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  1. Open Access 18.04.2024 | Empagliflozin | Online First

    Lebensbedrohliche euglykämische Ketoacidose unter Therapie mit Empagliflozin beim kardiochirurgischen Patienten: seltener Einzelfall oder zukünftig ein häufiges Problem?

    Ein 59-jähriger männlicher Patient stellte sich mit pektanginösen Beschwerden vor. Per Herzkatheteruntersuchung wurde bei schwerer koronarer Dreigefäßerkrankung die Indikation zur kardiochirurgischen Versorgung gestellt. Die linksventrikuläre …

  2. 01.04.2024 | News


  3. 01.04.2024 | News


    Emphysematous pyelonephritis
  4. 01.04.2024 | News


    Euglycemic diabetic ketoacidosis
  5. 18.04.2024 | Online First

    Dapagliflozin and Empagliflozin in Paediatric Indications: A Systematic Review

    In the late 90s, sodium-glucose cotransporter type 2 (SGLT2) inhibitors were developed as non-insulin-dependent antidiabetic drugs, and were eventually approved by the Food and Drug Administration and the European Medicines Agency between 2012 and …

  6. 01.03.2024 | News


  7. Open Access 20.04.2024 | Online First

    Effects of empagliflozin in patients with chronic kidney disease from Japan: exploratory analyses from EMPA–KIDNEY

    Four large-scale placebo-controlled outcome trials have studied the effects of sodium–glucose co-transporter-2 (SGLT2) inhibitors in different populations of patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD). Meta-analysis has demonstrated clear net …

  8. 21.03.2024 | Online First

    Effectiveness and safety of empagliflozin: final results from the EMPRISE study

    Atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease (ASCVD) and heart failure (HF) are the leading causes of morbidity and mortality in individuals with type 2 diabetes [ 1 ]. Placebo-controlled trials have demonstrated the cardiovascular benefits of …

  9. Open Access 01.12.2024 | OriginalPaper

    The SGLT2 inhibitor Empagliflozin promotes post-stroke functional recovery in diabetic mice

    Type-2 diabetes (T2D) worsens stroke recovery, amplifying post-stroke disabilities. Currently, there are no therapies targeting this important clinical problem. Sodium-glucose cotransporter 2 inhibitors (SGLT2i) are potent anti-diabetic drugs that …

  10. Open Access 01.12.2024 | Erratum

    Correction: Cardiorenal effectiveness of empagliflozin vs. glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor agonists: final-year results from the EMPRISE study

  11. 01.01.2024 | News


    Lack of efficacy and euglycaemic diabetic ketoacidosis
  12. Open Access 01.12.2024 | OriginalPaper

    Efficacy of empagliflozin as adjunctive therapy to citalopram in major depressive disorder: a randomized double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial

    Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) is a severe mental illness that can be debilitating for individuals [ 1 , 2 ]. It is considered one of the most common psychiatric disorders, leading to high incidence, severity, and recurrence rates [ 3 ]. MDD …

  13. 20.12.2023 | OriginalPaper

    Assessing early tubular protective effects of SGLT2 inhibitor empagliflozin against type 2 diabetes mellitus using functional magnetic resonance imaging

    Diabetic kidney disease (DKD) refers to the condition of diabetes with kidney involvement, which is characterized by persistently (at least 3 months) elevated urinary albuminuria (albumin-to-creatine ratio [ACR] ≥ 30 mg/g) and/or a reduced …

  14. Open Access 01.12.2024 | OriginalPaper

    Cardiorenal effectiveness of empagliflozin vs. glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor agonists: final-year results from the EMPRISE study

    In patients with type 2 diabetes (T2D) and established cardiovascular diseases (CVD), treatment with empagliflozin, a sodium-glucose cotransporter 2 inhibitor (SGLT2i), has demonstrated reductions in the risks of major adverse cardiovascular …

  15. Open Access 01.12.2023 | OriginalPaper

    Empagliflozin repurposing in Parkinson’s disease; modulation of oxidative stress, neuroinflammation, AMPK/SIRT-1/PGC-1α, and wnt/β-catenin pathways

    Parkinson's disease is a neuroprogressive disorder characterized by loss of dopaminergic neurons in substantia nigra pars compacta. Empagliflozin (EMPA), a SGLT-2 inhibitor, is an oral hypoglycemic agent with reported anti-inflammatory and …

  16. 01.12.2023 | News


    Euglycaemic diabetic ketoacidosis
  17. Open Access 05.04.2024 | Online First

    Summary of Research: Efficacy and Safety of the SGLT2 Inhibitor Empagliflozin Versus Placebo and the DPP-4 Inhibitor Linagliptin Versus Placebo in Young People with Type 2 Diabetes (DINAMO): A Multicentre, Randomised, Double-Blind, Parallel Group, Phase 3 Trial

    The increasing occurrence of childhood overweight and obesity has been followed by a substantial increase in youth-onset type 2 diabetes (T2D). Pharmacological treatment options for youth-onset T2D remain limited, with a clear unmet need for …

  18. 07.03.2024 | Online First

    Empagliflozin improves left ventricular ejection fraction and end systolic volume in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus and coronary artery disease: a post-hoc analysis of EMPA-CARD trial

    Patients with diabetes have an elevated risk of developing heart failure (HF), coupled with an increased likelihood of HF-related mortality and hospitalization [ 1 ]. Sodium glucose co-transporter 2 (SGLT2) inhibitor, recognized as …

  19. 01.12.2023 | News


    Candida tropicalis infection
  20. 01.12.2023 | News


    Acute pancreatitis and euglycaemic diabetic ketoacidosis

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Chronische Herzinsuffizienz

Klinische Kardiologie
Bei der Herzinsuffizienz handelt es sich um ein häufiges Krankheitsbild in der Kardiologie, welches maßgeblichen Einfluss auf die Prognose der Patienten hat. Die Herzinsuffizienz wird nach heutigem Verständnis in 3 Entitäten unterteilt: Herzinsuffizienz mit reduzierter Ejektionsfraktion („heart failure with reduced ejection fraction“; HFrEF); Herzinsuffizienz mit mäßiggradig reduzierter Ejektionsfraktion („heart failure with mildly reduced ejection fraction“; HFmrEF); Herzinsuffizienz mit erhaltener Ejektionsfraktion („heart failure with preserved ejection fraction“; HFpEF). Das vorliegende Kapitel erläutert die Diagnostik der Herzinsuffizienz und die Therapie der unterschiedlichen Formen der Herzinsuffizienz entsprechend der aktuellen Leitlinien.

weitere e.Medpedia Einträge


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* Findet Dokumente, in denen der Begriff in Wortvarianten vorkommt, wobei diese VOR, HINTER oder VOR und HINTER dem Suchbegriff anschließen können (z.B., thrombose*, *thrombose, *thrombose*).
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