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02.06.2024 | Breast Oncology

Validation of the AJCC 8th Edition Breast Cancer Prognostic Staging System in Legacy Alliance Trials (AFT-01)

verfasst von: Laura K. Krecko, MD, Heather B. Neuman, MD, MS, Caprice C. Greenberg, MD, MPH, Lee G. Wilke, MD, Bret M. Hanlon, PhD, Stephen B. Edge, MD, Kathryn J. Ruddy, MD, MPH, Ann H. Partridge, MD, MPH, Jennifer Le-Rademacher, PhD, Dou-Yan Yang, PhD, Jeffrey Havlena, MS, Jessica R. Schumacher, PhD

Erschienen in: Annals of Surgical Oncology | Ausgabe 9/2024

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The 8th edition American Joint Committee on Cancer staging system combined anatomic stage (AS) with receptor status and grade to create prognostic stage (PS). PS has been validated in single-institution and cancer registry studies; however, missing human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 (HER2) status and variable treatment and follow-up create limitations.


Our objective was to compare the relative prognostic ability of PS versus AS to predict survival using breast cancer clinical trial data.


Women with non-metastatic breast cancer enrolled in six Alliance for Clinical Trials in Oncology trials were included (enrollment years 1997–2010). AS and PS were constructed using pathological tumor size, nodal status, estrogen receptor (ER), progesterone receptor (PR), HER2 status, and grade. Unadjusted Cox proportional hazard models were estimated to predict overall survival within 5 years, with AS and PS as predictor variables. The relative predictive power of staging models was assessed by comparing Harrell concordance indices (C-indices). Kaplan–Meier-based mortality estimates were compared by stage.


Overall, 6924 women were included (median age 53 years); 45.2% were diagnosed with ER+/PR+/HER2− tumors, 26.2% with HER2+ tumors, and 17.1% with ER−/PR−/HER2− tumors. Median follow-up time was 5 years (interquartile range 2.95–5.00). PS significantly improved predictive performance (C-index 0.721) for overall survival compared with AS (0.700) (p = 0.020). Kaplan–Meier hazard estimates suggested PS did not distinguish mortality risk between patients with IIB and IIIA or IB and IIA disease.


PS has significantly improved predictive performance for OS compared with AS. As systemic therapies evolve, it will be important to re-evaluate the prognostic staging system, particularly for patients with intermediate-stage cancers. Identifier: NCT02171078
Nur mit Berechtigung zugänglich
Zurück zum Zitat American Joint Committee on Cancer. AJCC Cancer Staging Manual, Eighth Edition. Springer International Publishing; 2017. American Joint Committee on Cancer. AJCC Cancer Staging Manual, Eighth Edition. Springer International Publishing; 2017.
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Zurück zum Zitat He J, Tsang JY, Xu X, et al. AJCC 8th edition prognostic staging provides no better discriminatory ability in prognosis than anatomical staging in triple negative breast cancer. BMC Cancer. 2020;20(18):1–9. He J, Tsang JY, Xu X, et al. AJCC 8th edition prognostic staging provides no better discriminatory ability in prognosis than anatomical staging in triple negative breast cancer. BMC Cancer. 2020;20(18):1–9.
Zurück zum Zitat Wang M, Wu K, Zhang P, Zhang M, Ding A, Chen H. The Prognostic Significance of the Oncotype DX Recurrence Score in T(1–2)N(1)M(0) Estrogen Receptor-Positive HER2-Negative Breast Cancer Based on the Prognostic Stage in the Updated AJCC 8th edition. Ann Surg Oncol. 2019;26(5):1227–35. Wang M, Wu K, Zhang P, Zhang M, Ding A, Chen H. The Prognostic Significance of the Oncotype DX Recurrence Score in T(1–2)N(1)M(0) Estrogen Receptor-Positive HER2-Negative Breast Cancer Based on the Prognostic Stage in the Updated AJCC 8th edition. Ann Surg Oncol. 2019;26(5):1227–35. https://​doi.​org/​10.​1245/​s10434-018-7068-3.CrossRef
Validation of the AJCC 8th Edition Breast Cancer Prognostic Staging System in Legacy Alliance Trials (AFT-01)
verfasst von
Laura K. Krecko, MD
Heather B. Neuman, MD, MS
Caprice C. Greenberg, MD, MPH
Lee G. Wilke, MD
Bret M. Hanlon, PhD
Stephen B. Edge, MD
Kathryn J. Ruddy, MD, MPH
Ann H. Partridge, MD, MPH
Jennifer Le-Rademacher, PhD
Dou-Yan Yang, PhD
Jeffrey Havlena, MS
Jessica R. Schumacher, PhD
Springer International Publishing
Erschienen in
Annals of Surgical Oncology / Ausgabe 9/2024
Print ISSN: 1068-9265
Elektronische ISSN: 1534-4681

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