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2015 | OriginalPaper | Buchkapitel

61. Sonnenschutz

verfasst von : Peter Wolf, Prof. Dr. med.

Erschienen in: Reisedermatosen

Verlag: Springer Berlin Heidelberg


Das Kapitel beschreibt die grundlegenden Prinzipien des Sonnenschutzes durch chemische und physikalische UV-Filter sowie die Standardmethoden der Bestimmung des Lichtschutzfaktors (LSF) im UV-A- und UV-B-Bereich. Behördliche Direktiven, zugelassene Filtersubstanzen und Empfehlungen der Europäischen Kommission werden dargestellt. Die Besprechung der Wirkung von Textilstoffen im Sonnenschutz, alternative Lichtschutzstrategien wie topischen DNS-Reparaturenzymen, vorbeugende Maßnahmen bei Photodermatosen sowie zur Prävention von Hautkrebs und -alterung runden gemeinsam mit allgemeinen Lichtschutzmaßnahmen und vielen Praxistipps das Kapitel ab.
Zurück zum Zitat Australian and New Zealand Sunscreen Standard (2012) AS/NZS 2604–-regulation-impact-statement-–-department-of-health-and-ageing/ Australian and New Zealand Sunscreen Standard (2012) AS/NZS 2604 http://​ris.​dpmc.​gov.​au/​2012/​11/​16/​australian-and-new-zealand-sunscreen-standard-asnzs-26042012-–-regulation-impact-statement-–-department-of-health-and-ageing/
Zurück zum Zitat COLIPA (1994) COLIPA Sun Protection Factor Test Method. European Cosmetic, Toiletry and Perfumery Association (COLIPA), Brüssel COLIPA (1994) COLIPA Sun Protection Factor Test Method. European Cosmetic, Toiletry and Perfumery Association (COLIPA), Brüssel
Zurück zum Zitat Darlington S, Williams G, Neale R, Frost C, Green A (2003) A randomized controlled trial to assess sunscreen application and beta carotene supplementation in the prevention of solar keratoses. Arch Dermatol 139:451–455CrossRefPubMed Darlington S, Williams G, Neale R, Frost C, Green A (2003) A randomized controlled trial to assess sunscreen application and beta carotene supplementation in the prevention of solar keratoses. Arch Dermatol 139:451–455CrossRefPubMed
Zurück zum Zitat DeBoyes T, Kouba D, Ozog D, Fincher E, Moy L, Iwata K et al (2010) Reduced number of actinic keratoses with topical application of DNA repair enzyme creams. J Drugs Dermatol 9:1519–1521PubMed DeBoyes T, Kouba D, Ozog D, Fincher E, Moy L, Iwata K et al (2010) Reduced number of actinic keratoses with topical application of DNA repair enzyme creams. J Drugs Dermatol 9:1519–1521PubMed
Zurück zum Zitat Fourtanier A, Moyal D, Maccario J, Compan D, Wolf P, Quehenberger F et al (2005) Measurement of sunscreen immune protection factors in humans: a consensus paper. J Invest Dermatol 125:403–409CrossRefPubMed Fourtanier A, Moyal D, Maccario J, Compan D, Wolf P, Quehenberger F et al (2005) Measurement of sunscreen immune protection factors in humans: a consensus paper. J Invest Dermatol 125:403–409CrossRefPubMed
Zurück zum Zitat Green A, Williams G, Neale R, Hart V, Leslie D, Parsons P et al (1999) Daily sunscreen application and betacarotene supplementation in prevention of basal-cell and squamous-cell carcinomas of the skin: a randomised controlled trial. Lancet 354:723–729CrossRefPubMed Green A, Williams G, Neale R, Hart V, Leslie D, Parsons P et al (1999) Daily sunscreen application and betacarotene supplementation in prevention of basal-cell and squamous-cell carcinomas of the skin: a randomised controlled trial. Lancet 354:723–729CrossRefPubMed
Zurück zum Zitat Green AC, Williams GM, Logan V, Strutton GM (2011) Reduced melanoma after regular sunscreen use: randomized trial follow-up. J Clin Oncol 29:257–263CrossRefPubMed Green AC, Williams GM, Logan V, Strutton GM (2011) Reduced melanoma after regular sunscreen use: randomized trial follow-up. J Clin Oncol 29:257–263CrossRefPubMed
Zurück zum Zitat Gruber-Wackernagel A, Byrne SN, Wolf P (2014) Polymorphous light eruption: clinic aspects and pathogenesis. Dermatol Clin 32:315–334CrossRefPubMed Gruber-Wackernagel A, Byrne SN, Wolf P (2014) Polymorphous light eruption: clinic aspects and pathogenesis. Dermatol Clin 32:315–334CrossRefPubMed
Zurück zum Zitat Hofer A, Legat FJ, Gruber-Wackernagel A, Quehenberger F, Wolf P (2011) Topical liposomal DNA-repair enzymes in polymorphic light eruption. Photochem Photobiol Sci 10:1118–1128CrossRefPubMed Hofer A, Legat FJ, Gruber-Wackernagel A, Quehenberger F, Wolf P (2011) Topical liposomal DNA-repair enzymes in polymorphic light eruption. Photochem Photobiol Sci 10:1118–1128CrossRefPubMed
Zurück zum Zitat Hughes MC, Williams GM, Baker P, Green AC (2013) Sunscreen and prevention of skin aging: a randomized trial. Ann Intern Med 158:781–790CrossRefPubMed Hughes MC, Williams GM, Baker P, Green AC (2013) Sunscreen and prevention of skin aging: a randomized trial. Ann Intern Med 158:781–790CrossRefPubMed
Zurück zum Zitat Pandeya N, Purdie DM, Green A, Williams G (2005) Repeated occurrence of basal cell carcinoma of the skin and multifailure survival analysis: follow-up data from the Nambour Skin Cancer Prevention Trial. Am J Epidemiol 161:748–754CrossRefPubMed Pandeya N, Purdie DM, Green A, Williams G (2005) Repeated occurrence of basal cell carcinoma of the skin and multifailure survival analysis: follow-up data from the Nambour Skin Cancer Prevention Trial. Am J Epidemiol 161:748–754CrossRefPubMed
Zurück zum Zitat Wolf P (2003) Lichtschutzmittel: Wirkung gegen Hautkrebs und Lichtalterung [Sunscreens. Protection against skin cancers and photoaging]. Hautarzt 54:839–844CrossRefPubMed Wolf P (2003) Lichtschutzmittel: Wirkung gegen Hautkrebs und Lichtalterung [Sunscreens. Protection against skin cancers and photoaging]. Hautarzt 54:839–844CrossRefPubMed
Zurück zum Zitat Wolf P, Maier H, Mullegger RR, Chadwick CA, Hofmann-Wellenhof R, Soyer HP et al (2000) Topical treatment with liposomes containing T4 endonuclease V protects human skin in vivo from ultraviolet-induced upregulation of interleukin-10 and tumor necrosis factor-alpha. J Invest Dermatol 114:149–156CrossRefPubMed Wolf P, Maier H, Mullegger RR, Chadwick CA, Hofmann-Wellenhof R, Soyer HP et al (2000) Topical treatment with liposomes containing T4 endonuclease V protects human skin in vivo from ultraviolet-induced upregulation of interleukin-10 and tumor necrosis factor-alpha. J Invest Dermatol 114:149–156CrossRefPubMed
Zurück zum Zitat Yarosh D, Klein J, O’Connor A, Hawk J, Rafal E, Wolf P (2001) Effect of topically applied T4 endonuclease V in liposomes on skin cancer in xeroderma pigmentosum: a randomised study. Xeroderma Pigmentosum Study Group. Lancet 357:926–929CrossRefPubMed Yarosh D, Klein J, O’Connor A, Hawk J, Rafal E, Wolf P (2001) Effect of topically applied T4 endonuclease V in liposomes on skin cancer in xeroderma pigmentosum: a randomised study. Xeroderma Pigmentosum Study Group. Lancet 357:926–929CrossRefPubMed
verfasst von
Peter Wolf, Prof. Dr. med.
Springer Berlin Heidelberg

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