Ausgabe 7/2022
Inhalt (13 Artikel)
Challenges for health systems seeking to embrace virtual health care for population health
- Open Access
- Editorial
Panos Kanavos, Michelle Vogelsang, Madeleine Haig, Vasiliki Kolovou
Defining minimum volume thresholds to increase quality of care: a new patient-oriented approach using mixed integer programming
- Open Access
- Original Paper
Justus F. A. Vogel, Max Barkhausen, Christoph M. Pross, Alexander Geissler
Reliability and validity of using EQ-5D-5L among healthy and adolescents with major mental health disorders in Ethiopia
- Original Paper
Abraham G. Welie, Elly Stolk, Clara Mukuria, Yared Belete Belay, Murray D. Krahn, Beate Sander, Gebremedhin Beedemariam Gebretekle
Ageing and health care expenditures: the importance of age per se, steepening of the individual-level expenditure curve, and the role of morbidity
- Original Paper
Anna Kollerup, Jakob Kjellberg, Rikke Ibsen
Modelling decay in effectiveness for evaluation of behaviour change interventions: a tutorial for public health economists
- Open Access
- Original Paper
Paolo Candio, Koen B. Pouwels, David Meads, Andrew J. Hill, Laura Bojke, Claire Williams
Cost-effectiveness of 12 months of capecitabine as adjuvant chemotherapy for stage III colon cancer: preplanned cost-effectiveness analysis of the JFMC37-0801 study
- Open Access
- Original Paper
Hidetoshi Shibahara, Takeru Shiroiwa, Megumi Ishiguro, Masato Nakamura, Junichi Hasegawa, Shigeki Yamaguchi, Yuriko Masuda, Junichi Sakamoto, Naohiro Tomita, Takashi Fukuda
Probabilistic microsimulation to examine the cost-effectiveness of hospital admission screening strategies for carbapenemase-producing enterobacteriaceae (CPE) in the United Kingdom
- Open Access
- Original Paper
Sarkis Manoukian, Sally Stewart, Stephanie J. Dancer, Helen Mason, Nicholas Graves, Chris Robertson, Alistair Leonard, Sharon Kennedy, Kim Kavanagh, Benjamin Parcell, Jacqui Reilly
Catastrophic household expenditure associated with out-of-pocket payments for dental healthcare in Spain
- Original Paper
Samuel López-López, Raúl del Pozo-Rubio, Marta Ortega-Ortega, Francisco Escribano-Sotos
Supply-side solutions targeting demand-side characteristics: causal effects of a chronic disease management program on adherence and health outcomes
- Original Paper
Luke Connelly, Gianluca Fiorentini, Marica Iommi
Cost-effectiveness of screening smokers and ex-smokers for lung cancer in the Netherlands in different age groups
- Open Access
- Original Paper
Mohamed N. M. T. Al Khayat, Job F. H. Eijsink, Maarten J. Postma, Ewoudt M. W. van de Garde, Marinus van Hulst
Can competition improve hospital quality of care? A difference-in-differences approach to evaluate the effect of increasing quality transparency on hospital quality
- Open Access
- Original Paper
Christoph Strumann, Alexander Geissler, Reinhard Busse, Christoph Pross
Measuring the acceptability of EQ-5D-3L health states for different ages: a new adaptive survey methodology
- Open Access
- Original Paper
Zoltán Hermann, Márta Péntek, László Gulácsi, Irén Anna Kopcsóné Németh, Zsombor Zrubka
Correction to: Geographic distribution of physicians in Portugal
- Correction
Isabel Correia, Paula Veiga