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  1. 17.04.2024 | Online First

    Noninvasive neuromonitoring in acute brain injured patients

    Brain ultrasound (BUS) is being progressively used in the neurocritical care settings as a bedside repeatable and safe tool able to assess cerebral hemodynamics [ 1 ]. Transcranial color-duplex sonography (TCCD) combines Doppler pulse wave …

  2. Open Access 01.12.2024 | OriginalPaper

    The weepy cry – short neural signal bursts in intraoperative neuromonitoring

    Several studies identified surgical interventions such as thyroidectomy or similar procedures among the most common causes of RLN paralysis [ 1 – 3 ]. Different risk factors for an unfavorable surgical outcome have been identified. These include …

  3. Open Access 01.12.2024 | ReviewPaper

    “NeuroVanguard”: a contemporary strategy in neuromonitoring for severe adult brain injury patients

    Severe acute brain injuries, stemming from trauma, ischemia or hemorrhage, remain a significant global healthcare concern due to their association with high morbidity and mortality rates. Accurate assessment of secondary brain injuries severity is …

  4. 26.03.2024 | Online First

    Medulla and cervical cord contrast-induced encephalopathy detected by neuromonitoring during coil embolization of posterior circulation aneurysms

    Understanding the risks of contrast-induced encephalopathy (CIE), a serious complication of contrast agents, is crucial in endovascular treatment. We present the case of a 73-year-old woman who developed CIE in the medulla and cervical cord during …

  5. Open Access 01.12.2024 | OriginalPaper

    Radiofrequency thermocoagulation under neuromonitoring guidance and general anesthesia for treatment of refractory trigeminal neuralgia

    Trigeminal neuralgia (TN) is the most prominent representative of neuropathic facial pain syndromes [ 10 ]. The primary treatment of TN is pharmacotherapy. Guidelines on TN management recommend that patients unresponsive to carbamazepine or …

  6. 29.02.2024 | Online First

    Variations in Autoregulation-Based Optimal Cerebral Perfusion Pressure Determination Using Two Integrated Neuromonitoring Platforms in a Trauma Patient

    Almost 70 years after the initial works by Lassen on cerebral autoregulation [ 1 ], the recommended cerebral perfusion pressure (CPP) targets after a traumatic brain injury (TBI) are still between 60 and 70 mm Hg [ 2 , 3 ]. Although these targets …

  7. 21.12.2023 | OriginalPaper

    Continuous intraoperative neuromonitoring of the facial nerve predicts postoperative facial palsy in parotid surgery: a prospective study

    Facial palsy (FP) is the most significant complication of parotidectomy. The rate of early postoperative FP following a parotidectomy with nerve dissection varies notably from 10 to 77%, although only up to 7% of patients develop permanent FP [ 1 – …5

  8. Open Access 29.06.2023 | ReviewPaper

    Neuromonitoring in Children with Traumatic Brain Injury

    Traumatic brain injury remains a major cause of mortality and morbidity in children across the world. Current management based on international guidelines focuses on a fixed therapeutic target of less than 20 mm Hg for managing intracranial …

  9. 15.05.2023 | ReviewPaper

    Perioperative Neuromonitoring in Children with Congenital Heart Disease

    Although neonates and children with congenital heart disease are primarily hospitalized for cardiac and pulmonary diseases, they are also at an increased risk for neurologic injury due to both empiric differences that can exist in their nervous …

  10. 01.04.2023 | ReviewPaper

    Neuromonitoring after Pediatric Cardiac Arrest: Cerebral Physiology and Injury Stratification

    It is estimated that more than 15,000 children experience in-hospital cardiac arrest (IHCA) [ 1 ] and more than 5000 children experience out-of-hospital cardiac arrest (OHCA) [ 2 ] annually in the United States. Survival rates from pediatric …

  11. 09.05.2023 | ReviewPaper

    Noninvasive Neuromonitoring Modalities in Children Part I: Pupillometry, Near-Infrared Spectroscopy, and Transcranial Doppler Ultrasonography

    Brain injury is common in pediatric critical care as a result of either a primary neurological or neurosurgical process, secondary brain injury or as a consequence of systemic disease. The ability to identify children at risk of neurologic injury …

  12. Open Access 01.12.2023 | Letter

    In response to: multimodal neuromonitoring in traumatic brain injury patients: the search for the holy grail

  13. 20.10.2023 | Online First

    The State of the Field of Pediatric Multimodality Neuromonitoring

    There is a longstanding history and desire of assessing the brain by multiple invasive and noninvasive modalities in neurocritical care. The technological advances now allow us to integrate the enormous amount of time-synchronized data from these …

  14. 25.07.2023 | ReviewPaper

    Management Strategies Based on Multi-Modality Neuromonitoring in Severe Traumatic Brain Injury

    Secondary brain injury after neurotrauma is comprised of a host of distinct, potentially concurrent and interacting mechanisms that may exacerbate primary brain insult. Multimodality neuromonitoring is a method of measuring multiple aspects of the …

  15. 01.07.2022 | Neuromonitoring | ReviewPaper

    Biomarker und Neuromonitoring zur Entwicklungsprognose nach perinataler Hirnschädigung

    Das sich entwickelnde Gehirn ist in der Perinatalperiode besonders empfindlich für eine Vielzahl von Insulten, wie z. B. Extremfrühgeburtlichkeit und perinatale Asphyxie. Ihre Komplikationen können zu lebenslangen neurokognitiven, sensorischen und …

  16. Open Access 01.12.2023 | Letter

    Multimodal neuromonitoring in traumatic brain injury patients: the search for the Holy Graal

  17. 31.01.2023 | ReviewPaper

    Neuromonitoring During ECMO Support in Children

    Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation is a potentially lifesaving intervention for children with severe cardiac or respiratory failure. It is used with increasing frequency and in increasingly more complex and severe diseases. Neurological injuries …

  18. 22.03.2023 | ReviewPaper

    Review of Noninvasive Neuromonitoring Modalities in Children II: EEG, qEEG

    Critically ill children with acute neurologic dysfunction are at risk for a variety of complications that can be detected by noninvasive bedside neuromonitoring. Continuous electroencephalography (cEEG) is the most widely available and utilized …

  19. 19.03.2023 | OriginalPaper

    Noninvasive neuromonitoring with rheoencephalography: a case report

    Cerebral blood flow (CBF) autoregulation (AR) can be monitored using invasive modalities, such as intracranial pressure (ICP) and arterial blood pressure (ABP) to calculate the CBF AR index (PRx). Monitoring PRx can reduce the extent of secondary …

  20. 13.05.2023 | DAC 2023 | Kongressbericht | Online-Artikel
    Steuerung der Narkosetiefe

    Postoperatives Delir verhindern: Tipps fürs Neuromonitoring

    Die automatisierte Berechnung des EEG-Indexwertes ist ein hilfreiches Instrument bei der Steuerung der Narkosetiefe und somit auch der Delirprävention. Allerdings gibt es dabei einiges zu beachten.

Suchergebnisse filtern:


Operationstechnik: Neuromonitoring bei Schilddrüsenoperationen (cIONM, iIONM)

Viszeral- und Allgemeinchirurgie
Mit dem intraoperativen Monitoring des N. vagus und N. laryngeus recurrens und dessen Weiterentwicklung in den letzten 20 Jahren steht eine Technik zur Verfügung, mit deren Hilfe die Stimmlippenfunktion im Rahmen von zervikalen operativen Eingriffen anatomisch-funktionell zweifelsfrei dargestellt werden kann. Der wesentliche Vorteil gegenüber der alleinigen visuellen Nervendarstellung besteht darin, dass auch nichtanatomische, funktionell jedoch gleichwohl relevante Nervenstörungen bereits intraoperativ erkannt und postoperative Stimmlippenparesen vorhergesagt werden können. Seit kurzem ist zusätzlich zur Technik der intermittierenden Stimulation eine neue Technik zur kontinuierlichen Stimulation entwickelt worden, die durch Echtzeitanalyse bereits den drohenden Nervenschaden anhand kombinierter EMG-Ereignisse erkennen und verhindern, oder aber die intraoperative Erholung des EMG-Signals identifizieren kann. Eine jüngste multivariate Analyse konnte die Überlegenheit des kontinuierlichen gegenüber dem intermittierenden Neuromonitoring zeigen. Dieses Buchkapitel gibt einen Überblick über das dynamische Voranschreiten der intraoperativen Nervenkontrolle durch die Implementierung des kontinuierlichen Neuromonitorings in der Schilddrüsenchirurgie unter EMG-adaptierter intraoperativer Entscheidungsfindung und Resektionsstrategie sowie Präparationsform für die größtmögliche Patientensicherheit.


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