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05.01.2024 | Werkstoffe in der zahnmedizinischen Prothetik | Fortbildung

Polymere in der modernen Prothetik

verfasst von: Dr. Tuba Aini, Dr. Philipp Herguth, Prof. Dr. Jan-Frederik Güth

Erschienen in: Der Freie Zahnarzt | Ausgabe 1/2024

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Polymere kommen in der modernen Prothetik von der Fertigung (minimalinvasiver) Einzelzahnrestaurationen bis hin zur Herstellung von Prothesen, Schienen und Modellen zum Einsatz. Aufgrund ihrer vielfältigen biomechanischen und optischen Eigenschaften bieten sie viele Vorteile, aber die erfolgreiche Anwendung im klinischen Alltag erfordert fundierte Kenntnisse der einzelnen Werkstoffe.
Zurück zum Zitat Goujat A, Abouelleil H, Colon P et al (2018) Mechanical properties and internal fit of 4 CAD-CAM block materials. J Prosthet Dent 119:384-389 Goujat A, Abouelleil H, Colon P et al (2018) Mechanical properties and internal fit of 4 CAD-CAM block materials. J Prosthet Dent 119:384-389
Zurück zum Zitat Güth J-F, Erdelt K, Keul C et al (2020) In vivo wear of CAD-CAM composite versus lithium disilicate full coverage first-molar restorations: a pilot study over 2 years. Clin Oral Investig 24:4301-4311 Güth J-F, Erdelt K, Keul C et al (2020) In vivo wear of CAD-CAM composite versus lithium disilicate full coverage first-molar restorations: a pilot study over 2 years. Clin Oral Investig 24:4301-4311
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Zurück zum Zitat Schlichting LH, Resende TH, Reis KR et al (2022) Ultrathin CAD-CAM glass-ceramic and composite resin occlusal veneers for the treatment of severe dental erosion: an up to 3-year randomized clinical trial. J Prosthet Dent 128:158.e1-158.e12 Schlichting LH, Resende TH, Reis KR et al (2022) Ultrathin CAD-CAM glass-ceramic and composite resin occlusal veneers for the treatment of severe dental erosion: an up to 3-year randomized clinical trial. J Prosthet Dent 128:158.e1-158.e12
Zurück zum Zitat Zimmermann M, Koller C, Reymus M et al (2018) Clinical evaluation of indirect particle-filled composite resin CAD/CAM partial crowns after 24 months. J Prosthodont 27:694-699 Zimmermann M, Koller C, Reymus M et al (2018) Clinical evaluation of indirect particle-filled composite resin CAD/CAM partial crowns after 24 months. J Prosthodont 27:694-699
Zurück zum Zitat Tokunaga J, Ikeda H, Nagamatsu Y et al (2022) Wear of polymer-infiltrated ceramic network materials against enamel. Materials (Basel) 15:2435 Tokunaga J, Ikeda H, Nagamatsu Y et al (2022) Wear of polymer-infiltrated ceramic network materials against enamel. Materials (Basel) 15:2435
Zurück zum Zitat Ikeda H, Nagamatsu Y, Shimizu H (2019) Preparation of silica-poly(methyl methacrylate) composite with a nanoscale dual-network structure and hardness comparable to human enamel. Dent Mater 35:893-899 Ikeda H, Nagamatsu Y, Shimizu H (2019) Preparation of silica-poly(methyl methacrylate) composite with a nanoscale dual-network structure and hardness comparable to human enamel. Dent Mater 35:893-899
Zurück zum Zitat Coldea A, Swain MV, Thiel N (2013) Mechanical properties of polymer-infiltrated-ceramic-network materials. Dent Mater 29:419-426 Coldea A, Swain MV, Thiel N (2013) Mechanical properties of polymer-infiltrated-ceramic-network materials. Dent Mater 29:419-426
Zurück zum Zitat Facenda JC, Borba M, Corazza PH (2018) A literature review on the new polymer-infiltrated ceramic-network material (PICN). J Esthet Restor Dent 30:281-286 Facenda JC, Borba M, Corazza PH (2018) A literature review on the new polymer-infiltrated ceramic-network material (PICN). J Esthet Restor Dent 30:281-286
Zurück zum Zitat Furtado de Mendonca A, Shahmoradi M, Gouvêa CVD de et al (2019) Microstructural and mechanical characterization of CAD/CAM materials for monolithic dental restorations. J Prosthodont 28:e587-e594 Furtado de Mendonca A, Shahmoradi M, Gouvêa CVD de et al (2019) Microstructural and mechanical characterization of CAD/CAM materials for monolithic dental restorations. J Prosthodont 28:e587-e594
Zurück zum Zitat Della Bona A, Corazza PH, Zhang Y (2014) Characterization of a polymer-infiltrated ceramic-network material. Dent Mater 30:564-569 Della Bona A, Corazza PH, Zhang Y (2014) Characterization of a polymer-infiltrated ceramic-network material. Dent Mater 30:564-569
Zurück zum Zitat Oudkerk J, Eldafrawy M, Bekaert S et al (2020) The one-step no-prep approach for full-mouth rehabilitation of worn dentition using PICN CAD-CAM restorations: 2-yr results of a prospective clinical study. J Dent 92:103245 Oudkerk J, Eldafrawy M, Bekaert S et al (2020) The one-step no-prep approach for full-mouth rehabilitation of worn dentition using PICN CAD-CAM restorations: 2-yr results of a prospective clinical study. J Dent 92:103245
Zurück zum Zitat Spitznagel FA, Scholz KJ, Strub JR et al (2018) Polymer-infiltrated ceramic CAD/CAM inlays and partial coverage restorations: 3-year results of a prospective clinical study over 5 years. Clin Oral Investig 22:1973-1983 Spitznagel FA, Scholz KJ, Strub JR et al (2018) Polymer-infiltrated ceramic CAD/CAM inlays and partial coverage restorations: 3-year results of a prospective clinical study over 5 years. Clin Oral Investig 22:1973-1983
Zurück zum Zitat Spitznagel FA, Scholz KJ, Vach K, Gierthmuehlen PC (2020) Monolithic polymer-infiltrated ceramic network CAD/CAM single crowns: three-year mid-term results of a prospective clinical study. Int J Prosthodont 33:160-168 Spitznagel FA, Scholz KJ, Vach K, Gierthmuehlen PC (2020) Monolithic polymer-infiltrated ceramic network CAD/CAM single crowns: three-year mid-term results of a prospective clinical study. Int J Prosthodont 33:160-168
Zurück zum Zitat Aini T, Güth J-F, Görl S (2022) Von der Schiene zum Zahnersatz. Quintessenz 73:478-484 Aini T, Güth J-F, Görl S (2022) Von der Schiene zum Zahnersatz. Quintessenz 73:478-484
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Polymere in der modernen Prothetik
verfasst von
Dr. Tuba Aini
Dr. Philipp Herguth
Prof. Dr. Jan-Frederik Güth
Springer Medizin
Erschienen in
Der Freie Zahnarzt / Ausgabe 1/2024
Print ISSN: 0340-1766
Elektronische ISSN: 2190-3824

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