The prevalence of super obesity has increased considerably in recent years, representing up to the 0.5% of the population. Even though bariatric surgery induces significant weight loss in these patients, it has been reported that up to 50% of the patients with super obesity will fail according to the current primary response criteria.
To evaluate and compare different primary response criteria and their impact regarding comorbidities remission.
Patients and Methods
A total of 104 patients with super obesity who underwent Roux-en-Y gastric bypass (RYGB) were identified in our institution from March 2004 to February 2019. An evaluation of the primary response at a 2-year follow-up was made using different criteria. A multivariate analysis was made to evaluate related variables to comorbidities remission.
Two years later, the rate of patients who achieved an EWL > 50%, %EWL > 70%, and BMI < 35 kg/m2 were 84.5%, 52.1%, and 62%, respectively. Regarding the comorbidities, 85%, 84.8%, and 81.1% of the patients improved or remitted T2D, HBP, and hyperlipidemia, respectively. An EWL > 50% 2 years later was related to complete remission of hyperlipidemia (p = 0.047), whereas weight regain above 10% is a risk factor for failure of complete remission of HBP in 3 years.
More than 75% of patients with super obesity yield an EWL > 50% 2 years later. In terms of hyperlipidemia, it is desirable to achieve an EWL of at least 50%. Whereas for T2D and HBP, a minimum of 25% TWL yields 72% and 60.5% of complete remission.
Graphical abstract
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