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Surgical and Radiologic Anatomy

Ausgabe 3/2021 Anatomy of vessels: from atrial myocardium to azygos arch

Inhalt (23 Artikel)

The behavior of three types of large sinus node arteries with regard to the blood supply of the atrial myocardium

  • Original Article

Christos E. Nerantzis, Hector Anninos, Soultana K. Marianou, Sokratis Pastromas

An unusual anatomic variation of the Posterior Descending Coronary Artery

  • Anatomic Variations

Stratinaki Maria, Sbarouni Eftιhia

A systematic classification of the left-sided aortic arch variants based on cadaveric studies' prevalence

  • Review

K. Natsis, M. Piagkou, N. Lazaridis, T. Kalamatianos, D. Chytas, D. Manatakis, N. Anastasopoulos, M. Loukas

Computed tomography angiography study of the azygos vein course and termination into superior vena cava: gender and age impact

  • Original Article

Konstantinos Koutsouflianiotis, Georgios Daniil, Georgios Paraskevas, Maria Piagkou, Chrysanthos Chrysanthou, Konstantinos Natsis

Cases of high lying azygos arch and its embryological consideration

  • Anatomic Variations

Min Young Yoo, Sung Jin Kim, Jin Young Yoo

Anatomy of peripancreatic arteries and pancreaticoduodenal arterial arcades in the human pancreas: a cadaveric study

  • Original Article

K. Hemanth Kumar, Shallu Garg, Thakur Deen Yadav, Daisy Sahni, Harsimranjit Singh, Rajinder Singh

Morphometric analysis of the splenic artery using contrast-enhanced computed tomography (CT)

  • Open Access
  • Original Article

David J. Brinkman, Stephanie Troquay, Wouter J. de Jonge, Eric D. Irwin, Margriet J. Vervoordeldonk, Misha D. P. Luyer, Joost Nederend

Intra-mural distribution of the blood vessels in the stomach demonstrated by contrast medium injection: a cadaver study

  • Original Article

Haruka Eishi, Kumiko Yamaguchi, Yoshihiro Hiramatsu, Keiichi Akita

Is the dorsal vascular system sufficient to vascularize the entire teguments of the thumb?

  • Original Article

Charline Berthier, Marion Arthozoul, Mohcine Taizou, Jean-Louis Grolleau, Guillaume de Bonnecaze, Benoit Chaput

Medial type persistent trigeminal artery associated with a saccular aneurysm at its trunk

  • Anatomic Variations

Akira Uchino, Hitoshi Ohno, Ryushi Kondo, Shoichiro Ishihara

Bridging veins of the cerebellum: a magnetic resonance imaging study

  • Original Article

Satoshi Tsutsumi, Hideo Ono, Hisato Ishii

Anatomic variations of the superficial temporal artery

  • Original Article

Mugurel Constantin Rusu, Adelina Maria Jianu, Petrinel Mugurel Rădoi

Dual origin of vertebral artery and intimal relationship with spontaneous artery dissection: a case report and systematic review

  • Original Article

Derik Williams Barros do Nascimento, Rafaella Macêdo Monteiro da Cruz, Gabriel Gomes Diniz Pimenta, Fernando Mendes Paschoal Jr, Antônio de Mattos Lima Neto, Vanessa Alburquerque Paschoal Aviz Bastos, José Reginaldo Nascimento Brito, Bruno Sérgio Vilhena, José Antônio Santos de Lima, Edson Bor-Seng-Shu, Eberval Gadelha Figueiredo, Manoel Jacobsen Texeira, Eric Homero Albuquerque Paschoal

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