects the data source relevance for predicting the function of interest Entity 1 Entity 2 Weight Network group Network ANXA7 ANXA4 0.011278402 Co-expression Burington-Shaughnessy-2008 ANXA3 ANXA1 0.018499283 Co-expression Burington-Shaughnessy-2008 ANXA11 ANXA4 0.014742724 Co-expression Burington-Shaughnessy-2008 ANXA11 ANXA1 0.018150281 Co-expression Burington-Shaughnessy-2008 ANXA5 ANXA7 0.009374136 Co-expression Burington-Shaughnessy-2008 NDRG1 ANXA6 0.0160241 Co-expression Burington-Shaughnessy-2008 S100A10 ANXA4 0.013928199 Co-expression Burington-Shaughnessy-2008 S100A10 ANXA1 0.026898583 Co-expression Burington-Shaughnessy-2008 S100A10 ANXA3 0.016054017 Co-expression Burington-Shaughnessy-2008 S100A10 ANXA11 0.0148971705 Co-expression Burington-Shaughnessy-2008 S100A10 ANXA2 0.0075806123 Co-expression Burington-Shaughnessy-2008 ANXA11 ANXA6 0.012335716 Co-expression Smirnov-Cheung-2009 ANXA2 ANXA1 0.012005473 Co-expression Smirnov-Cheung-2009 ANXA2 ANXA3 0.0085620275 Co-expression Smirnov-Cheung-2009 ANXA5 ANXA3 0.010596637 Co-expression Smirnov-Cheung-2009 ANXA5 ANXA2 0.015827231 Co-expression Smirnov-Cheung-2009 HGS STXBP2 0.003490499 Co-expression Smirnov-Cheung-2009 S100A10 ANXA2 0.01266715 Co-expression Smirnov-Cheung-2009 ANXA13 ANXA9 0.012619521 Co-expression Chen-Brown-2002 ANXA4 ANXA13 0.022847073 Co-expression Chen-Brown-2002 ANXA5 ANXA1 0.014331538 Co-expression Chen-Brown-2002 STX4 ANXA11 0.018593889 Co-expression Chen-Brown-2002 S100A10 NDRG1 0.013473706 Co-expression Chen-Brown-2002 SNAP23 ANXA7 0.0054263384 Co-expression Chen-Brown-2002 ANXA7 ANXA4 0.017465157 Co-expression Perou-Botstein-2000 ANXA11 ANXA7 0.029225942 Co-expression Perou-Botstein-2000 NDRG1 ANXA4 0.018700836 Co-expression Perou-Botstein-2000 SRI ANXA4 0.017400093 Co-expression Perou-Botstein-2000 ANXA2 ANXA4 0.014199702 Co-expression Bahr-Bowler-2013 ANXA2 ANXA1 0.015364389 Co-expression Bahr-Bowler-2013 ANXA5 ANXA4 0.012779933 Co-expression Bahr-Bowler-2013 S100A6 ANXA1 0.017288662 Co-expression Bahr-Bowler-2013 S100A6 ANXA2 0.010537624 Co-expression Bahr-Bowler-2013 S100A10 ANXA1 0.03400099 Co-expression Bahr-Bowler-2013 S100A10 ANXA2 0.01651166 Co-expression Bahr-Bowler-2013 MSI2 PUM1 0.013316784 Co-expression Bahr-Bowler-2013 ANXA4 ANXA13 0.029562932 Co-expression Innocenti-Brown-2011 ANXA2 ANXA3 0.013990177 Co-expression Innocenti-Brown-2011 S100A6 ANXA1 0.010773468 Co-expression Innocenti-Brown-2011 S100A6 ANXA3 0.0054458873 Co-expression Innocenti-Brown-2011 S100A10 ANXA3 0.012898328 Co-expression Innocenti-Brown-2011 S100A10 ANXA2 0.024545517 Co-expression Innocenti-Brown-2011 S100A10 S100A6 0.005835011 Co-expression Innocenti-Brown-2011 MPST ANXA9 0.00790908 Co-expression Innocenti-Brown-2011 ANXA13 ANXA10 0.0055702953 Co-expression Bild-Nevins-2006 B ANXA1 ANXA4 0.0093836505 Co-expression Bild-Nevins-2006 B ANXA7 ANXA4 0.011857721 Co-expression Bild-Nevins-2006 B ANXA3 ANXA1 0.009005119 Co-expression Bild-Nevins-2006 B ANXA5 ANXA1 0.011598588 Co-expression Bild-Nevins-2006 B STX4 ANXA2 0.007979443 Co-expression Bild-Nevins-2006 B S100A10 ANXA1 0.011493487 Co-expression Bild-Nevins-2006 B S100A10 NDRG1 0.013360743 Co-expression Bild-Nevins-2006 B ANXA1 ANXA4 0.0037437477 Co-expression Wang-Maris-2006 ANXA3 ANXA1 0.009205197 Co-expression Wang-Maris-2006 ANXA11 ANXA4 0.0023554976 Co-expression Wang-Maris-2006 ANXA2 ANXA1 0.007890832 Co-expression Wang-Maris-2006 ANXA5 ANXA4 0.0062416596 Co-expression Wang-Maris-2006 ANXA5 ANXA11 0.0042499257 Co-expression Wang-Maris-2006 ACTA1 RACK1 0.019348282 Co-expression Wang-Maris-2006 S100A10 ANXA4 0.007880054 Co-expression Wang-Maris-2006 S100A10 ANXA1 0.010124709 Co-expression Wang-Maris-2006 S100A10 ANXA11 0.0055991383 Co-expression Wang-Maris-2006 S100A10 ANXA5 0.017190022 Co-expression Wang-Maris-2006 SNAP23 ANXA1 0.009147242 Co-expression Wang-Maris-2006 ANXA3 ANXA7 0.0057201847 Co-expression Noble-Diehl-2008 ANXA2 ANXA3 0.011733521 Co-expression Noble-Diehl-2008 ANXA5 ANXA1 0.012322667 Co-expression Noble-Diehl-2008 S100A6 ANXA2 0.018179527 Co-expression Noble-Diehl-2008 S100A10 ANXA3 0.011940565 Co-expression Noble-Diehl-2008 S100A10 ANXA2 0.017669726 Co-expression Noble-Diehl-2008 S100A10 S100A6 0.01673749 Co-expression Noble-Diehl-2008 RPS13 RACK1 0.012457763 Co-expression Noble-Diehl-2008 ANXA11 ANXA4 0.017838975 Co-expression Wang-Cheung-2015 S100A6 ANXA2 0.0040807817 Co-expression Wang-Cheung-2015 S100A6 ANXA5 0.007133346 Co-expression Wang-Cheung-2015 S100A10 ANXA5 0.015733827 Co-expression Wang-Cheung-2015 S100A10 SRI 0.019101145 Co-expression Wang-Cheung-2015 ANXA5 ANXA2 0.021949252 Co-expression Ramaswamy-Golub-2001 NDRG1 ANXA3 0.009772235 Co-expression Ramaswamy-Golub-2001 S100A10 ANXA1 0.017644769 Co-expression Ramaswamy-Golub-2001 S100A10 ANXA2 0.034785666 Co-expression Ramaswamy-Golub-2001 S100A10 ANXA5 0.02280721 Co-expression Ramaswamy-Golub-2001 DNAJB11 SRI 0.015824791 Co-expression Ramaswamy-Golub-2001 ANXA2 ANXA1 0.007781935 Co-expression Dobbin-Giordano-2005 ANXA2 ANXA11 0.012166037 Co-expression Dobbin-Giordano-2005 S100A6 ANXA1 0.011886595 Co-expression Dobbin-Giordano-2005 S100A6 ANXA2 0.013740949 Co-expression Dobbin-Giordano-2005 S100A10 ANXA1 0.00834684 Co-expression Dobbin-Giordano-2005 S100A10 ANXA2 0.011066013 Co-expression Dobbin-Giordano-2005 S100A10 S100A6 0.020905774 Co-expression Dobbin-Giordano-2005 ANXA5 ANXA2 0.017297 Co-expression Mallon-McKay-2013 STX4 ANXA5 0.008658713 Co-expression Mallon-McKay-2013 S100A6 ANXA11 0.009428571 Co-expression Mallon-McKay-2013 S100A10 ANXA6 0.009029456 Co-expression Mallon-McKay-2013 S100A10 ANXA2 0.013613124 Co-expression Mallon-McKay-2013 PPT2 ANXA6 0.0083276825 Co-expression Mallon-McKay-2013 RPS13 RACK1 0.009958885 Co-expression Mallon-McKay-2013 DNAJB11 ANXA5 0.008422864 Co-expression Mallon-McKay-2013 ANXA2 ANXA1 0.021399379 Co-expression Roth-Zlotnik-2006 S100A6 ANXA4 0.010536278 Co-expression Roth-Zlotnik-2006 S100A6 ANXA11 0.026346019 Co-expression Roth-Zlotnik-2006 S100A10 ANXA1 0.020957608 Co-expression Roth-Zlotnik-2006 S100A10 ANXA2 0.030991862 Co-expression Roth-Zlotnik-2006 S100A10 S100A6 0.02465971 Co-expression Roth-Zlotnik-2006 ANXA11 ANXA7 0.010582588 Co-expression Wu-Garvey-2007 LRRC15 ANXA4 0.024998015 Co-expression Wu-Garvey-2007 ANXA7 ANXA1 0.01811649 Co-localization Schadt-Shoemaker-2004 ANXA11 ANXA1 0.024719654 Co-localization Schadt-Shoemaker-2004 ANXA11 ANXA7 0.02105612 Co-localization Schadt-Shoemaker-2004 ANXA4 ANXA9 0.013866583 Co-localization Johnson-Shoemaker-2003 ANXA11 ANXA1 0.025828078 Co-localization Johnson-Shoemaker-2003 ANXA11 ANXA3 0.013583533 Co-localization Johnson-Shoemaker-2003 STXBP2 ANXA3 0.010623599 Co-localization Johnson-Shoemaker-2003 RACK1 STXBP2 0.006726059 Co-localization Johnson-Shoemaker-2003 S100A10 ANXA5 0.008218892 Co-localization Johnson-Shoemaker-2003 RPS13 RACK1 0.008949916 Co-localization Johnson-Shoemaker-2003 MPST S100A6 0.011300721 Co-localization Johnson-Shoemaker-2003 ANXA10 ANXA8 0.0011913448 Genetic Interactions Lin-Smith-2010 ANXA6 ANXA10 0.0010892085 Genetic Interactions Lin-Smith-2010 ANXA4 ANXA10 0.0009997052 Genetic Interactions Lin-Smith-2010 ANXA3 ANXA6 0.00041926742 Genetic Interactions Lin-Smith-2010 ANXA3 ANXA1 0.0004498978 Genetic Interactions Lin-Smith-2010 ANXA3 ANXA7 0.00052033144 Genetic Interactions Lin-Smith-2010 ANXA11 ANXA4 0.0019729591 Genetic Interactions Lin-Smith-2010 ANXA2 ANXA1 0.0008731592 Genetic Interactions Lin-Smith-2010 ANXA2 ANXA3 0.00041239543 Genetic Interactions Lin-Smith-2010 ANXA5 ANXA4 0.00060163124 Genetic Interactions Lin-Smith-2010 STX4 ANXA3 0.00050481677 Genetic Interactions Lin-Smith-2010 ACTA1 ANXA5 0.0015729732 Genetic Interactions Lin-Smith-2010 SRI ANXA11 0.0022712213 Genetic Interactions Lin-Smith-2010 PUM1 ANXA8 0.0007950499 Genetic Interactions Lin-Smith-2010 PUM1 ANXA7 0.0009021046 Genetic Interactions Lin-Smith-2010 PUM1 ANXA2 0.0007149746 Genetic Interactions Lin-Smith-2010 S100A10 ANXA2 0.0014231311 Genetic Interactions Lin-Smith-2010 SNAP23 ANXA10 0.0008788648 Genetic Interactions Lin-Smith-2010 SNAP23 ANXA4 0.0006126606 Genetic Interactions Lin-Smith-2010 SNAP23 STX4 0.00080371427 Genetic Interactions Lin-Smith-2010 SNAP23 ACTA1 0.0016018099 Genetic Interactions Lin-Smith-2010 SNAP23 PUM1 0.00058651477 Genetic Interactions Lin-Smith-2010 LRRC15 SRI 0.0039175237 Genetic Interactions Lin-Smith-2010 MPST ANXA5 0.0019890936 Genetic Interactions Lin-Smith-2010 DNAJB11 SRI 0.001577897 Genetic Interactions Lin-Smith-2010 MSI2 ANXA4 0.0004931204 Genetic Interactions Lin-Smith-2010 MSI2 ANXA1 0.0005765206 Genetic Interactions Lin-Smith-2010 MSI2 ANXA3 0.00027229215 Genetic Interactions Lin-Smith-2010 MSI2 ANXA5 0.00042570964 Genetic Interactions Lin-Smith-2010 MSI2 STX4 0.0006468963 Genetic Interactions Lin-Smith-2010 ANXA1 ANXA4 0.5748574 Physical Interactions Havugimana-Emili-2012 ANXA7 ANXA4 0.5748574 Physical Interactions Havugimana-Emili-2012 ANXA3 ANXA4 0.17399554 Physical Interactions Havugimana-Emili-2012 ANXA11 ANXA3 0.28942126 Physical Interactions Havugimana-Emili-2012 STXBP2 ANXA3 0.23142087 Physical Interactions Havugimana-Emili-2012 STXBP2 ANXA11 0.3269581 Physical Interactions Havugimana-Emili-2012 NDRG1 ANXA5 0.32938015 Physical Interactions Havugimana-Emili-2012 STX4 ANXA3 0.24824965 Physical Interactions Havugimana-Emili-2012 RACK1 ANXA2 0.32599232 Physical Interactions Havugimana-Emili-2012 PUM1 ANXA5 0.22870004 Physical Interactions Havugimana-Emili-2012 HARS ANXA5 0.24348855 Physical Interactions Havugimana-Emili-2012 SNAP23 ANXA3 0.1324131 Physical Interactions Havugimana-Emili-2012 SNAP23 STX4 0.1604644 Physical Interactions Havugimana-Emili-2012 PPT2 ANXA5 0.114487864 Physical Interactions Havugimana-Emili-2012 RPS13 ANXA2 0.10591397 Physical Interactions Havugimana-Emili-2012 MPST ANXA4 0.098420314 Physical Interactions Havugimana-Emili-2012 DNAJB11 ANXA4 0.0933469 Physical Interactions Havugimana-Emili-2012 ANXA2 ANXA13 0.36204237 Physical Interactions Huttlin-Gygi-2015 ACTA1 ANXA8 0.6389017 Physical Interactions Huttlin-Gygi-2015 S100A10 ANXA2 0.4753059 Physical Interactions Huttlin-Gygi-2015 APBB1IP ANXA13 0.29289842 Physical Interactions Huttlin-Gygi-2015 LRRC15 ANXA5 0.3823397 Physical Interactions Huttlin-Gygi-2015 MSI2 ANXA13 0.21313581 Physical Interactions Huttlin-Gygi-2015 ANXA2 ANXA11 0.082199275 Physical Interactions Wan-Emili-2015 ANXA1 ANXA4 0.043906387 Physical Interactions IREF-BIOGRID ANXA7 ANXA4 0.020212851 Physical Interactions IREF-BIOGRID ANXA3 ANXA4 0.12483741 Physical Interactions IREF-BIOGRID ANXA11 ANXA3 0.09127188 Physical Interactions IREF-BIOGRID ANXA5 ANXA1 0.029430939 Physical Interactions IREF-BIOGRID STXBP2 ANXA3 0.23281147 Physical Interactions IREF-BIOGRID STXBP2 ANXA11 0.12754872 Physical Interactions IREF-BIOGRID NDRG1 ANXA5 0.020110158 Physical Interactions IREF-BIOGRID STX4 ANXA3 0.049060363 Physical Interactions IREF-BIOGRID RACK1 ANXA2 0.0076013175 Physical Interactions IREF-BIOGRID SRI ANXA7 0.015106355 Physical Interactions IREF-BIOGRID PUM1 ANXA5 0.057819497 Physical Interactions IREF-BIOGRID S100A6 ANXA11 0.06690297 Physical Interactions IREF-BIOGRID HARS ANXA5 0.043081287 Physical Interactions IREF-BIOGRID S100A10 ANXA2 0.019324206 Physical Interactions IREF-BIOGRID SNAP23 ANXA3 0.046990965 Physical Interactions IREF-BIOGRID SNAP23 STX4 0.013838208 Physical Interactions IREF-BIOGRID PPT2 ANXA5 0.050849695 Physical Interactions IREF-BIOGRID RPS13 ANXA2 0.009964482 Physical Interactions IREF-BIOGRID RPS13 RACK1 0.004900503 Physical Interactions IREF-BIOGRID MPST ANXA4 0.08940807 Physical Interactions IREF-BIOGRID S100A1 ANXA6 0.04630278 Physical Interactions IREF-BIOGRID DNAJB11 ANXA4 0.035272773 Physical Interactions IREF-BIOGRID ANXA5 ANXA1 0.13074385 Physical Interactions BIOGRID-SMALL-SCALE-STUDIES ACTA1 ANXA1 0.01981742 Physical Interactions BIOGRID-SMALL-SCALE-STUDIES SRI ANXA7 0.12236097 Physical Interactions BIOGRID-SMALL-SCALE-STUDIES S100A6 ANXA11 0.16114613 Physical Interactions BIOGRID-SMALL-SCALE-STUDIES S100A10 ANXA2 0.032849897 Physical Interactions BIOGRID-SMALL-SCALE-STUDIES SNAP23 STX4 0.03128815 Physical Interactions BIOGRID-SMALL-SCALE-STUDIES S100A1 ANXA6 0.08065984 Physical Interactions BIOGRID-SMALL-SCALE-STUDIES ANXA5 ANXA1 0.46937615 Predicted Wu-Stein-2010 STX4 STXBP2 0.08830325 Predicted Wu-Stein-2010 SRI ANXA7 0.24917908 Predicted Wu-Stein-2010 SRI ANXA11 0.3411296 Predicted Wu-Stein-2010 S100A6 ANXA11 0.40007022 Predicted Wu-Stein-2010 S100A6 ANXA2 0.18863003 Predicted Wu-Stein-2010 HGS ANXA4 0.3081428 Predicted Wu-Stein-2010 HGS ANXA3 0.3081428 Predicted Wu-Stein-2010 HGS ANXA5 0.14666463 Predicted Wu-Stein-2010 S100A10 ANXA2 0.23878187 Predicted Wu-Stein-2010 S100A10 S100A6 0.24511993 Predicted Wu-Stein-2010 SNAP23 STXBP2 0.10073255 Predicted Wu-Stein-2010 S100A1 ANXA6 0.20012587 Predicted Wu-Stein-2010