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27.02.2024 | Fresh focus

The Capacity-to-Serve Model as a Data-Driven Process for Provider Capacity Management in Outpatient Community Mental Health

verfasst von: Sonyia Richardson, Sean Joe

Erschienen in: Community Mental Health Journal | Ausgabe 5/2024

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Despite increasing mental health provider supply shortages, research on capacity planning and management in the field of outpatient community mental healthcare is limited. There is an immediate need for strategies to plan and manage the capacity of existing mental healthcare providers to ensure a balance between demand and resources. To address this need, research on capacity planning and management in healthcare and mental healthcare settings is reviewed. Next, the Capacity-to-Serve Model is introduced and defined as a data-driven process for quantifying and reporting real-time standardized estimates of mental health provider availability based on qualifications, monitoring of outcome targets, and use of the Capacity-to-Serve Ratio and Realizing Capacity Measure. Finally, implications for using the model as an innovative solution for capacity management to meet demand in mental health are addressed. A case example is provided to demonstrate the application of the model. Ultimately, the Capacity-to-Serve Model can standardize capacity reporting of existing provider organizations and networks, both small and large, to support increased access to and supply of mental health services.
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The Capacity-to-Serve Model as a Data-Driven Process for Provider Capacity Management in Outpatient Community Mental Health
verfasst von
Sonyia Richardson
Sean Joe
Springer US
Erschienen in
Community Mental Health Journal / Ausgabe 5/2024
Print ISSN: 0010-3853
Elektronische ISSN: 1573-2789

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