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Standardized porcine integrated robotic inguinal hernia training: the SPIRIT model

verfasst von: Maaike Vierstraete, Filip Muysoms

Erschienen in: Surgical Endoscopy | Ausgabe 8/2024

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Implementing a robotic system for minimally invasive surgical procedures necessitates a comprehensive training regimen. This involves not only mastering the technological aspects of the robotic system but also enhancing surgical proficiency in manipulating robotic instruments. Furthermore, procedural expertise in specific surgeries is critical. Minimally invasive inguinal hernia repair is particularly suitable as an initial procedure for human application. The development of a comprehensive training model for this type of repair is a crucial element of such an educational pathway.


Anatomical dissections were carried out on pigs to assess both the similarities and differences between pig and human anatomy. A structured minimally invasive inguinal hernia repair was performed to determine the suitability of the porcine inguinal region for training purposes.


A detailed anatomical description of the porcine inguinal region is outlined, to provide a framework for assessing the critical view of the porcine myopectineal orifice. By integrating the human ‘ten golden rules’ for safe and effective minimally invasive inguinal hernia repair, the standardized porcine integrated robotic inguinal hernia training (SPIRIT) model describes a step-by-step approach to practice surgical techniques in a realistic setting.


The SPIRIT model is designed to be a well-structured training model for minimally invasive inguinal hernia repair and incorporates the specific surgical steps as encountered in a human patient.
Nur mit Berechtigung zugänglich
Zurück zum Zitat Zipper CT, Friedrich U, Backhaus J, Konig S, Mavroveli S, Wiegering A et al (2020) Incisional hernia repair in a high-fidelity silicone model for open retro-muscular mesh implantation with preparation of the fatty triangle: validation and educational impact study. Hernia 24(6):1307–1315. Zipper CT, Friedrich U, Backhaus J, Konig S, Mavroveli S, Wiegering A et al (2020) Incisional hernia repair in a high-fidelity silicone model for open retro-muscular mesh implantation with preparation of the fatty triangle: validation and educational impact study. Hernia 24(6):1307–1315. https://​doi.​org/​10.​1007/​s10029-019-02094-5CrossRefPubMed
Standardized porcine integrated robotic inguinal hernia training: the SPIRIT model
verfasst von
Maaike Vierstraete
Filip Muysoms
Springer US
Erschienen in
Surgical Endoscopy / Ausgabe 8/2024
Print ISSN: 0930-2794
Elektronische ISSN: 1432-2218

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