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01.02.2011 | Original Article

The Use of Integra™ in Rhinoplasty

verfasst von: Jorge Planas

Erschienen in: Aesthetic Plastic Surgery | Ausgabe 1/2011

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Different biosynthesized materials and autologous grafts have been used for many years to increase the size or to change the shape of the nasal dorsum in augmentation rhinoplasty. To avoid the undesirable effects of these materials, such as reabsorption, intolerance, granulomas, visualization of the graft’s edges, and the migration of the implant, a new technique is proposed that uses a dermic regeneration template (Integra™). The authors have performed 56 surgeries for patients with different indications, and 30 of these patients have been followed up for a minimum of 12 months. The advantage of using this template, a sheet comprising a porous matrix of collagen fibers and glycosaminoglycans, is that it provides a structure for autologous dermic tissue regeneration. Its handling versatility once the silicone sheet is removed allows it to be folded over itself until the needed thickness is obtained as well as the desired aesthetic results. The authors believe that the dermic regeneration template (Integra™) is a good alternative filler material because it is completely reabsorbed and replaced by autologous dermis. The action is not to replace but to help the development of the patient’s own tissue, avoiding a possible intolerance because it does not act as a foreign body. The volume remains stable throughout time, and overcorrection is not necessary.
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The Use of Integra™ in Rhinoplasty
verfasst von
Jorge Planas
Erschienen in
Aesthetic Plastic Surgery / Ausgabe 1/2011
Print ISSN: 0364-216X
Elektronische ISSN: 1432-5241

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