Ausgabe 7/2021
Inhalt (98 Artikel)
EAES rapid guideline: appendicitis in the elderly
- Guidelines
Stavros A. Antoniou, Dimitris Mavridis, Katerina Maria Kontouli, Vasileios Drakopoulos, Marguerite Gorter-Stam, Sture Eriksson, Marc Leone, Maria Carmen Pérez-Bocanegra, Neil J. Smart, Marco Milone, Francesco Maria Carrano, George A. Antoniou, Per Olav Vandvik
Biliary hyperkinesia: an indication for cholecystectomy?
Baongoc Nasri, Timothy Glass, Kirpal Singh, Jonathan Saxe
Less is more in the difficult gallbladder: recent evolution of subtotal cholecystectomy in a single HPB unit
Michael T. LeCompte, Keenan J. Robbins, Greg A. Williams, Dominic E. Sanford, Chet W. Hammill, Ryan C. Fields, William G. Hawkins, Steven M. Strasberg
Outcomes after 3D laparoscopic and robotic liver resection for hepatocellular carcinoma: a multicenter comparative study
Chetana Lim, Claire Goumard, Chady Salloum, Antonella Tudisco, Niccolo Napoli, Ugo Boggi, Daniel Azoulay, Olivier Scatton
Safety and feasibility of laparoscopic liver resection for hepatocellular carcinoma with clinically significant portal hypertension: a propensity score-matched study
Junhao Zheng, Xu Feng, Yuelong Liang, Jingwei Cai, Zhaoqi Shi, Mubarak Ali Kirih, Liye Tao, Xiao Liang
Thoracoscopic repair of congenital diaphragmatic hernia: a new anatomical reconstructive concept for tension dispersal at primary closure
Mohamed M. Elbarbary, Ahmed E. Fares, Mahmoud M. Marei, Hamed M. Seleim
Correction to: Thoracoscopic repair of congenital diaphragmatic hernia: a new anatomical reconstructive concept for tension dispersal at primary closure
- Correction
Mohamed M. Elbarbary, Ahmed E. Fares, Mahmoud M. Marei, Hamed M. Seleim
One-session laparoscopic management of Mirizzi syndrome: feasible and safe in specialist units
- Open Access
Ahmad H. M. Nassar, Mahmoud K. Nassar, Ines C. Gil, Hwei J. Ng, Ahmad M. Yehia
Cardiovascular complications after common bile duct stone extractions
- Open Access
Eva-Lena Syrén, Lars Enochsson, Staffan Eriksson, Arne Eklund, Bengt Isaksson, Gabriel Sandblom
Learning curves, potential and speed in training of laparoscopic skills: a randomised comparative study in a box trainer
- Open Access
Wolfgang Kunert, Pirmin Storz, Nicolaus Dietz, Steffen Axt, Claudius Falch, Andreas Kirschniak, Peter Wilhelm
Over a decade of single-center experience with thoracoscopic sympathicolysis for primary palmar hyperhidrosis: a case series
- Open Access
Adam Mol, Oliver J. Muensterer
Clinical impact of psoas muscle volume on the development of inguinal hernia after robot-assisted radical prostatectomy
Tatsuya Otaki, Masanori Hasegawa, Soichiro Yuzuriha, Izumi Hanada, Kentaro Nagao, Tatsuya Umemoto, Yuki Shimizu, Masayoshi Kawakami, Nobuyuki Nakajima, Hakushi Kim, Masahiro Nitta, Kazuya Hanai, Yoshiaki Kawamura, Sunao Shoji, Akira Miyajima
Analgesic efficacy of pre-emptive local wound infiltration plus laparoscopic-assisted transversus abdominis plane block versus wound infiltration in patients undergoing laparoscopic colorectal resection: results from a randomized, multicenter, single-blind, non-inferiority trial
Corrado Pedrazzani, Soo Yeun Park, Cristian Conti, Giulia Turri, Jun Seok Park, Hye Jin Kim, Enrico Polati, Alfredo Guglielmi, Gyu Seog Choi
Technical success, resection status, and procedural complication rate of colonoscopic full-wall resection: a pooled analysis from 7 hospitals of different care levels
- Open Access
Irmengard Krutzenbichler, Markus Dollhopf, Helmut Diepolder, Andreas Eigler, Martin Fuchs, Simon Herrmann, Gerhard Kleber, Björn Lewerenz, Christoph Kaiser, Tilman Lilje, Timo Rath, Ayman Agha, Francesco Vitali, Claus Schäfer, Wolfgang Schepp, Felix Gundling
Management of the staple line in laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy: comparison of three different reinforcement techniques
José Manuel Fort, Oscar Gonzalez, Enric Caubet, José Maria Balibrea, Carlos Petrola, Amador García Ruiz de Gordejuela, Marc Beisani, Manel Armengol, Ramon Vilallonga
Predictive factors for difficult endoscopic submucosal dissection for esophageal neoplasia including failure of en bloc resection or perforation
Yasuaki Nagami, Masaki Ominami, Taishi Sakai, Hirotsugu Maruyama, Shusei Fukunaga, Koji Otani, Shuhei Hosomi, Fumio Tanaka, Noriko Kamata, Koichi Taira, Tetsuya Tanigawa, Masatsugu Shiba, Toshio Watanabe, Yasuhiro Fujiwara
The impact of intensive laparoscopic training course with structured assessment and immediate feedback on residents’ operative performance in animal lab
Iman Ghaderi, Tung Tran, Melissa Carton, Julia Samamé, Carlos Galvani
Dual common bile duct examination with transcystic choledochoscopy and cholangiography in laparoscopic cholecystectomy for suspected choledocholithiasis: a prospective study
Tatsuki Matsumura, Shunichiro Komatsu, Kenichi Komaya, Yasuyuki Fukami, Takashi Arikawa, Takuya Saito, Takaaki Osawa, Shintaro Kurahashi, Tairin Uchino, Shoko Kato, Yoko Toda, Kenitiro Kaneko, Tsuyoshi Sano
Effect modification of resident autonomy and seniority on perioperative outcomes in laparoscopic cholecystectomy
Thomas H. Shin, Robert Naples, Judith C. French, Cathleen M. Khandelwal, Warren Rose, Diya Alaedeen, Jie Dai, Jeremy Lipman, Michael J. Rosen, Clayton Petro
Same-day discharge is safe and feasible following POEM surgery for esophageal motility disorders
Zacharie Cloutier, Aneetinder Mann, Aristithes G. Doumouras, Dennis Hong
Non-elective paraesophageal hernia repair: surgical approaches and short-term outcomes
William Sherrill III, Isolina Rossi, Michael Genz, Brent D. Matthews, Caroline E. Reinke
Comparison of clinical outcomes and quality of life between laparoscopic distal pancreatectomy with or without spleen preservation
Ren-Chao Zhang, Jun Ma, Yi-Ping Mou, Jia-Fei Yan, Yu-Cheng Zhou
Characteristics and publication status of gastrointestinal endoscopy clinical trials registered in
Shali Tan, Yusha Chen, Li Dai, Chunyu Zhong, Ningli Chai, Xujuan Luo, Jin Xu, Xiangsheng Fu, Yan Peng, Enqiang Linghu, Xiaowei Tang
The role of surgeons during the COVID-19 pandemic: impact on training and lessons learned from a surgical resident’s perspective
- Zur Zeit gratis
- COVID-19
Heitham Wady, David Restle, Juyeon Park, Aurora Pryor, Mark Talamini, Sherif Abdel-Misih
Oncological outcomes of robotic-assisted versus open pancreatoduodenectomy for pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma: a propensity score-matched analysis
- Open Access
Yuanchi Weng, Yu Jiang, Ningzhen Fu, Jiabin Jin, Yusheng Shi, Zhen Huo, Xiaxing Deng, Chenghong Peng, Baiyong Shen
Three-year clinical experience with magnetic sphincter augmentation and laparoscopic fundoplication
- Open Access
Luigi Bonavina, Thomas Horbach, Sebastian F. Schoppmann, Janet DeMarchi
Feasibility, safety, and long-term efficacy of gastric peroral endoscopic myotomy (G-POEM) for postsurgical gastroparesis: a single-center and retrospective study of a prospective database
- Open Access
Jiacheng Tan, Sachin Mulmi Shrestha, Ming Wei, Panpan Wang, Jinjun Shi, Yanjia Lu, Qi Gao, Tong Lu, Jun Zhou, Ruihua Shi
The risk factors for incisional hernia after laparoscopic colorectal surgery: a multicenter retrospective study at Yokohama Clinical Oncology Group
Hironori Fukuoka, Jun Watanabe, Oshi Masanori, Yusuke Suwa, Hirokazu Suwa, Atsushi Ishibe, Mitsuyoshi Ota, Chikara Kunisaki, Itaru Endo
Endoscopic submucosal dissection for colorectal neoplasms in proximity or extending to a diverticulum
Takashi Muramoto, Ken Ohata, Eiji Sakai, Syunya Takayanagi, Yoshiaki Kimoto, Yuichiro Suzuki, Rindo Ishii, Keisuke Kanda, Ryoju Negishi, Maiko Takita, Yohei Minato, Yosuke Tsuji, Hideyuki Chiba, Nobuyuki Matsuhashi
Initial management of esophageal anastomotic strictures after transhiatal esophagectomy for esophageal cancer with dilations up to 18–20 mm
Robert Cubas, Robert Andres, Shravan Chintalapani, Estefania Roldan, Andrea Marcadis, Valerie Wu Chao Ying, Robert Bowles, Jose Martinez
Early diagnosis is associated with improved clinical outcomes in benign esophageal perforation: an individual patient data meta-analysis
- Open Access
Bram D. Vermeulen, Britt van der Leeden, Jawad T. Ali, Tomas Gudbjartsson, Michael Hermansson, Donald E. Low, Douglas G. Adler, Abraham J. Botha, Xavier B. D’Journo, Atila Eroglu, Lorenzo E. Ferri, Christoph Gubler, Jan Willem Haveman, Lileswar Kaman, Richard A. Kozarek, Simon Law, Gunnar Loske, Joerg Lindenmann, Jung-Hoon Park, J. David Richardson, Paulina Salminen, Ho-Yong Song, Jon A. Søreide, Manon C. W. Spaander, Jeffrey N. Tarascio, Jon A. Tsai, Tim Vanuytsel, Camiel Rosman, Peter D. Siersema, Ruben D. van der Bogt, Madeleine Birch, Joseph J. Dubose, Sam Fox, Michael T. Jaklitsch, Madhan K. Kuppusamy, Saga Persson, Robert D. Rice, Josef Smolle, Freyja M. Smolle-Juettner, Monisha Sudarshan, Robert P. Sutcliffe, Halla Vidarsdottir, Asgaut Viste
Endoscopic submucosal dissection with an additional working channel (ESD+): a novel technique to improve procedure time and safety of ESD
- Open Access
Richard F. Knoop, Edris Wedi, Golo Petzold, Sebastian C. B. Bremer, Ahmad Amanzada, Volker Ellenrieder, Albrecht Neesse, Steffen Kunsch
Comparison of sleeve gastrectomy and Roux-en-Y gastric bypass after failure of gastric banding: a two-center study with a propensity score-matched analysis
Antoine Vallois, Lionel Rebibo, Yannick Le Roux, Abdennaceur Dhahri, Arnaud Alves, Jean-Marc Regimbeau
Correction to: Comparison of sleeve gastrectomy and Roux-en-Y gastric bypass after failure of gastric banding: a two-center study with a propensity score-matched analysis
- Correction
Antoine Vallois, Lionel Rebibo, Yannick Le Roux, Abdennaceur Dhahri, Arnaud Alves, Jean-Marc Regimbeau
Does antrum size matter in sleeve gastrectomy? A prospective randomized study
Francesco Pizza, Dario D’Antonio, Francesco Saverio Lucido, Claudio Gambardella, Juan Antonio Carbonell Asíns, Chiara Dell’Isola, Salvatore Tolone
Correction to: Does antrum size matter in sleeve gastrectomy? A prospective randomized study
- Correction
Francesco Pizza, Dario D’Antonio, Francesco Saverio Lucido, Claudio Gambardella, Juan Antonio Carbonell Asíns, Chiara Dell’Isola, Salvatore Tolone
Safety and efficacy of percutaneous transhepatic–endoscopic rendezvous procedure in a single session
Cyril Chivot, Clara Yzet, Roger Bouzerar, Franck Brazier, Sami Hakim, Jean Philippe Le Mouel, Eric Nguyen-Khac, Richard Delcenserie, Thierry Yzet
Scarless endoscopic thyroidectomy (SET) lateral neck dissection for papillary thyroid carcinoma through breast approach: 10 years of experience
Hai-chao Yan, Cheng Xiang, Yong Wang, Ping Wang
Comparison of laparoscopic ultrasound and liver-specific magnetic resonance imaging for staging colorectal liver metastases
Nadia Russolillo, Alessandro Borello, Serena Langella, Michele Casella, Roberto Lo Tesoriere, Alessandro Ferrero
Impact of haptic feedback on applied intracorporeal forces using a novel surgical robotic system—a randomized cross-over study with novices in an experimental setup
- Open Access
Johanna Miller, Manuel Braun, Johannes Bilz, Sebastian Matich, Carsten Neupert, Wolfgang Kunert, Andreas Kirschniak
Application of a novel self-assembling peptide to prevent hemorrhage after EMR, a feasibility and safety study
- Open Access
Elsa Soons, Ayla Turan, Erwin van Geenen, Peter Siersema
Morbidity and short-term surgical outcomes of robotic versus laparoscopic distal gastrectomy for gastric cancer: a large cohort study
Li Zheng-yan, Zhao Yong-liang, Qian Feng, Shi Yan, Yu Pei-wu
Effects of smoking on bariatric surgery postoperative weight loss and patient satisfaction
Jamil S. Samaan, Sukriti Mohan, Omar Toubat, Elaine Qian, Nayun Lee, Chaitra Subramanyam, Evan T. Alicuben, Adrian Dobrowolsky, Kulmeet Sandhu, Kamran Samakar
Endoscopic part-task training box scores correlate with endoscopic outcomes
Amy Ou, Claire M. Shin, Adam J. Goodman, Michael A. Poles, Violeta B. Popov
Bipolar-current needle-knife with a water jet function (Jet B-knife) shortens the procedure time of endoscopic submucosal dissection for colorectal tumors
Katsushi Hiramatsu, Tatsushi Naito, Yu Akazawa, Yasushi Saito, Takuto Nosaka, Kazuto Takahashi, Kazuya Ofuji, Hidetaka Matsuda, Masahiro Ohtani, Mitsuru Matsuda, Akito Sakai, Yasunari Nakamoto
Transanal endoscopic microsurgery with alternative neoadjuvant imatinib for localized rectal gastrointestinal stromal tumor: a single center experience with long-term surveillance
Xueshan Bai, Weixun Zhou, Yunhao Li, Guole Lin
Independent risk factors for esophageal refractory stricture after extensive endoscopic submucosal dissection
Jian Tang, Fanyang Kong, Jun Li, Feng Liu, Xiangyu Kong, Zhaoshen Li
Predictors for prolonged length of stay after laparoscopic appendectomy for complicated acute appendicitis in adults
Aleix Martínez-Pérez, Carmen Payá-Llorente, Sandra Santarrufina-Martínez, Juan Carlos Sebastián-Tomás, Elías Martínez-López, Nicola de’Angelis
Incidence of colon resections is increasing in the younger populations: should an early initiation of colon cancer screening be implemented?
Maria S. Altieri, Hannah Thompson, Aurora Pryor, Jie Yang, Chencan Zhu, Mark Talamini, Jill Genua
Laparoscopic major hepatectomy for hepatocellular carcinoma in elderly patients: a multicentric propensity score‑based analysis
Antonella Delvecchio, Maria Conticchio, Francesca Ratti, Maximiliano Gelli, Ferdinando Massimiliano Anelli, Alexis Laurent, Giulio Cesare Vitali, Paolo Magistri, Giacomo Assirati, Emanuele Felli, Taiga Wakabayashi, Patrick Pessaux, Tullio Piardi, Fabrizio Di Benedetto, Nicola de’Angelis, Javier Briceño-Delgado, Rene Adam, Daniel Cherqui, Luca Aldrighetti, Riccardo Memeo
An international survey on anastomotic stricture management after esophageal atresia repair: considerations and advisory statements
- Open Access
Chantal A. ten Kate, Renato Tambucci, John Vlot, Manon C. W. Spaander, Frederic Gottrand, Rene M. H. Wijnen, Luigi Dall’Oglio
Trends of anti-reflux surgery in Denmark 2000–2017: a nationwide registry-based cohort study
Jonas Sanberg Ljungdalh, Katrine Hass Rubin, Jesper Durup, Kim Christian Houlind
Prospective randomized controlled trial on comparison of standard CO2 pressure pneumoperitoneum insufflator versus AirSeal®
- Open Access
Rosalia Luketina, Theodore L. H. Luketina, Stavros A. Antoniou, Gernot Köhler, Sören Könneker, Lisa Manzenreiter, Helwig Wundsam, Oliver Owen Koch, Michael Knauer, Klaus Emmanuel
Naples Prognostic Score as a novel prognostic prediction tool in video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery for early-stage lung cancer: a propensity score matching study
Shuangjiang Li, Hongyu Wang, Zhang Yang, Liang Zhao, Wenyu Lv, Heng Du, Guowei Che, Lunxu Liu
The critical view of safety during laparoscopic cholecystectomy: Strasberg Yes or No? An Italian Multicentre study
- Open Access
Lucia Ilaria Sgaramella, Angela Gurrado, Alessandro Pasculli, Nicola de Angelis, Riccardo Memeo, Francesco Paolo Prete, Stefano Berti, Graziano Ceccarelli, Marco Rigamonti, Francesco Giuseppe Aldo Badessi, Nicola Solari, Marco Milone, Fausto Catena, Stefano Scabini, Francesco Vittore, Gennaro Perrone, Carlo de Werra, Ferdinando Cafiero, Mario Testini, Gian Luca Baiocchi, Gianandrea Baldazzi, Mario Battocletti, Sergio Bertoglio, Paolo Bianco, Walter Bugiantella, Giovanni Ciaccio, Lorenzo Cobianchi, Giovanni Conzo, Michele Crespi, Michele De Rosa, Giovanna Di Meo, Ludovico Docimo, Luca Fabris, Cosimo Feleppa, Valentina Ferraro, Tommaso Fontana, Claudio Gambardella, Andrea Gennai, Francesco Guida, Laura Invernizzi, Andrea Massobrio, Fabio Medas, Luigi Monaco, Gianfranco Muntoni, Mario Musella, Denise Palombo, Roberto Perinotti, Davide Pertile, Angela Pezzolla, Gianluca Piccirillo, Roberto Polastri, Roberto Ruggiero, Marco Scatizzi, Carlo Somaglino, Salvatore Tolone, Enrico Traverso, Roberta Tutino, Carlo Valduga, Michele Zuolo
A validated score predicting common bile duct stone in patients hospitalized with acute calculus cholecystitis: a multi-center retrospective study
Tawfik Khoury, Anas Kadah, Amir Mari, Itai Kalisky, Lior Katz, Mahmud Mahamid, Wisam Sbeit
Sustaining a laparoscopic program in resource-limited environments: results and lessons learned over 13 years in Botswana
Alemayehu Ginbo Bedada, Marvin Hsiao, Georges Azzie
SpyGlass-guided laser lithotripsy versus laparoscopic common bile duct exploration for large common bile duct stones: a non-inferiority trial
Guodong Li, Qiuping Pang, Hailan Zhai, Xiujuan Zhang, Yanchun Dong, Ji Li, Xinyong Jia
Outcomes of peroral endoscopic myotomy in challenging achalasia patients: a long-term follow-up study
Shanshan Xu, Ningli Chai, Xiaowei Tang, Enqiang Linghu, Longsong Li, Shasha Wang, Xiaobin Zhang
Zenker diverticulum treatment: retrospective comparison of flexible endoscopic window technique and surgical approaches
Laura Calavas, Esteban Brenet, Jérôme Rivory, Olivier Guillaud, Jean-Christophe Saurin, Philippe Ceruse, Thierry Ponchon, Mathieu Pioche
Peroral endoscopic tumor resection (POET) with preserved mucosa technique for management of upper gastrointestinal tract subepithelial tumors
Chen-Shuan Chung, Kuo-Hsin Chen, Kuan-Chih Chen, Chiung-Yu Chen, Tzong-Hsi Lee, Cheng-Kuan Lin, Jiann-Ming Wu
Comparison of minimal invasive versus open radical antegrade modular pancreatosplenectomy (RAMPS) for pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma: a single center retrospective study
Hanyu Zhang, Yatong Li, Quan Liao, Cheng Xing, Cheng Ding, Taiping Zhang, Junchao Guo, Xianlin Han, Qiang Xu, Wenming Wu, Yupei Zhao, Menghua Dai
Do specific operative approaches and insurance status impact timely access to colorectal cancer care?
- 2020 SAGES Oral
Brian D. Lo, George Q. Zhang, Miloslawa Stem, Rebecca Sahyoun, Jonathan E. Efron, Bashar Safar, Chady Atallah
The effect of verbal feedback, video feedback, and self-assessment on laparoscopic intracorporeal suturing skills in novices: a randomized trial
- 2020 SAGES Oral
Jonathan Halim, Joshua Jelley, Ningning Zhang, Marcus Ornstein, Bijendra Patel
Electromagnetic interference on cardiac pacemakers and implantable cardioverter defibrillators during endoscopy as reported to the US Federal Drug Administration
- 2020 SAGES Oral
Jason M. Samuels, Douglas M. Overbey, Krzysztof J. Wikiel, Teresa S. Jones, Thomas N. Robinson, Edward L. Jones
Outcomes of robotic esophagectomies for esophageal cancer by hospital volume: an analysis of the national cancer database
- 2020 SAGES Oral
Jonathan J. Hue, Katelynn C. Bachman, Stephanie G. Worrell, Kelsey E. Gray, Philip A. Linden, Christopher W. Towe
A pre-operative platelet transfusion algorithm for patients with cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma undergoing laparoscopic microwave ablation
- 2020 SAGES Oral
Maria Baimas-George, Michael Watson, Patrick Salibi, Keith J. Murphy, Dionisios Vrochides, John B. Martinie, Erin H. Baker, David A. Iannitti
Appropriate patient selection facilitates safe discharge from the PACU after laparoscopic ventral hernia repair: an analysis of the AHSQC database
- 2020 SAGES Oral
Ivy N. Haskins, Khashayar Vaziri, Li-Ching Huang, Sharon E. Phillips, Timothy M. Farrell, Arielle J. Perez
Surgical Coaching for Operative Performance Enhancement (SCOPE): skill ratings and impact on surgeons’ practice
- 2020 SAGES Oral
Jason C. Pradarelli, Steven Yule, Stuart R. Lipsitz, Nikhil Panda, Molly Craig, Kurt W. Lowery, Stanley W. Ashley, Denise W. Gee, Peter M. Waters, Jim Knight, Douglas S. Smink
Short-term outcome of routine use of EndoFLIP during hiatal hernia repair
- 2020 SAGES Oral
Ugoeze Nwokedi, Duc T. Nguyen, Leonora M. Meisenbach, Ray Chihara, Edward Y. Chan, Edward A. Graviss, Min P. Kim
S043 mythbuster: truncal vagotomy and gastric drainage procedures
- 2020 SAGES Oral
Matt B. Martin, Ben T. Hoxworth, David H. Newman, Eric M. Wilson, Luke Kinsinger, Chelsea Connor
Is interval appendectomy really needed? A closer look at neoplasm rates in adult patients undergoing interval appendectomy after complicated appendicitis
- 2020 SAGES Oral
Danielle Hayes, Shelby Reiter, Edard Hagen, Gary Lucas, Isabelle Chu, Tobias Muñiz, Ryan Martinez
Safety and efficacy of magnetic sphincter augmentation dilation
- 2020 SAGES Oral
Reid Fletcher, Christy M. Dunst, Walaa F. Abdelmoaty, Evan T. Alicuben, Ealaf Shemmeri, Brett Parker, Dolores Müller, Ahmed M. Sharata, Kevin M. Reavis, Daniel Davila Bradley, Nikolai A. Bildzukewicz, Brian E. Louie, John C. Lipham, Steven R. DeMeester
Best reoperative strategy for failed fundoplication: redo fundoplication or conversion to Roux-en-Y gastric diversion?
- 2020 SAGES Oral
Jenny M. Shao, Sharbel A. Elhage, Tanu Prasad, Keith Gersin, Vedra A. Augenstein, Paul D. Colavita, B. Todd Heniford
Xanthogranulomatous cholecystitis: a review of 31 patients
- 2020 SAGES Oral
Shinichiro Makimoto, Tomoya Takami, Kotaro Hatano, Naoki Kataoka, Tomoyuki Yamaguchi, Masafumi Tomita, Yoshiharu Shono
Laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy in patients with complex abdominal wall hernias
- 2020 SAGES Oral
David J. Morrell, Eric M. Pauli, Jerome R. Lyn-Sue, Randy S. Haluck, Ann M. Rogers
Random forest modeling using socioeconomic distress predicts hernia repair approach
- 2020 SAGES Oral
Brett M. Tracy, Timothy M. Finnegan, Randi N. Smith, Christopher K. Senkowski
Endoscopic mucosal incision and muscle interruption (MIMI) for the treatment of Zenker’s diverticulum
- 2020 SAGES Oral
Michael J. Klingler, Joshua P. Landreneau, Andrew T. Strong, Juan S. Barajas-Gamboa, Christine Tat, Chao Tu, Alisan Fathalizadeh, Matthew Kroh, John Rodriguez, Madhusudhan R. Sanaka, Jeffrey Ponsky
The effect of smoking on bariatric surgical 30-day outcomes: propensity-score-matched analysis of the MBSAQIP
- Open Access
- 2020 SAGES Oral
Michał R. Janik, Amir H. Aryaie
Trends in the utilization and perioperative outcomes of primary robotic bariatric surgery from 2015 to 2018: a study of 46,764 patients from the MBSAQIP data registry
- 2020 SAGES Oral
Talar Tatarian, Jie Yang, Junying Wang, Salvatore Docimo, Mark Talamini, Aurora D. Pryor, Konstantinos Spaniolas
Impact of bariatric surgery on the development of diabetic microvascular and macrovascular complications
- 2020 SAGES Oral
Iliya Goldberg, Lizhou Nie, Jie Yang, Salvatore Docimo, Silvana Obici, Mark Talamini, Aurora Pryor, Konstantinos Spaniolas
Outcomes in revisional bariatric surgery: a high-volume single institution experience
- 2020 SAGES Oral
Fareed Cheema, Michael Choi, Erin Moran-Atkin, Diego Camacho, Jenny Choi
The safety of additional procedures at the time of revisional bariatric surgery
- 2020 SAGES Oral
Sasha Hornock, Oriana Ellis, Joshua Dilday, Julia Bader, Benjamin Clapp, Eric Ahnfeldt
S116: Impact of incisional negative pressure wound therapy on surgical site infection after complex incisional hernia repair: a retrospective matched cohort study
- 2020 SAGES Oral
Brent Hopkins, Jules Eustache, Olivia Ganescu, Josie Cipolla, Pepa Kaneva, Gerald M. Fried, Kosar Khwaja, Melina Vassiliou, Paola Fata, Lawrence Lee, Liane S. Feldman
Somatic DNA copy number alterations in non-dysplastic Barrett’s esophagus
- 2020 SAGES Oral
Zachary M. Callahan, Wennuan Liu, Jun Hou, S. Lilly Zheng, Jamaal Rehman, H. Mason Hedberg, Craig S. Brown, Bailey Su, Mikhail Attaar, Kristine Kuchta, MaryAnn Regner, JoAnn Carbray, Jianfeng Xu, Michael Ujiki
Factors associated with admission after implementation of a same-day discharge pathway in patients undergoing peroral endoscopic myotomy (POEM)
- 2020 SAGES Oral
Mikhail Attaar, Bailey Su, Harry J. Wong, Kristine Kuchta, Woody Denham, Stephen P. Haggerty, John Linn, Michael B. Ujiki
Establishment of a per oral endoscopic myotomy program at a rural tertiary care center
- 2020 SAGES Poster
Austin Rogers, Carlos Anciano, Robert Allman, Dante Dali, Aundrea Oliver, Mark Iannettoni, James Speicher
Complications of feeding jejunostomy placement: a single-institution experience
- 2020 SAGES Poster
Luis Felipe Okida, Tara Salimi, Francisco Ferri, Juliana Henrique, Emanuele Lo Menzo, Samuel Szomstein, Raul J. Rosenthal
Fundic gastropexy for high risk of recurrence laparoscopic hiatal hernia repair and esophageal sphincter augmentation (LINX) improves outcomes without altering perioperative course
- 2020 SAGES Poster
Robert Allman, James Speicher, Austin Rogers, Ethan Ledbetter, Aundrea Oliver, Mark Iannettoni, Carlos Anciano
Ventral hernia patient outcomes postoperatively housed on surgical vs non-surgical units
- 2020 SAGES Poster
Elizabeth Bittner, Walker Ueland, Michael J. Nisiewicz, Hussain Siddiqi, Margaret A. Plymale, Daniel L. Davenport, John Scott Roth
Automated operative phase identification in peroral endoscopic myotomy
- 2020 SAGES Poster
Thomas M. Ward, Daniel A. Hashimoto, Yutong Ban, David W. Rattner, Haruhiro Inoue, Keith D. Lillemoe, Daniela L. Rus, Guy Rosman, Ozanan R. Meireles
Assessment of a novel stapler performance for laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy
- 2020 SAGES Poster
Christen Salyer, Anthony Spuzzillo, Devin Wakefield, Dina Gomaa, Jonathan Thompson, Michael Goodman
Initial clinical experience with Single-Port robotic (SP r) left colectomy using the SP surgical system: description of the technique
- Dynamic Manuscript
Jean F. Salem, Samir Agarwal, Henry Schoonyoung, Charlie Martin, John H Marks
A new minimally invasive technique for the repair of diastasis recti: a pilot study
- Open Access
- Dynamic Manuscript
Gabriele Manetti, Maria Giulia Lolli, Elena Belloni, Giuseppe Nigri
Endoscopic cardial constriction with band ligation in the treatment of refractory gastroesophageal reflux disease: a preliminary feasibility study
- Open Access
- Dynamic Manuscript
Zhi-Tong Li, Feng Ji, Xin-Wei Han, Rui Zhang, Li-Dong Chen, Chun-Xia Li, Li-Li Yuan, Zhong-Gao Wang, Kang-Dong Liu
Exposure to virtual reality as a tool to reduce peri-operative anxiety in patients undergoing colorectal cancer surgery: a single-center prospective randomized clinical trial
- Dynamic Manuscript
Víctor Turrado, Yoelimar Guzmán, Julio Jiménez-Lillo, Eduardo Villegas, Francisco B. de Lacy, Jordi Blanch, José M. Balibrea, Antonio Lacy
Feasibility and safety of a new endoscopic synthetic sealant nebulizing device over gastric endoscopic submucosal dissections
- Open Access
- New Technology
Ivo Boškoski, Jun Hamanaka, Federico Barbaro, Vincenzo Arena, Pietro Mascagni, Maria Emiliana Caristo, Martina De Siena, Camilla Gallo, Guido Costamagna
Improved submucosal tunneling endoscopic resection with slant tunnel for submucosal tumors in proximal esophagus
- New Technology
Sun Di, Shi Qiang, Qi ZhiPeng, Li Bing, Cai Shilun, Zhou Pinghong, Zhong Yunshi