7.1 Design Strategies to Reduce the Use and Impact of Heuristics
Designing a DCE requires researchers to balance statistical efficiency and the cognitive capacity of respondents, also referred to as response efficiency in design literature [
105]. The experimental design needs to enable researchers to generate a set of attribute level parameters that, jointly, are as precise as possible, while at the same time, avoid overly complex choice tasks, which could induce the use of heuristics. Several strategies can be employed in the design of DCE studies that may mitigate or reduce the use of heuristics potentially induced by a DCE. However, all design strategies come at a price, as they generally result in less efficient experimental designs, thus requiring larger sample sizes [
105]. Additionally, strategies that might reduce the usage of one particular heuristic might induce the use of other heuristics. Therefore, a carefully balanced approach needs to be determined on a case-by-case basis.
In general, DCEs should be designed according to good research practice guidelines [
106]. In doing so, researchers are advised to include proper educational materials (including comprehension question(s)) to educate respondents on the topic of their study as well as the attributes and attribute levels included. This explanatory section preferably includes one or several warm-up tasks in which respondents are taught how to complete a choice task [
103]. Researchers should also provide realistic expectations of the amount of time it is likely to take to complete the survey, as well as consider the inclusion of a progress bar to indicate remaining time investment required throughout the survey.
Logical attribute ordering increases choice consistency and with that likely reduces the use of heuristics [
109]. This would imply attributes ordered in alignment with ways in which respondents logically process information. To exemplify, one should group the mode, dose, and frequency of administration attributes that describe a particular medical treatment. To avoid order bias arising from attribute order, the order of groups of attributes can be randomised across respondents.
Randomisation of the place of alternatives in a choice task across respondents,
a test-retest or a
dominance test might aid the identification and potentially the impact of task-non-attendance and left-right bias. A test-retest that entails respondents to be presented with an identical choice task twice in the survey (in which [preferably] the order of alternatives is shuffled) could be helpful [
103]. During a dominance test, respondents are presented with a choice task in which one alternative clearly dominates the other alternative [
103]. While such measures might be of assistance in the identification, and potentially the impact of some heuristics, their ability to represent validity of the data in general is questioned [
Information display strategies can reduce task complexity, especially if DCEs include common-metric attributes (e.g., multiple risks). Comprehensive information display techniques can be applied to enhance respondents’ attribute understanding [
111]. Although empirical literature on the comparative efficiency of different information display strategies (e.g., visual, numeric or literal) in health-related preference elicitation remains inconclusive as empirical evidence is lacking, combining natural frequencies with images shows promising results [
113]. For any other attributes, the use of graphics might induce the use of heuristics as previous studies show that they are associated with increased categorisation [
80] and likely attribute nonattendance [
Partial profile designs, also known in health literature as
level overlap, is a design strategy in which levels of one or more attributes are identical across the alternatives in a given choice task [
118]. This reduces the task complexity as fewer attributes need to be compared across the alternatives. Specifically, this strategy reduces heuristics related to non-attendance and dominant-decision making [
Colour coding is a technique in which researchers use a separate colour to mark the categorisation of attribute levels [
116]. For example, different shades of the same colour can be used for the different levels of side effects if those are categorical, e.g., mild, moderate, severe. Highlighting is a variation to this where researchers simply highlight the attributes with different levels across the presented alternatives [
116]. Both colour coding and highlighting reduce heuristics related to non-attendance and dominant decision making [
116]. When applying colour coding or highlighting schemes, researchers should be mindful to not induce the categorisation heuristic. On the other hand, it is possible that such techniques impact preference inferences by inducing attention shifts that are not preference aligned.
7.2 Modelling Strategies to Identify the Use and Impact of Heuristics on DCE Study Outcomes
The usual modelling approach to DCE data with application in health involves the application of a simple Multinomial Logit (MNL) for data exploration, potentially with systematic heterogeneity of preferences through interaction of attributes with respondents’ socio-demographic characteristics and/or stochastic error heterogeneity (aka scale heterogeneity) in a scaled MNL. This is usually followed by a (1) Latent Class model adding discrete mass stochastic preference heterogeneity to the simple MNL, perhaps with the addition of scale heterogeneity across classes (Scaled Latent Class analysis [
119]); and/or a (2) Mixed Logit model, adding parametric stochastic preference heterogeneity to the simple MNL [
120]. All these models reflect the same underlying assumptions about rational behaviour as assumed under RUT. In econometric data analyses, this is referred to as the data generation process (dgp) for the rational (utility maximising) decision maker.
Some heuristics can be investigated by means of basic data exploration methods, e.g., task non-attendance can be identified by simply counting the number of respondents always selecting either the left, middle or right alternative [
102]. The inclusion of an alternative specific constant can help to identify a (tendency towards) a reading order heuristic, while the inclusion of a spline function and dummy attributes can help to identify ordinal recoding (especially in cases where attribute levels have not been evenly distributed over the full attribute level range) [
80]. A suitably extended MNL is also the simplest way to handle the satisficing heuristic and reference point effects, by collecting augmented data concerning attribute cut-offs or reference points at the respondent level [
31]. After eliciting cut-offs or reference points, they can be included in the model that defines a penalised utility function, i.e., penalties are given by the degree of violations of self-imposed cut-offs/reference points, which is then the basis for maximisation-based choice behaviour. This approach has the advantage in that it results in a standard MNL specification and can be estimated through any existing estimation software. It does, however, require researchers to assume that these quantities are exogenous and not changed by the information encountered in the DCE. Using such data exploration models enables researchers to identify the proportion of respondents who likely employed certain heuristics and with that comes an opportunity to (1) run robustness analyses comparing outcomes using the full dataset versus a dataset without respondents who showed the use of heuristics, (2) discuss whether certain DCE-related or respondent characteristics might have induced the use of heuristics beyond what might be expected in real life, and (3) discuss the possible impact of the use of heuristics on the conclusions drawn from the DCE.
The investigation of the presence and exact impact of other heuristics is more complex for several reasons. First, in many cases such explorations will lead to more complex econometric specifications than the standard utility maximising representations mentioned above. Second, the identification and modelling of the occurrence of most heuristics essentially requires the generalisation of the utility maximising dgp to allow for their co-existence in predicting choice responses; such extensions are unlikely to be built into standard estimation software, and thus require researchers to invest in development and testing of customised software. Third, some heuristics present especially daunting modelling challenges. For several heuristics, few straightforward paths have been identified to represent their dgp [
121]. This is mainly the case for heuristics of which their representation requires enumeration of attribute consideration order, which is usually not known a priori, and requires the development of an auxiliary model of attribute processing (e.g., elimination-by-aspect (e.g., [
122]), lexicographical preferences (e.g., [
123]). These models are good examples of what can bedevil the translation of decision process work in psychology into practical econometric specifications: what is assumed to be known in the elaboration of the decision rule (e.g., attribute order) may be beyond the possibility (or practicality) to express in probabilistic terms. This has proven daunting and calls for future development efforts. Eliciting the order of attribute importance from respondents might be an opportunity to allow inferences on the use of these heuristics. However, computational issues are likely to arise as such an effort requires more complex econometric models at the individual level. Awaiting further developments, researchers have to rely on qualitative research to be able to infer whether or not such heuristics are likely to have impacted DCE study outcomes.
Other heuristic-specific modelling approaches do exist. There are two important dimensions in these modelling approaches, which have to do with the assumption the researcher makes about the process in which heuristics are adopted: (1) adoption is both respondent- and task-specific, hence can change within person over the course of the DCE, or (2) adoption is respondent-specific, hence constant for the respondent across all encountered tasks in the DCE. Thus, the decision process description that must be embodied in the likelihood function needs to specify if heuristics are dependent on the evaluated choice tasks and whether adoption remains constant over tasks (thereby only differs across respondents).
Attribute (level) non-attendance (ANA) has received relatively substantial attention in health- related DCEs [
125]. When modelling this heuristic, the most commonly applied model assumes that the only variation to the utility maximising dgp is that attributes may or may not be employed in calculating a compensatory utility measure, and that ANA does not vary across tasks [
126]. This model allows for the possibility/likelihood that an attribute is used in constructing the utility measure by including an attribute-specific ‘attention’ parameter. If this parameter is unity for all attributes, all attributes are fully used and the model reduces to the standard MNL; if, however, one or more of the attributes has an ‘attention’ parameter value below one, the impact of the attribute is scaled downwards relative to the full attendance case.
Choice set formation has recently received attention in health DCEs [
29]. In modelling this heuristic, researchers should account for the fact that all excluded alternatives due to screening necessarily have choice probabilities of exactly zero (these are called structural zeros) [
127]. In other words, if a specific set of alternatives is presented to the respondent in the choice task (call this set D), but the respondent eliminates one or more of them (e.g., because the risks are not acceptable), the resulting reduced set of alternatives evaluated (call this C) has fewer alternatives than set D. The choice set formation heuristic dgp is developed recognising that in general the screened set C is unobserved, thus latent.
Modelling the conjunctive or disjunctive heuristics is proposed using a two-stage decision process, like the choice-set formation model, wherein first a subset of alternatives is selected from the choice task, and then an alternative is selected from that reduced set [
128]. The alternatives included in the choice set are identified with an ‘indicator function’. If respondents applied the conjunctive rule this function equals one, otherwise it equals zero [
128]. The conjunctive decision rule dictates that an alternative is acceptable only if the pre-set threshold (i.e., the smallest level of the attribute a respondent needs to include the alternative for further consideration) for all attributes is met [
128]. Since attribute thresholds are latent, the modelling procedure further mimics that of the choice set formation heuristic. This process is the deterministic version of describing these heuristics, the probabilistic (and superior) procedure would involve formulating choice set probabilities as a function of the heuristics.
Latent Class analysis allows for different dgps to co-exist, permitting the representation and investigation of several heuristics (example of application in health [
129], recently this has also been tested in Mixed Logit specification [
130]). Note that the only extra requirement for the estimation software is that one be able to fix preference parameters to given constants within a class. Next, several examples using this approach will be discussed. First, to investigate task non-attendance (complete ignorance) a Latent Class model with 2 classes can be constructed where Class 1 is used to represent the utility maximising dgp, and Class 2 predicts random choice by restricting all preferences to zero. Second, tallying can be identified by a Latent Class model with 2 classes, where Class 1 is used to represent the utility maximising dgp and Class 2 predicts tallying by restricting preferences to a certain constant with additions or subtractions depending upon the ‘good’ or ‘bad’ categorisations of the attribute. Note that this approach assumes that the attribute values have been appropriately scaled to be in the same range. Third, this general approach can be used to represent dominant decision-making behaviour: again a 2-class Latent Class model can be used where Class 1 is used to represent the utility maximising dgp and Class 2 predicts dominant decision-making behaviour by restricting all attributes to be zero except for the attribute investigated for dominant decision-making behaviour. Selecting attributes to be investigated for dominant decision-making behaviour can be done based on evidence from literature or outcomes of the qualitative work preceding the attribute and level selection of the DCE.
This approach of defining heuristic-based latent classes is quite flexible and can be used to simultaneously represent multiple heuristics in a given data set. Instead of modelling one heuristic at a time besides the utility maximising class, it is possible to generalise the classes in a single model to represent multiple heuristics in one model (e.g., utility maximising, plus reading order, plus dominant decision-making behaviour). Essentially, if the original MNL model can represent the individual heuristic via a restriction on its parameters, a latent class can be defined to capture that hypothesis. The proliferation of too many classes may be problematic; however, if one or more of the sought heuristics do not actually exist in the data, this will lead to numerical instability during model estimation, even non-convergence. Removal of the offending class should stabilise the estimation process. Focus on the most likely heuristics in the context should guide researchers’ specification of classes. This approach, while quite useful, is not a ‘one size fits all’ solution since it is not always possible to represent a heuristic in a restricted/constrained form of the MNL model.
Adding preference heterogeneity continues to be an important consideration when modelling DCE data that might contain heuristic-driven choices, but modelling priorities for the analyst should be heuristics first, and preference heterogeneity second. This prioritisation will likely result in strong impacts on preference heterogeneity inferences. This is not to say that preference heterogeneity will somehow disappear, but rather that the impact of heuristics on choices might in part already explain differences that would otherwise have been attributed to preference heterogeneity. Future research efforts are needed to understand the general impact of this conditioning of preference heterogeneity by heuristics modelling.