Ausgabe 4/2020
Inhalt (21 Artikel)
Critical shoulder angle: what do radiologists need to know?
- Review Article
Amélie Loriaud, Sylvain Bise, Philippe Meyer, Anselme Billaud, Benjamin Dallaudiere, Alain Silvestre, Lionel Pesquer
Pediatric ankle injuries: utilizing the Dias-Tachdjian classification
- Review Article
Christy B. Pomeranz, Roger J. Bartolotta
Ultra-low-dose CT for extremities in an acute setting: initial experience with 203 subjects
- Open Access
- Scientific Article
Zlatan Alagic, Robert Bujila, Anders Enocson, Subhash Srivastava, Seppo K. Koskinen
Advanced MR imaging of bone marrow: quantification of signal alterations on T1-weighted Dixon and T2-weighted Dixon sequences in red marrow, yellow marrow, and pathologic marrow lesions
- Scientific Article
Chayanit Sasiponganan, Kevin Yan, Parham Pezeshk, Yin Xi, Avneesh Chhabra
Organ dose and total effective dose of whole-body CT in multiple myeloma patients
- Open Access
- Scientific Article
Robert Hemke, Kai Yang, Jad Husseini, Miriam A. Bredella, F. Joseph Simeone
Value of response to anesthetic injection during hip MR arthrography to differentiate between intra- and extra-articular pathology
- Scientific Article
Arvin B. Kheterpal, Katherine M. Bunnell, Jad S. Husseini, Connie Y. Chang, Scott D. Martin, Adam C. Zoga, Miriam A. Bredella
Correlating clinical assessment and MRI findings in diagnosing calf injuries in elite male Australian rules footballers
- Scientific Article
James H. Brennan, Christopher Bell, Kendall Brooks, Justin K. Roebert, Tomas O’Shea, Andrew H. Rotstein
Lumbar facet joint subchondral bone density in low back pain and asymptomatic subjects
- Scientific Article
Chien-Chou Pan, Peter Simon, Alejandro A. Espinoza Orías, Ryota Takatori, Howard S. An, Gunnar B. J. Andersson, Nozomu Inoue
With or without? A retrospective analysis of intravenous contrast utility in magnetic resonance neurography
- Scientific Article
Alan D. Harrell, Daniel Johnson, Jonathan Samet, Imran M. Omar, Swati Deshmukh
Ultrasound-guided versus palpation-guided corticosteroid injections for tendinosis of the long head of the biceps: A randomized comparative study
- Scientific Article
Christos K. Yiannakopoulos, Panayiotis D. Megaloikonomos, Konstantina Foufa, John Gliatis
Osteochondral lesions of the lateral trochlear ridge: a rare, subtle but important finding on advanced imaging in patients with elbow pain
- Scientific Article
Mark S. Collins, Christin A. Tiegs-Heiden
Reporting Discrepancy Resolved by Findings and Time in 2947 Emergency Department Ankle X-rays
- Open Access
- Scientific Article
Thomas James York, P. J. Jenkins, A. J. Ireland
The exploration of feature extraction and machine learning for predicting bone density from simple spine X-ray images in a Korean population
- Scientific Article
Sangwoo Lee, Eun Kyung Choe, Hae Yeon Kang, Ji Won Yoon, Hua Sun Kim
CT-guided discitis-osteomyelitis biopsies with negative microbiology: how many days should we wait before repeating the biopsy?
- Scientific Article
Kaitlyn J. Yeh, Jad S. Husseini, Robert Hemke, Sandra B. Nelson, Connie Y. Chang
A comparison of saline and gadolinium shoulder MR arthrography to arthroscopy
- Scientific Article
Adam D. Singer, Jeffrey Rosenthal, Monica Umpierrez, Yi Guo, Felix Gonzalez, Eric Wagner
Brown adipose tissue and cancer progression
- Technical Report
Katrina Chu, Stijn A. Bos, Corey M. Gill, Martin Torriani, Miriam A. Bredella
Multiple bilateral forearm nodules
- Test Yourself: Question
Robert W. Morris, Youssef Al Hmada, Joseph R. Chaudry, Kathryn M. Nutter, Chris D. Reed
Intraligamentous synovial chondromatosis of the anterior cruciate ligament
- Case Report
Aria Ashir, Wei-Xian Li, Hoda Shirazian, Douglas G. Chang, Eric Y. Chang
Bone oxaloma—a localized manifestation of bone oxalosis
- Case Report
Eun Ji Choi, Choong Guen Chee, Wanlim Kim, Joon Seon Song, Hye Won Chung
Multiple bilateral forearm nodules
- Test Yourself: Answer
Robert W. Morris, Youssef Al Hmada, Joseph R. Chaudry, Kathryn M. Nutter, Chris D. Reed