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08.07.2021 | Technical Note

Stent for Accurate Placement of Implants for Retaining an Auricular Prosthesis

verfasst von: Saumya Kapoor, Saumyendra Vikram Singh, Adrita Roy Chowdhury, Arun Kumar Singh

Erschienen in: Journal of Maxillofacial and Oral Surgery | Ausgabe 2/2024

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Implant-retained auricular prostheses have good success rate and offer distinct advantages over adhesive-retained prostheses [1]. Surgical stents are required for proper axial positioning of implants [2]. This technique proposes a simple cost-effective stent using anatomical landmarks, to reproduce the precise position of future prosthetic ear, along with guiding slots for accurate craniofacial implant placement. …
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Zurück zum Zitat Wang JK, Montgomery PC, Chambers MS (2018) A custom positioning aid for an auricular prosthesis: a clinical report. J Prosthet Dent 120:624–627CrossRefPubMed Wang JK, Montgomery PC, Chambers MS (2018) A custom positioning aid for an auricular prosthesis: a clinical report. J Prosthet Dent 120:624–627CrossRefPubMed
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Stent for Accurate Placement of Implants for Retaining an Auricular Prosthesis
verfasst von
Saumya Kapoor
Saumyendra Vikram Singh
Adrita Roy Chowdhury
Arun Kumar Singh
Springer India
Erschienen in
Journal of Maxillofacial and Oral Surgery / Ausgabe 2/2024
Print ISSN: 0972-8279
Elektronische ISSN: 0974-942X

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