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Surgical Endoscopy

Ausgabe 9/2017

Inhalt (46 Artikel)

Clinical practice guideline for enhanced recovery after colon and rectal surgery from the American Society of Colon and Rectal Surgeons (ASCRS) and Society of American Gastrointestinal and Endoscopic Surgeons (SAGES)

  • Guidelines

Joseph C. Carmichael, Deborah S. Keller, Gabriele Baldini, Liliana Bordeianou, Eric Weiss, Lawrence Lee, Marylise Boutros, James McClane, Scott R. Steele, Liane S. Feldman

Endoscopic vacuum therapy for various defects of the upper gastrointestinal tract

  • Review

Florian Kuehn, Gunnar Loske, Leif Schiffmann, Michael Gock, Ernst Klar

Totally laparoscopic or robot-assisted pancreaticoduodenectomy versus open surgery for periampullary neoplasms: separate systematic reviews and meta-analyses

  • Review

Sang Hyun Shin, Ye-Jee Kim, Ki Byung Song, Seong-Ryong Kim, Dae Wook Hwang, Jae Hoon Lee, Kwang-Min Park, Young-Joo Lee, Eunsung Jun, Song Cheol Kim

Alvimopan in the setting of colorectal resection with an ostomy: To use or not to use?

Yuxiang Wen, Murad A. Jabir, Michael Keating, Alison R. Althans, Justin T. Brady, Bradley J. Champagne, Conor P. Delaney, Scott R. Steele

Endoscopic suture fixation is associated with reduced migration of esophageal fully covered self-expandable metal stents (FCSEMS)

Andrew Wright, Andrew Chang, Aarti Oza Bedi, Erik-Jan Wamsteker, Grace Elta, Richard S. Kwon, Phillip Carrott, B. Joseph Elmunzer, Ryan Law

Laparoscopic-assisted versus open total gastrectomy for Siewert type II and III esophagogastric junction carcinoma: a propensity score-matched case-control study

Chang-Ming Huang, Chen-Bin Lv, Jian-Xian Lin, Qi-Yue Chen, Chao-Hui Zheng, Ping Li, Jian-Wei Xie, Jia-Bin Wang, Jun Lu, Long-Long Cao, Mi Lin, Ru-Hong Tu

Management of super–super obese patients: comparison between one anastomosis (mini) gastric bypass and Roux-en-Y gastric bypass

Chetan Parmar, Mohamed A. Abdelhalim, Kamal K. Mahawar, Maureen Boyle, William R. J. Carr, Neil Jennings, Peter K. Small

Effects of laparoscopic myotomy on the esophageal motility pattern of esophageal achalasia as measured by high-resolution manometry

Renato Salvador, Edoardo Savarino, Elisa Pesenti, Lorenzo Spadotto, Guerrino Voltarel, Giovanni Capovilla, Francesco Cavallin, Loredana Nicoletti, Michele Valmasoni, Alberto Ruol, Stefano Merigliano, Mario Costantini

Uptake of enhanced recovery practices by SAGES members: a survey

Deborah S. Keller, Conor P. Delaney, Anthony J. Senagore, Liane S. Feldman, Liane Feldman, Conor Delaney, Gina Adrales, Rajesh Aggarwal, Thomas Aloia, Diana Diesen, Justin Dimick, Courtney Doyle, Lorenzo Ferri, Julio Fiore Jr., Gerald Fried, Pascal Fuchshuber, Alexis Grucela, Matthew Hutter, Edmundo Inga-Zapata, Rohan Joseph, Deborah Keller, Lawrence Lee, Anne Lidor, Sumeet Mittal, Charles Paget III, Benjamin Poulose, Patrick Reardon, Michele Riordon, Anthony Senagore, Vadim Sherman, Julie Thacker, Tonia Young-Fadok

OR fire virtual training simulator: design and face validity

Denis Dorozhkin, Jaisa Olasky, Daniel B. Jones, Steven D. Schwaitzberg, Stephanie B. Jones, Caroline G. L. Cao, Marcos Molina, Steven Henriques, Jinling Wang, Jeff Flinn, Suvranu De

Readmissions after laparoscopic cholecystectomy in a UK District General Hospital

Olugbenga Awolaran, Tabitha Gana, Nehemiah Samuel, Kenneth Oaikhinan

The effect of component separation technique on quality of life (QOL) and surgical outcomes in complex open ventral hernia repair (OVHR)

Laurel J. Blair, Tiffany C. Cox, Ciara R. Huntington, Steven A. Groene, Tanushree Prasad, Amy E. Lincourt, Kent W. Kercher, B. Todd Heniford, Vedra A. Augenstein

Perioperative hemorrhagic complications after laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy: four-year experience of a bariatric center of excellence

Francesco De Angelis, Mohamed Abdelgawad, Mario Rizzello, Consalvo Mattia, Gianfranco Silecchia

Does stoma site specimen extraction increase postoperative ileostomy complication rates?

Wanglin Li, Cigdem Benlice, Luca Stocchi, Hermann Kessler, Emre Gorgun, Meagan Costedio

Endoscopic management of post-laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy stenosis

Salman Al Sabah, Eliana Al Haddad, Iqbal Siddique

Erratum to: Endoscopic management of post-laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy stenosis

  • Erratum

Salman Al Sabah, Eliana Al Haddad, Iqbal Siddique

Five hundred consecutive laparoscopic common bile duct explorations: 5-year experience at a single institution

Jie Hua, Hongbo Meng, Le Yao, Jian Gong, Bin Xu, Tingsong Yang, Wei Sun, Yuxiang Wang, Yukan Mao, Ti Zhang, Bo Zhou, Zhenshun Song

The SmartOR: a distributed sensor network to improve operating room efficiency

Albert Y. Huang, Guillaume Joerger, Vid Fikfak, Remi Salmon, Brian J. Dunkin, Barbara L. Bass, Marc Garbey

Cost-effectiveness of prophylactic appendectomy: a Markov model

Karina Newhall, Benjamin Albright, Anna Tosteson, Elissa Ozanne, Thadeus Trus, Philip P. Goodney

Learning curve and clinical outcome of gastric endoscopic submucosal dissection performed by trainee operators

Masao Yoshida, Naomi Kakushima, Keita Mori, Kimihiro Igarashi, Noboru Kawata, Masaki Tanaka, Kohei Takizawa, Sayo Ito, Kenichiro Imai, Kinichi Hotta, Hirotoshi Ishiwatari, Hiroyuki Matsubayashi, Hiroyuki Ono

Incidence of abdominal wall metastases following percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy placement in patients with head and neck cancer

Eleanor Fung, David S. Strosberg, Edward L. Jones, Rebecca Dettorre, Andrew Suzo, Michael P. Meara, Vimal K. Narula, Jeffrey W. Hazey

Infrahepatic inferior vena cava clamping with Pringle maneuvers for laparoscopic extracapsular enucleation of giant liver hemangiomas

  • Open Access

Wanguang Zhang, Jian Wang, Changhai Li, Zhanguo Zhang, Najib Isse Dirie, Hanhua Dong, Shuai Xiang, Wei Zhang, Zhiwei Zhang, Bixiang Zhang, Xiaoping Chen

Effect of ultrasound-guided phrenic nerve block on shoulder pain after laparoscopic cholecystectomy—a prospective, randomized controlled trial

Myung Sub Yi, Won Joong Kim, Min Kyoung Kim, Hyun Kang, Yong-Hee Park, Yong Hun Jung, Seung Eun Lee, Hwa Yong Shin

Assessment of predictive factors for recurrence in laparoscopic ventral hernia repair using a bridging technique

P. Hauters, J. Desmet, D. Gherardi, S. Dewaele, H. Poilvache, P. Malvaux

Superiority of laparoscopic proximal gastrectomy with hand-sewn esophagogastrostomy over total gastrectomy in improving postoperative body weight loss and quality of life

Tatsuto Nishigori, Hiroshi Okabe, Shigeru Tsunoda, Hisashi Shinohara, Kazutaka Obama, Hisahiro Hosogi, Shigeo Hisamori, Kikuko Miyazaki, Takeo Nakayama, Yoshiharu Sakai

Equal patient satisfaction, quality of life and objective recurrence rate after laparoscopic hiatal hernia repair with and without mesh

Jan H. Koetje, Jelmer E. Oor, David J. Roks, Henderik L. Van Westreenen, Eric J. Hazebroek, Vincent B. Nieuwenhuijs

Colorectal ESD in day surgery

  • Open Access

Tomohiko Ohya, Richard Marsk, Klas Pekkari

Outcome of stent grafting for esophageal perforations: single-center experience

Fausto Biancari, Tuomas Tauriainen, Tatu Ylikotila, Misa Kokkonen, Jukka Rintala, Elisa Mäkäräinen-Uhlbäck, Vesa Koivukangas, Juha Saarnio

Endotherapy in case of relapse of neoplastic Barrett’s esophagus after successful initial endoscopic resection

Sébastien Godat, Fabrice Caillol, Aurélie Autret, Erwan Bories, Christian Pesenti, Jean Philippe Ratone, Chiara De Cassan, Flora Poizat, Marc Giovannini

Optimal timing for a second ERCP after failure of initial biliary cannulation following precut sphincterotomy: an analysis of experience at two tertiary centers

Juan Colan-Hernandez, Alexandra Aldana, Mar Concepción, Karina Chavez, Cristina Gómez, Angela Mendez-bocanegra, Miguel Martínez-Guillen, Oriol Sendino, Càndid Villanueva, Josep Llach, Carlos Guarner-Argente, Andrés Cárdenas, Carlos Guarner

Practice does not always make perfect: need for selection curricula in modern surgical training

Marisa Louridas, Peter Szasz, Andras B Fecso, Michael G Zywiel, Parisa Lak, Ayse B. Bener, Kenneth A Harris, Teodor P Grantcharov

Effect of ulinastatin on postoperative renal function in patients undergoing robot-assisted laparoscopic partial nephrectomy: a randomized trial

Bora Lee, Sook Young Lee, Na Young Kim, Koon Ho Rha, Young Deuk Choi, Sujung Park, So Yeon Kim

Increased identification of parathyroid glands using near infrared light during thyroid and parathyroid surgery

Jorge Falco, Fernando Dip, Pablo Quadri, Martin de la Fuente, Marcos Prunello, Raúl J. Rosenthal

The mesenteric defects in laparoscopic Roux-en-Y gastric bypass: 5 years follow-up of non-closure versus closure using the stapler technique

  • Open Access
  • Dynamic Manuscript

Ebrahim Aghajani, Bent J. Nergaard, Bjorn G. Leifson, Jan Hedenbro, Hjortur Gislason

A novel procedure for introducing large sheet-type surgical material with a self-expanding origami structure using a slim trocar (chevron pleats procedure)

  • New Technology

Yuen Nakase, Kei Nakamura, Akira Sougawa, Tomoyuki Nagata, Satoshi Mochizuki, Shouzo Kitai, Seishirou Inaba

Transoral endoscopic parathyroidectomy vestibular approach: a novel scarless parathyroid surgery

  • New Technology

Thanyawat Sasanakietkul, Pornpeera Jitpratoom, Angkoon Anuwong

Erratum to: EUS-guided gastroenterostomy is comparable to enteral stenting with fewer re-interventions in malignant gastric outlet obstruction

  • Erratum

Yen-I Chen, Takao Itoi, Todd H. Baron, Jose Nieto, Yamile Haito-Chavez, Ian S. Grimm, Amr Ismail, Saowanee Ngamruengphong, Majidah Bukhari, Gulara Hajiyeva, Ahmad S. Alawad, Vivek Kumbhari, Mouen A. Khashab

Neu im Fachgebiet Chirurgie

Antibiotika bei Erwachsenen mit Appendizitis oft ausreichend

Bei etwa zwei Drittel aller Erwachsenen mit akuter Appendizitis könnte eine antibiotische Behandlung ausreichen, wie eine Metaanalyse nahelegt. Die Komplikationsrate war insgesamt gering, auch wenn letztlich doch eine Op. fällig wurde.

Katheterablation bei Vorhofflimmern: Ist frühe Intervention von Vorteil?

Bei Patienten mit Vorhofflimmern scheinen die Therapieergebnisse bezüglich Rezidivfreiheit bei frühzeitiger Katheterablation besser zu sein als bei später erfolgter Ablation. Dafür sprechen Ergebnisse einer aktuellen Registeranalyse. 

Beugt Tranexamsäure schweren Blutungen auch in der Allgemeinchirurgie vor?

Ergebnisse einer Subgruppenanalyse der POISE-3-Studie sprechen dafür, dass eine Prophylaxe mit Tranexamsäure auch bei allgemeinchirurgischen Eingriffen das Risiko für schwere Blutungen senkt.

Höhere Anspannung vor der Op. führt offenbar zu besserem Ergebnis

Ein gewisses Maß an Stress zu Beginn der Op. wirkt sich möglicherweise positiv auf das Gelingen aus, so ein Team aus Boston. Die Komplikationsrate ging unter diesen Umständen signifikant zurück.

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