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06.07.2016 | Original Paper

Röttinger approach with dual-mobility cup to improve functional recovery in hip osteoarthritis patients: biomechanical and clinical follow-up

verfasst von: Pierre Martz, Abderrahmane Bourredjem, Davy Laroche, Marc Arcens, Ludovic Labattut, Christine Binquet, Jean-Francis Maillefert, Emmanuel Baulot, Paul Ornetti

Erschienen in: International Orthopaedics | Ausgabe 3/2017

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We assumed that the combination of dual-mobility total hip arthroplasty (THA) using the minimally-invasive Röttinger anterolateral approach could guarantee hip stability with faster functional recovery. We objectively analyzed functional improvement after dual-mobility THA by quantitative gait analysis.


We compared the results achieved following two different surgical approaches: Röttinger’s versus Moore’s approach (posterolateral approach). We included 70 patients in an open prospective single-centre study: 38 by Rottinger’s approach (age = 67yo) and 32 by Moores’s approach (age = 68yo). Clinical and biomechanical analysis (kinematic and kinetic parameters of the hip) were conducted at the pre-operative period and at six months post-op


We found a significant improvement in all clinical scores and all biomechanical parameters but no difference was found between the two approaches. However, the study showed marked clinical, biomechanical and functional improvements for patients treated with dual-mobility THA for osteoarthritis without complete hip recovery compared with a control group.


The combination of the Röttinger approach with a dual-mobility cup remains a valid choice for primary THA without functional advantage at midterm.
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Röttinger approach with dual-mobility cup to improve functional recovery in hip osteoarthritis patients: biomechanical and clinical follow-up
verfasst von
Pierre Martz
Abderrahmane Bourredjem
Davy Laroche
Marc Arcens
Ludovic Labattut
Christine Binquet
Jean-Francis Maillefert
Emmanuel Baulot
Paul Ornetti
Springer Berlin Heidelberg
Erschienen in
International Orthopaedics / Ausgabe 3/2017
Print ISSN: 0341-2695
Elektronische ISSN: 1432-5195


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