Two-year outcomes of episcleral brachytherapy adjunct to anti-VEGF therapy for treatment-resistant nAMD
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Jay Chhablani, Rama Jager, Joshua Ong, Ryan Lohrenz, Russell J. Hamilton, Baldassare Stea, Mary Drew, Gregg Kokame, Doheny Retina Study Group
This study was designed to demonstrate the safety and feasibility of episcleral brachytherapy (ESB) for the treatment of anti-vascular endothelial growth factor (anti-VEGF) resistant neovascular age-related macular degeneration (nAMD) in a 6-subject cohort adjunct to anti-VEGF therapy.
Six eyes of six subjects with anti-VEGF resistant nAMD (persistent fluid or hemorrhage despite frequent anti-VEGF treatment) were treated with ESB between May 2018 and July 2018 as part of a larger early feasibility trial. Baseline and follow-up exams with multi-modal imaging were conducted.
In this analysis, six eyes were included. The mean age was 74.7 years; 33% were female; 67% had polypoidal choroidal vasculopathy. The mean number of lifetime anti-VEGF injections received prior to the study enrollment was 33.9 injections and 10 injections in the year prior to the study enrollment. In the first and second years following ESB, the mean number of injections was 8.5 and 8, respectively. No evidence of radiation-induced toxicity through 2 years following ESB was observed. The mean baseline VA was 55.3 letters. At 1 year, the mean VA increased by 3.2 letters and 1.7 letters at year 2. At 2 years, the mean change in vascular complex on ICGA was − 18%, − 43% on OCTA, and − 5% on FA. The subjects also experienced a mean decrease in CRT on OCT of 21% after 2 years.
The results from this six-subject cohort with 2-year data support additional investigations of ESB for nAMD, specifically those with persistent disease activity and treatment resistant nAMD.
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