Ausgabe 12/2020
Inhalt (57 Artikel)
The COVID-19 reset: lessons from the pandemic on Burnout and the Practice of Surgery
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- COVID-19
- SAGES Task Force Publication
John Romanelli, Denise Gee, John D. Mellinger, Adnan Alseidi, James G. Bittner, Edward Auyang, Horacio Asbun, Liane S. Feldman
Dynamic near-infrared carbon dioxide leak visualization detection during surgery using the FLIR GF343 optical imaging system
- Commmentary
Mohammad Faraz Khan, Jeffrey Dalli, Ronan A. Cahill
Decision analysis of minimally invasive management options for cholecysto-choledocholithiasis
- Review Article
Alison Bradley, Sharukh Sami, Niroshini Hemadasa, Anne Macleod, Leo R. Brown, Jeyakumar Apollos
Optimizing quantitative fluorescence angiography for visceral perfusion assessment
- Review Article
Christian D. Lütken, Michael P. Achiam, Morten B. Svendsen, Luigi Boni, Nikolaj Nerup
Management of appendiceal mass and abscess in children; early appendectomy or initial non-operative treatment? A systematic review and meta-analysis
- Open Access
- Review Article
Paul van Amstel, Tania C. Sluckin, Tim van Amstel, Johanna H. van der Lee, Ralph de Vries, Joep P. M. Derikx, Roel Bakx, L. W. Ernest van Heurn, Ramon R. Gorter
Does closure of fascia, type, and location of trocar influence occurrence of port site hernias? A literature review
- Review Article
Monica Gutierrez, Mallory Stuparich, Sadikah Behbehani, Samar Nahas
Outcomes of laparoscopic-assisted ERCP in gastric bypass patients at a community hospital center
Benefsha Mohammad, Michele N. Richard, Amrita Pandit, Keith Zuccala, Steven Brandwein
Linear or circular stapler? A propensity score-matched, multicenter analysis of intracorporeal esophagojejunostomy following totally laparoscopic total gastrectomy
Katsuhiro Murakami, Kazutaka Obama, Shigeru Tsunoda, Shigeo Hisamori, Tatsuto Nishigori, Koya Hida, Seiichiro Kanaya, Seiji Satoh, Dai Manaka, Michihiro Yamamoto, Yoshio Kadokawa, Atsushi Itami, Hiroshi Okabe, Hiroaki Hata, Eiji Tanaka, Yoshito Yamashita, Masato Kondo, Hisahiro Hosogi, Nobuaki Hoshino, Shiro Tanaka, Yoshiharu Sakai
Transoral endoscopic selective lateral neck dissection for papillary thyroid carcinoma: a pilot study
YuYan Tan, BoMin Guo, XianZhao Deng, Zheng Ding, Bo Wu, YiQi Niu, JianZhong Hou, YinChao Zhang, YouBen Fan
Clinical utility of transanal indocyanine green near-infrared fluorescence imaging for evaluation of colorectal anastomotic perfusion
Hiroyuki Amagai, Hideaki Miyauchi, Yorihiko Muto, Masaya Uesato, Gaku Ohira, Shunsuke Imanishi, Tetsuro Maruyama, Toru Tochigi, Koichiro Okada, Michihiro Maruyama, Hisahiro Matsubara
Clinical and oncological outcomes of single-incision vs. conventional laparoscopic surgery for rectal cancer
Yimei Jiang, Zijia Song, Xi Cheng, Kun Liu, Yiqing Shi, Changgang Wang, You Li, Xiaopin Ji, Ren Zhao
Are right-sided colectomies for neoplastic disease at increased risk of primary postoperative ileus compared to left-sided colectomies? A coarsened exact matched analysis
Richard Garfinkle, Faisal Al-Rashid, Nancy Morin, Gabriela Ghitulescu, Julio Faria, Carol-Ann Vasilevsky, Marylise Boutros
Safety and efficacy of post-anastomotic intraoperative endoscopy to avoid early anastomotic complications during gastrectomy for gastric cancer
Ji-Ho Park, Sang-Ho Jeong, Young-Joon Lee, Tae Han Kim, Jong-Man Kim, Dong-Hwan Kim, Seung-Jin Kwag, Ju-Yeon Kim, Taejin Park, Chi-Young Jeong, Young-tae Ju, Eun-Jung Jung, Soon-Chan Hong
Anatomical study of the left colic artery in laparoscopic-assisted colorectal surgery
Wei Zhang, Wei-Tang Yuan, Gui-xian Wang, Jun-Min Song
What affects the prognosis of NOMI patients? Analysis of clinical data and CT findings
Ryo Miyazawa, Minobu Kamo
Cholelithiasis after bariatric surgery, incidence, and prophylaxis: randomized controlled trial
Ahmed Talha, Tamer Abdelbaki, Ayman Farouk, Ehab Hasouna, Eman Azzam, Gihan Shehata
Propensity score analysis of outcomes between the transabdominal preperitoneal and open Lichtenstein repair techniques for inguinal hernia repair: a single-center experience
Liuwei Min, Pengzhi Yong, Liuying Yun, Alpha I. Balde, Zhanghuan Chang, Gao Qian, Liangzheng He, Panyan Fang
The GAMMA concept (gastrointestinal activity manipulation to modulate appetite) preliminary proofs of the concept of local vibrational gastric mechanical stimulation
Andras Legner, Seong-Ho Kong, Yu-Yin Liu, Galyna Shabat, Peter Halvax, Alend Saadi, Marc Worreth, Jacques Marescaux, Lee Swanström, Michele Diana
Comparison of indocyanine green and carbon nanoparticles in endoscopic techniques for central lymph nodes dissection in patients with papillary thyroid cancer
Xing Zhang, Jia-gen Li, Song-ze Zhang, Gun Chen
A novel preoperative scoring system to predict technical difficulty in laparoscopic splenectomy for non-traumatic diseases
Peng Liu, You Li, Hong-Fan Ding, Ding-Hui Dong, Xu-Feng Zhang, Xue-Min Liu, Yi Lv, Jun-Xi Xiang
Health benefits and risks during 10 years after Roux-en-Y gastric bypass
- Open Access
M. Chahal-Kummen, O. B. K. Salte, S. Hewitt, I. K. Blom-Høgestøl, H. Risstad, J. Kristinsson, T. Mala
SurgAI: deep learning for computerized laparoscopic image understanding in gynaecology
Sabrina Madad Zadeh, Tom Francois, Lilian Calvet, Pauline Chauvet, Michel Canis, Adrien Bartoli, Nicolas Bourdel
Propensity-score-matched analysis of short- and long-term outcomes in patients with an ileocolic artery crossing anterior vs posterior to the superior mesenteric vein during curative resection for right-sided colon cancer
Yasuhiro Ishiyama, Chiyo Maeda, Syoji Shimada, Shin-ei Kudo
Augmented fluoroscopic bronchoscopy (AFB) versus percutaneous computed tomography-guided dye localization for thoracoscopic resection of small lung nodules: a propensity-matched study
Shun-Mao Yang, Yi-Chang Chen, Wei-Chun Ko, Hsin-Chieh Huang, Kai-Lun Yu, Huan-Jang Ko, Pei-Ming Huang, Yeun-Chung Chang
Single-centre comparison of robotic and open pancreatoduodenectomy: a propensity score-matched study
Lapo Bencini, Federica Tofani, Claudia Paolini, Carla Vaccaro, Paolo Checcacci, Mario Annecchiarico, Luca Moraldi, Marco Farsi, Simone Polvani, Andrea Coratti
Correction to: Single-centre comparison of robotic and open pancreatoduodenectomy: a propensity score-matched study
- Correction
Lapo Bencini, Federica Tofani, Claudia Paolini, Carla Vaccaro, Paolo Checcacci, Mario Annecchiarico, Luca Moraldi, Marco Farsi, Simone Polvani, Andrea Coratti
Transoral endoscopic thyroidectomy using the vestibular approach with an endoscopic retractor in thyroid cancer: experience with the first 132 patients
Soo Young Kim, Seok-Mo Kim, Özer Makay, Hojin Chang, Bup-Woo Kim, Yong Sang Lee, Cheong Soo Park, Hang-Seok Chang
Laparoscopic transperitoneal and retroperitoneal adrenalectomy: a 20-year, single-institution experience with an analysis of the learning curve and tumor size [lap transper and retroper adrenalectomy]
- Open Access
Aurel Ottlakan, Attila Paszt, Zsolt Simonka, Szabolcs Abraham, Bernadett Borda, Marton Vas, Bela Teleky, Adam Balogh, Gyorgy Lazar
Short-term outcomes and prognosis of laparoscopy-assisted total gastrectomy in elderly patients with stomach cancer
Dongliang Liu, Lichuan Liang, Liu Liu, Zhiqiang Zhu, Shaojun Liu, Lei Hu, Yiren He, Yu Fang, Xiao Wan
Investigating the effects of drainage by hemovac drain on shoulder pain after female laparoscopic surgery and comparison with deep breathing technique: a randomized clinical trial study
Fatemeh Hosseinzadeh, Ebrahim Nasiri, Tahereh Behroozi
Peroral endoscopic myotomy alone is effective for esophageal motility disorders and esophageal epiphrenic diverticulum: a retrospective single-center study
Masato Kinoshita, Shinwa Tanaka, Fumiaki Kawara, Hiroya Sakaguchi, Hirofumi Abe, Ryusuke Ariyoshi, Takashi Toyonaga, Yuzo Kodama
Analgesic effect of postoperative laparoscopic-guided transversus abdominis plane (TAP) block, associated with preoperative port-site infiltration, within an enhanced recovery after surgery protocol in one-anastomosis gastric bypass: a randomized clinical trial
Jaime Ruiz-Tovar, Gilberto Gonzalez, Andrei Sarmiento, Miguel A. Carbajo, Javier Ortiz-de-Solorzano, Maria Jose Castro, Jose Maria Jimenez, Lorea Zubiaga
Comparison of adenoma detection by colonoscopy between polypectomy performed during both insertion and withdrawal versus during withdrawal only: a multicenter, randomized, controlled trial
Tae-Geun Gweon, Seung-Woo Lee, Jeong-Seon Ji, Jeong Rok Lee, Joon Sung Kim, Byung-Wook Kim, Hwang Choi
Tailored access to the hepatobiliary system in post-bariatric patients: a tertiary care bariatric center experience
Dino Kröll, Alexandra Charlotte Müller, Philipp C. Nett, Reiner Wiest, Johannes Maubach, Guido Stirnimann, Daniel Candinas, Yves Michael Borbély
Doxapram as an additive to propofol sedation for endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography: a placebo-controlled, randomized, double-blinded study
- Open Access
Jarno Jokelainen, Anna Belozerskikh, Harri Mustonen, Marianne Udd, Leena Kylänpää, Outi Lindström, Maxim Mazanikov, R. Pöyhiä
Comparison and validation of three difficulty scoring systems in laparoscopic liver surgery: a retrospective analysis on 300 cases
Nadia Russolillo, Cecilia Maina, Francesco Fleres, Serena Langella, Roberto Lo Tesoriere, Alessandro Ferrero
Feasibility of endoscopic submucosal dissection for colorectal neoplasia at anastomotic sites: a retrospective study
Tadateru Maehata, Motohiko Kato, Yasutoshi Ochiai, Mari Mizutani, Koshiro Tsutsumi, Yoshiyuki Kiguchi, Teppei Akimoto, Motoki Sasaki, Yusaku Takatori, Atsushi Nakayama, Kaoru Takabayashi, Ai Fujimoto, Osamu Goto, Naohisa Yahagi
Efficacy of artificial pneumothorax under two-lung ventilation in video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery for esophageal cancer
Shinsuke Nomura, Hironori Tsujimoto, Yusuke Ishibashi, Seiichiro Fujishima, Keita Kouzu, Manabu Harada, Nozomi Ito, Yoshihisa Yaguchi, Daizoh Saitoh, Takehiko Ikeda, Kazuo Hase, Yoji Kishi, Hideki Ueno
Efficacy of per-oral endoscopic myotomy for the treatment of non-achalasia esophageal motor disorders
Lucie Bernardot, Sabine Roman, Maximilien Barret, Véronique Vitton, Timothée Wallenhorst, Mathieu Pioche, Stanislas Chaussade, Jean-Michel Gonzalez, Thierry Ponchon, Frédéric Prat, Marc Barthet, Julien Vergniol, Edouard Chabrun, Frank Zerbib
Laparoscopic cytoreductive surgery and hyperthermic intraperitoneal chemotherapy for perforated low-grade appendiceal mucinous neoplasms
- Open Access
Haytham Abudeeb, Chelliah R. Selvasekar, Sarah T. O’Dwyer, Bipasha Chakrabarty, Lee Malcolmson, Andrew G. Renehan, Malcolm S. Wilson, Omer Aziz
Measuring quality of life in bariatric surgery: a multicentre study
- Open Access
Youri Q. M. Poelemeijer, Elise T. W. van der Knaap, Perla J. Marang-van de Mheen, Ahmet Demirkiran, Marinus J. Wiezer, Eric J. Hazebroek, Jan Willem M. Greve, Ronald S. L. Liem
Single-port versus multiport laparoscopic surgery comparing long-term patient satisfaction and cosmetic outcome
- Open Access
Jonas Raakow, Denis Klein, Atakan Görkem Barutcu, Matthias Biebl, Johann Pratschke, Roland Raakow
Size-dependent differences in the proximal remnant stomach: how much does a small remnant stomach after subtotal gastrectomy work?
Itaru Yasufuku, Manabu Ohashi, Kojiro Eto, Satoshi Ida, Koshi Kumagai, Souya Nunobe, Takeshi Sano, Naoki Hiki
Metabolic effects and outcomes of sleeve gastrectomy and gastric bypass: a cohort study
B. Calvo, J. A. Gracia, M. A. Bielsa, M. Martínez
Surgically induced weight loss effects on sexual quality of life of obese men: a prospective evaluation
Simone Arolfo, Gitana Scozzari, Giulio Di Benedetto, Valentina Vergine, Mario Morino
Minimally invasive surgery versus radiofrequency ablation for single subcapsular hepatocellular carcinoma ≤ 2 cm with compensated liver cirrhosis
Chih-Hao Lin, Cheng-Maw Ho, Chih-Horng Wu, Po-Chin Liang, Yao-Ming Wu, Rey-Heng Hu, Po-Huang Lee, Ming-Chih Ho
Less pain and earlier discharge after implementation of a multidisciplinary enhanced recovery after surgery (ERAS) protocol for laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy
Daniel B. Jones, Mohamad Rassoul A. Abu-Nuwar, Cindy M. Ku, Leigh-Ann S. Berk, Linda S. Trainor, Stephanie B. Jones
Intraoperative nasogastric tube during colorectal surgery may not be mandatory: a propensity score analysis of a prospective database
Aurélien Venara, Jean-Francois Hamel, Eddy Cotte, Hélène Meillat, Pierre-Yves Sage, Karem Slim, J. M. Arimont, L. Arnalsteen, J. Atger, S. Auvray, S. Beguinot-Holtzscherer, A. Belouard, Ben Henda, D. Blehaut, M. Bonnet, H. Boret, C. Buisset-Subiran, D. Massa, G. Bozio, M. Castiglioni, M. L. Catinois, P. Chenet, X. Chopin, R. Thievenaz, E. Cuellar, N. de Angelis, C. de la Fontaine, C. Denet, S. Dileon, R. Douard, E. Duchalais, S. Dufraisse, A. Dupre, F. Durame, E. Hutin, P. Fernoux, L. Massard, R. Frisoni, M. L. Scherrer, A. Germain, A. Gignoux, N. Goasguen, J Guedj, B. Guignard, D. Guinier, K. Hail, C. Hatwell, J. Joris, A. Kassoul, K. Kothondis, G. Langlois, S. Lebas, D. Leonard, J. Leporrier, F. Sirisier, A. Mariani, F. Mauvais, C. Mergui, C. Voilin, J. P. Mestrallet, F. Milou, S. Montagne, C. Mor Martinez, S. Ostermann Bucher, M. Ouaissi, L. Passebois, L. Perrot, A. Piquard, L. Plard, F. Plumereau, J. Poincenot, O. Raspado, T. Razafindratsira, J. M. Regimbeau, R. Riboud, D. Rio, M. Saint Denis, P. Salaun, B. Smeets, M. Luyer, J. P. Steinmetz, E. Vauclair, A. Latrille, P. Ortega-Deballon, J. C. Vignal, A. Wolthuis
Association of laparoscopic colectomy versus open colectomy on the long-term health-related quality of life of colon cancer survivors
- Open Access
Melissa S. Y. Thong, Lina Jansen, Jenny Chang-Claude, Michael Hoffmeister, Hermann Brenner, Volker Arndt
Use of prefrontal cortex activity as a measure of learning curve in surgical novices: results of a single blind randomised controlled trial
- 2019 EAES Oral
Howard C. H. Khoe, Jun Wei Low, Sujith Wijerathne, Lui Su Ann, Hrishikesh Salgaonkar, Davide Lomanto, JongKwan Choi, JiYeong Baek, Wilson W. Tam, Ho Pei, Roger C. M. Ho
3D-laparoscopic pancreaticoduodenectomy with superior mesenteric or portal vein resection for pancreatic cancer
- Dynamic Manuscript
Joachim Geers, Halit Topal, Joris Jaekers, Baki Topal
Endoscopic submucosal tunnel dissection versus conventional endoscopic submucosal dissection for early gastric cancers: outcomes of 799 consecutive cases in a single institution
- Dynamic Manuscript
Toshiyasu Ojima, Katsunari Takifuji, Masaki Nakamura, Mikihito Nakamori, Keiji Hayata, Junya Kitadani, Hiroki Yamaue
Usefulness of the flexible traction method in gastric endoscopic submucosal dissection: an in-vivo animal study
- Dynamic Manuscript
Kazutoshi Higuchi, Osamu Goto, Eriko Koizumi, Kumiko Kirita, Hiroto Noda, Teppei Akimoto, Jun Omori, Mitsuru Kaise, Katsuhiko Iwakiri
Laparoscopic complete mesocolic excision with true central vascular ligation for right-sided colon cancer
- Open Access
- Dynamic Manuscript
Masanobu Enomoto, Kenji Katsumata, Kenta Kasahara, Tomoya Tago, Naoto Okazaki, Takahiro Wada, Hiroshi Kuwabara, Junichi Mazaki, Tetsuo Ishizaki, Yuichi Nagakawa, Akihiko Tsuchida
A case series study of augmented reality in laparoscopic liver resection with a deformable preoperative model
- New Technology
Le Roy Bertrand, Mourad Abdallah, Yamid Espinel, Lilian Calvet, Bruno Pereira, Erol Ozgur, Denis Pezet, Emmanuel Buc, Adrien Bartoli
Perfusion speed of indocyanine green in the stomach before tubulization is an objective and useful parameter to evaluate gastric microcirculation during Ivor-Lewis esophagectomy
- New Technology
Eider Talavera-Urquijo, Paolo Parise, Marco Palucci, Greta Olivari, Stefano Turi, Andrea Cossu, Lavinia Barbieri, Ugo Elmore, Riccardo Rosati
Correction to: Bariatric efficiency at an academic tertiary care center
- Correction
Wanda Lam, Gi Yoon Kim, Clayton Petro, Adel Alhaj Saleh, Leena Khaitan