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Surgical and Radiologic Anatomy

Ausgabe 7/2021 Lower limb: from the Pacionian corpuscles to the acetabular version

Inhalt (24 Artikel)

Distribution of sole Pacinian corpuscles: a histological study using near-term human feet

  • Original Article

Namiko Sugai, Kwang Ho Cho, Gen Murakami, Hiroshi Abe, Eiichi Uchiyama, Hideji Kura

Independent muscle of extensor hallucis capsularis: a cadaveric case report

  • Anatomic Variations

Jeong-Hyun Park, Yu-Jin Choi, Kwang-Rak Park, Digud Kim, Hyung-Wook Kwon, Mijeong Lee, Jaeho Cho

Comparison of the insertion patterns of the extensor hallucis longus muscle in Korean focusing on the regional difference

  • Original Article

Inyoub Chang, Euihyeon Na, Ji Won Oh, Jinu Kim, Sang-Pil Yoon

Characteristics of the accessory tendon of the extensor hallucis longus muscle: a Taiwanese study

  • Original Article

Kuen-Cherng Lai, Hsu-Wen Tan, Li-Jin Chen, Pei-Hsin Liu, Guo-Fang Tseng, Han-Chen Ho

Ultrasonographic test for detecting the chiasma plantare formation between the flexor hallucis longus and flexor digitorum longus

  • Original Article

Daisuke Bai, Hiroaki Kurokawa, Shigeki Morita, Takuma Miyamoto, Pasuk Mahakkanukrauh, Yasuhito Tanaka

Impact of intertendinous connections between the flexor digitorum brevis and longus on percutaneous tenotomy for the treatment of claw toes: an anatomic and ultrasound study

  • Anatomic Bases of Medical, Radiological and Surgical Techniques

Julien Beldame, Matthieu Lalevée, Sixtine Regnard, Florent Marguet, Marie Csanyi-Bastien, Marion Masse, Fabrice Duparc

The twisted structure of the fetal calcaneal tendon is already visible in the second trimester

  • Open Access
  • Original Article

Paweł Szaro, Grzegorz Witkowski, Bogdan Ciszek

Ligaments of the os trigonum: an anatomical study

  • Open Access
  • Original Article

Paweł Szaro, Khaldun Ghali Gataa, Mateusz Polaczek

A case report of bilateral mirror feet with varus deformity

  • Anatomic Variations

Rutuja Pawde, Shivam Gaur, Venkatraman Indiran

A bilateral third head of the gastrocnemius which is morphologically similar to the plantaris

  • Anatomic Variations

Takaya Ishii, Kyutaro Kawagishi, Shogo Hayashi, Shinnosuke Yamada, Hirotaka Yoshioka, Yoshiharu Matsuno, Yasutake Mori, Jun Kosaka

Osteocutaneous proximal fibular flap: an anatomical and computed tomographic angiographic study of skin and bone perforators

  • Anatomic Bases of Medical, Radiological and Surgical Techniques

Kanit Sananpanich, Artit Boonyalapa, Jirachart Kraisarin, Nuttaya Pattamapaspong

Morphological consistency of bilateral hip joints in adults based on the X-ray and CT data

  • Open Access
  • Original Article

Ran Zhao, Hong Cai, Hua Tian, Ke Zhang

The anterolateral ligament of the knee is not a solid structure in human fetuses

  • Original Article

Fernanda Vieira Botelho Delpupo, Juliana Hott de Fúcio Lizardo, Josemberg da Silva Baptista

The posterior horn of the medial and lateral meniscus both reduce the effective posterior tibial slope: a radiographic MRI study

  • Original Article

Erik Hohmann, Kevin Tetsworth, Vaida Glatt, Mthunzi Ngcelwane, Natalie Keough

The infragluteal fold: An appraisal by MRI combined with an anatomic study

  • Original Article

A. Stivala, P. G. di Summa, C. Bernard, V. Moris, L. A. See, R. Loffroy, N. Zwetyenga, N. Cheynel, D. Guillier

The relationship between pelvic incidence and anatomical acetabular anteversion in female Japanese patients with hip osteoarthritis: a retrospective iconographic study

  • Original Article

Takaomi Kobayashi, Tadatsugu Morimoto, Tomohito Yoshihara, Motoki Sonohata, Charles Rivière, Masaaki Mawatari

Novel typing of iliac vein compression in asymptomatic individuals evaluated by contrast enhanced CT

  • Open Access
  • Original Article

Jiaying Li, Haibo Chen, Wujie Chen, Kefeng Zhou, Zhichao Xu, Maosheng Xu, Zhichao Sun

The parietal foramen anatomy: studies using dry skulls, cadaver and in vivo MRI

  • Original Article

Maria Rosana de Souza Ferreira, André Pukey Oliveira Galvão, Pedro Thadeu Mertens Brainer de Queiroz Lima, Alessandra Mertens Brainer de Queiroz Lima, Carolina Peixoto Magalhães, Marcelo Moraes Valença

Reappraisal of the types of trigeminal porus and importance in surgical applications

  • Original Article

Eren Ogut, Kutay Armagan, Cagatay Barut

Prenatal development of the human tympanic ring: a morphometric study with clinical correlations

  • Original Article

Alfredo Nuñez-Castruita, Norberto López-Serna

Surgical anatomy of basal turn in relation to middle cranial fossa and round window as pertaining to middle fossa cochlear implant technique

  • Original Article

Anjali Singal, Daisy Sahni, Tulika Gupta, Anjali Aggarwal, Ashok Kumar Gupta

Anatomic features of the fetal round and oval windows, and their relations with the tympanic nerve

  • Original Article

Orhan Beger, Yusuf Vayisoğlu, Onurhan Güven, Saliha Seda Adanır, Pourya Taghipour, Salim Çakır, Oykut Dağtekin, Derya Ümit Talas

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