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26.03.2022 | Original Paper

Ring-shaped cataract and urinary metabolites among 2,4,6-trinitrotoluene exposed population of Pakistan

verfasst von: Sidra Sarwat, Ambreen Akhtar, Syeda Fizza Abdud Dayan, Najma Shaheen, Humna Shahid Durrani, Tariq Usman, Tayyab Afghani

Erschienen in: International Ophthalmology | Ausgabe 8/2022

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Safety protocols are usually neglected among most of the trinitrotoluene (TNT)-exposed population, therefore, rendering the community prone to various occupational hazards. The current study highlights ring-shaped cataract and urinary metabolites of TNT among TNT-exposed population (n = 26) against a control group (n = 20).


An observational case–control study was carried out in two groups: subjects exposed to TNT in Dir and Bajour Agency, Pakistan, and a control group from the base hospital. We determined the presence of ring-shaped cataract and urine metabolites of TNT using slit-lamp biomicroscope and gas chromatography–mass spectrometric analysis, respectively.


Results substantiate a high level of urine metabolites for exposed subjects compared to the control group (p < 0.001). Age had no significant effect (p > 0.05) on the presence of ring-shaped cataract and the level of urinary metabolites of TNT, while duration of exposure showed significant effect (p < 0.001). Females showed high incidence of ring-shaped cataract and urinary metabolites of TNT than men ( p < 0.001). The mean age of the exposed subjects was 51 ± 14.38 (Mean ± SD) years. The mean year of exposure was 49 ± 5 (Mean ± SD) years.


This study showed TNT as a risk factor for the presence of ring-shaped cataract among TNT-exposed group in Pakistan. It is important to screen exposed community for the presence of ring-shaped cataract, and pre-clinical identification of TNT adducts to prevent systemic complications.
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Ring-shaped cataract and urinary metabolites among 2,4,6-trinitrotoluene exposed population of Pakistan
verfasst von
Sidra Sarwat
Ambreen Akhtar
Syeda Fizza Abdud Dayan
Najma Shaheen
Humna Shahid Durrani
Tariq Usman
Tayyab Afghani
Springer Netherlands
Erschienen in
International Ophthalmology / Ausgabe 8/2022
Print ISSN: 0165-5701
Elektronische ISSN: 1573-2630

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