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23.10.2021 | Original Article

Variables measured on three-dimensional computed tomography are preferred for predicting the outcomes of shock wave lithotripsy

verfasst von: Masaki Kobayashi, Yuma Waseda, Honoka Fuse, Ryoji Takazawa

Erschienen in: World Journal of Urology | Ausgabe 2/2022

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Shock wave lithotripsy (SWL) is used to treat upper urinary tract stones. Recently, some volume analyzers have enabled preoperative assessment using three-dimensional computed tomography (3D-CT). We evaluated the efficacy of 3D-CT variables for predicting the outcomes of SWL.


The study population included 193 patients who underwent SWL between November 2014 and August 2020. In addition to conventional two-dimensional computed tomography (2D-CT) assessments, 3D-CT assessments of targeted stones were retrospectively performed, and stone size and stone density (SD) were measured. The successful and unsuccessful treatment groups were compared and risk factors for an unsuccessful first SWL session were investigated. The predictive accuracy of variables measured on 3D-CT was evaluated by receiver operating characteristic curves and multivariate analyses.


The success rate of the first SWL session was 73.1%. Stone volume, mean SD and highest SD on 3D-CT were significantly higher in the unsuccessful group than in the successful group. Stone volume showed a higher area under the curve (AUC) than the estimated volumetric stone burden and stone diameter, which were measured on 2D-CT (0.729, 0.683, and 0.672, respectively). The AUCs of the mean SD and highest SD on 3D-CT were higher than those on 2D-CT (0.699, 0.680, 0.617, and 0.627, respectively). Multivariate analyses identified stone volume (≥ 0.29 ml), mean SD on 3D-CT (≥ 421 HU), and absence of hydronephrosis as independent predictive factors for unsuccessful SWL.


3D-CT variables were promising predictors of the outcomes of SWL. Preoperative 3D-CT assessment is helpful for selecting favorable patients for SWL.
Variables measured on three-dimensional computed tomography are preferred for predicting the outcomes of shock wave lithotripsy
verfasst von
Masaki Kobayashi
Yuma Waseda
Honoka Fuse
Ryoji Takazawa
Springer Berlin Heidelberg
Erschienen in
World Journal of Urology / Ausgabe 2/2022
Print ISSN: 0724-4983
Elektronische ISSN: 1433-8726

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