What is the best management strategy for this patient?
Since ocular toxocariasis could not be excluded with these findings, oral albendazole 20 mg/kg/day (5 days) and 1 mg/kg/day prednisolone (tapered slowly within 6 weeks) treatments were started, while she received eculizumab therapy, and an elective vitreoretinal surgery was planned. Vision improved to 20/400 and inflammatory cells in the vitreous decreased gradually to disappear totally within a 5-month period. The parents refused the option of vitreoretinal surgery, and she was followed up conservatively afterwards. She could not tolerate patching of the fellow eye for amblyopia treatment. During follow-up, color fundus pictures, OCTs, and FA examinations could be performed, and the findings were stable afterwards (Fig.
1). Her last examination after 5 years of follow-up revealed a visual acuity (VA) of 20/25 in the right eye (RE) and counting fingers from 1 m in the left eye (LE), esotropia of the LE, bilateral mild to moderate posterior subcapsular cataracts, and normal intraocular pressures and normal fundus examination in the RE and stable TRD findings in the LE. She continues to receive eculizumab therapy. Also, supportive treatment is continued for kidney failure as her glomerular filtration rate (GFR) is 60 ml/dk/1.73 m