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28.11.2022 | Original Article

Surgeon accuracy and interrater reliability when interpreting CT scans after ventral hernia repair

verfasst von: K. E. Blake, L. R. Beffa, C. C. Petro, D. M. Krpata, A. S. Prabhu, M. J. Rosen

Erschienen in: Hernia | Ausgabe 2/2023

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Recurrent ventral hernia repair can be complex and requires a thorough understanding of prior interventions, myofascial releases, and location of prosthetic material. Without detailed operative reports, this information can be challenging to obtain, and some surgeons have suggested prior operative details can be discerned from radiographic imaging. We evaluated the accuracy and interrater reliability of surgeons to identify the type of prior VHR using CT imaging.


Fifteen expert abdominal wall reconstruction surgeons individually reviewed 21 CT scans of patients after various VHR approaches and determined the approach from a multiple-choice selection. Negative controls (no prior laparotomy) and positive controls (laparotomy without VHR) were also included. Surgeon accuracy and interrater reliability were measured.


Surgeons were unable to identify the correct VHR over 50% of the time: open TAR and Rives–Stoppa were identified 42% of the time, open anterior component separation 24%, and robotic IPOM and eTEP 22% of the time, respectively. Surgeon interrater reliability, or agreement on answers—whether correct or incorrect—was fair (coefficient 0.23, p = 0.01).


Surgeons’ ability to accurately identify the type of previous VHR using post-operative CT scans is poor. Without the knowledge of prior repairs, surgeons may find it difficult to choose the best reoperative approach, anticipate operative complexities, and schedule appropriate OR time. All of which guides patient counseling and expectations. This highlights the importance to accurately reflect VHR details in operative reports and use necessary resources to obtain operative reports, since surgeons cannot reliably use CT scans to identify prior repairs.
Zurück zum Zitat Ma GW, Pooni A, Forbes SS, Eskicioglu C, Pearsall E, Brenneman FD, McLeod RS (2013) Quality of inguinal hernia operative reports: room for improvement. Can J Surg 56(6):393–7CrossRefPubMedPubMedCentral Ma GW, Pooni A, Forbes SS, Eskicioglu C, Pearsall E, Brenneman FD, McLeod RS (2013) Quality of inguinal hernia operative reports: room for improvement. Can J Surg 56(6):393–7CrossRefPubMedPubMedCentral
Zurück zum Zitat Delaney LD, Lindquist KM, Howard R, Ehlers AP, Ann Vitous C, Englesbe M, Dimick JB, Telem DA (2022) Implementation of a synoptic operative note for abdominal wall hernia repair: a statewide pilot evaluating completeness and communication of intraoperative details. Surg Endosc 36(5):3610–3618. Delaney LD, Lindquist KM, Howard R, Ehlers AP, Ann Vitous C, Englesbe M, Dimick JB, Telem DA (2022) Implementation of a synoptic operative note for abdominal wall hernia repair: a statewide pilot evaluating completeness and communication of intraoperative details. Surg Endosc 36(5):3610–3618. https://​doi.​org/​10.​1007/​s00464-021-08614-8CrossRefPubMed
Surgeon accuracy and interrater reliability when interpreting CT scans after ventral hernia repair
verfasst von
K. E. Blake
L. R. Beffa
C. C. Petro
D. M. Krpata
A. S. Prabhu
M. J. Rosen
Springer Paris
Erschienen in
Hernia / Ausgabe 2/2023
Print ISSN: 1265-4906
Elektronische ISSN: 1248-9204

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