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Trajectories of nutritional risk: The Manitoba follow-up study

verfasst von: Christina O. Lengyel, D. Jiang, R. B. Tate

Erschienen in: The journal of nutrition, health & aging | Ausgabe 6/2017

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To identify patterns of nutritional risk among older men over a four-year period and to project their survival rates over the next two and a half years.


A prospective longitudinal study.




Three hundred and thirty-six male survivors of the Manitoba Follow-up Study (MFUS) cohort with an average age of 90 years in 2011.


Four years of nutritional risk SCREEN II scores (five waves) from the male survivors of the MFUS cohort. The semi-parametric group-based trajectory approach and survival analysis were used to investigate the trajectories of nutritional risk.


Of the participants, 30% lived alone. Five distinct developmental trajectory groups for nutritional risk score were identified. Significant statistical differences were found among the five trajectory groups for SF-36 mental health (p=.02), SF-36 physical health (p=<.001), perception of aging successfully (p=.04) and living alone (p=<.001). Among the five groups, the most pairwise differences were found in appetite, intake of meat and alternatives, and vegetables and fruit, weight change, skipping meals and eating with others. Men in the poorest nutritional risk trajectory group were two times more likely to die within a 2 1/2 year period compared to men in the best nutritional risk trajectory group (hazard rate = 2.33, p=.07).


Distinct nutritional risk trajectories were found for older men over a four year period. Poor nutritional risk trajectories are associated with higher risk of mortality for very old men over a short period of time. Timely nutritional assessments by health professionals are needed to identify older men at nutritional risk. Subsequent nutrition education and follow-up may be important in preventing further decline.
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Trajectories of nutritional risk: The Manitoba follow-up study
verfasst von
Christina O. Lengyel
D. Jiang
R. B. Tate
Springer Paris
Erschienen in
The journal of nutrition, health & aging / Ausgabe 6/2017
Print ISSN: 1279-7707
Elektronische ISSN: 1760-4788

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