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World Journal of Urology

Ausgabe 12/2019 Including the Topical Section: Developments in oligometastatic hormone-sensitive prostate cancer

Inhalt (38 Artikel)

Developments in oligometastatic hormone-sensitive prostate cancer

  • Topic Paper

Ken Chow, Patrick McCoy, Ryan Stuchbery, Niall M. Corcoran, Christopher M. Hovens

Discovery and validation of a serum microRNA signature to characterize oligo- and polymetastatic prostate cancer: not ready for prime time

  • Topic Paper

Bert Dhondt, Elise De Bleser, Tom Claeys, Sarah Buelens, Nicolaas Lumen, Jo Vandesompele, Anneleen Beckers, Valerie Fonteyne, Kim Van der Eecken, Aurélie De Bruycker, Jérôme Paul, Pierre Gramme, Piet Ost

Importance of metastatic volume in prognostic models to predict survival in newly diagnosed metastatic prostate cancer

  • Topic Paper

Sarah Buelens, Elise De Bleser, Bert Dhondt, Wesley Verla, Karel Decaestecker, Piet Ost, Valérie Fonteyne, Kathia De Man, Chloë Standaert, Sylvie Rottey, Nicolaas Lumen

Imaging modalities in synchronous oligometastatic prostate cancer

  • Open Access
  • Topic Paper

Jurgen J. Futterer, Cristian Surcel, Roderick van den Bergh, Hendrik Borgmann, Alberto Briganti, Giorgio Gandaglia, Alexander Kretschmer, Piet Ost, Prasanna Sooriakumaran, Derya Tilki, Massimo Valerio, Guillaume Ploussard, Pieter J. L. De Visschere, Igor Tsaur

Pattern of metastatic deposit in recurrent prostate cancer: a whole-body MRI-based assessment of lesion distribution and effect of primary treatment

  • Original Article

Vassiliki Pasoglou, Nicolas Michoux, Julien Van Damme, Sandy Van Nieuwenhove, Marin Halut, Perrine Triqueneaux, Bertrand Tombal, Frédéric E. Lecouvet

Treatment of the primary tumor in metastatic prostate cancer

  • Topic Paper

Ye Yuan, Amar U. Kishan, Nicholas G. Nickols

Oligorecurrent prostate cancer limited to lymph nodes: getting our ducks in a row

  • Topic Paper

Andrei Fodor, Andrea Lancia, Francesco Ceci, Maria Picchio, Morten Hoyer, Barbara Alicja Jereczek-Fossa, Piet Ost, Paolo Castellucci, Elena Incerti, Nadia Di Muzio, Gianluca Ingrosso

Stereotactic body radiotherapy for bone oligometastatic disease in prostate cancer

  • Open Access
  • Topic Paper

Priyanka H. Patel, Cheng Lee Chaw, Alison C. Tree, Mansour Sharabiani, Nicholas J. van As

Stereotactic ablative radiation therapy for oligometastatic prostate cancer delays time-to-next systemic treatment

  • Topic Paper

C. Leigh Moyer, Ryan Phillips, Matthew P. Deek, Noura Radwan, Ashley E. Ross, Emmanuel S. Antonarakis, Diane Reyes, Jean Wright, Stephanie A. Terezakis, Daniel Y. Song, Curtiland DeVille, Patrick C. Walsh, Theodore L. DeWeese, Michael Carducci, Edward M. Schaeffer, Kenneth J. Pienta, Mario Eisenberger, Phuoc T. Tran

Metastasis-directed stereotactic radiotherapy for oligoprogressive castration-resistant prostate cancer: a multicenter study

  • Original Article

Luca Triggiani, Rosario Mazzola, Stefano Maria Magrini, Gianluca Ingrosso, Paolo Borghetti, Fabio Trippa, Andrea Lancia, Beatrice Detti, Giulio Francolini, Fabio Matrone, Roberto Bortolus, Giuseppe Fanetti, Ernesto Maranzano, Francesco Pasqualetti, Fabiola Paiar, Marco Lorenzo Bonù, Alessandro Magli, Alessio Bruni, Ercole Mazzeo, Ciro Franzese, Marta Scorsetti, Filippo Alongi, Barbara Alicja Jereczek-Fossa, Piet Ost, Michela Buglione

The eye of the endourologist: what are the risks? A review of the literature

  • Review

Steeve Doizi, Marie Audouin, Luca Villa, Maria Rodríguez-Monsalve Herrero, Vincent De Coninck, Etienne Xavier Keller, Olivier Traxer

External validation of a nomogram for the prediction of 10-year life expectancy in candidates for radical prostatectomy

  • Original Article

Sophie Knipper, David Pröwrock, Zhe Tian, Hans Heinzer, Derya Tilki, Pierre Karakiewicz, Markus Graefen

Perioperative management of direct oral anticoagulants in patients undergoing radical prostatectomy: results of a prospective assessment

  • Original Article

Ann Beckmann, Julia Spalteholz, Florian Langer, Hans Heinzer, Lars Budäus, Derya Tilki, Uwe Michl, Armin Soave, Thomas Steuber, Valia Veleva, Georg Salomon, Alexander Haese, Hartwig Huland, Markus Graefen, Hendrik Isbarn

A randomized controlled comparison between periprostatic nerve block and pelvic plexus block at the base and apex of 14-core prostate biopsies

  • Original Article

Sung Jin Kim, Jongpill Lee, Dong Hyeon An, Chang-Hoo Park, Ju Hyun Lim, Han Gwun Kim, Jong Yeon Park

En bloc resection improves the identification of muscularis mucosae in non-muscle invasive bladder cancer

  • Original Article

Hua Liang, Tao Yang, Kaijie Wu, Dalin He, Jinhai Fan

Prognostic implications of prostatic urethral involvement in non-muscle-invasive bladder cancer

  • Original Article

Aaron Brant, Marcus Daniels, Meera R. Chappidi, Gregory A. Joice, Nikolai A. Sopko, Andres Matoso, Trinity J. Bivalacqua, Max Kates

The role of metastatic burden in cytoreductive/consolidative radical cystectomy

  • Original Article

Roger Li, Janet E. Baack Kukreja, Mohamed A. Seif, Firas G. Petros, Matthew T. Campbell, Justin V. Nguyen, Graciela M. Nogueras González, Ashish M. Kamat, Louis L. Pisters, Colin P. Dinney, Neema Navai

The impact of completeness of last transurethral resection of bladder tumors on the outcomes of radical cystectomy

  • Original Article

Stefania Zamboni, Marco Moschini, Andrea Gallina, Renzo Colombo, Francesco Montorsi, Alberto Briganti, Andrea Salonia, Alessandro Antonelli, Claudio Simeone, Sandra Belotti, Luca Cristinelli, Agostino Mattei, Philipp Baumeister

The risk factors of urinary tract infection after transurethral resection of bladder tumors

  • Original Article

Yuki Kohada, Akihiro Goriki, Kazuma Yukihiro, Shinya Ohara, Mitsuru Kajiwara

CD163+ macrophages predict a poor prognosis in patients with primary T1 high-grade urothelial carcinoma of the bladder

  • Original Article

Guoliang Yang, Lianhua Zhang, Mengyao Liu, Qiang liu, Xuehui Duan, Juanjie Bo

Impact of routine imaging in the diagnosis of recurrence for patients with localized and locally advanced renal tumor treated with nephrectomy

  • Original Article

Baptiste Gires, Zine-Eddine Khene, Pierre Bigot, Quentin Alimi, Benoit Peyronnet, Grégory Verhoest, Andrea Manunta, Karim Bensalah, Romain Mathieu

Testosterone replacement therapy is associated with an increased risk of urolithiasis

  • Original Article

Tyler R. McClintock, Marie-Therese I. Valovska, Nicollette K. Kwon, Alexander P. Cole, Wei Jiang, Martin N. Kathrins, Naeem Bhojani, George E. Haleblian, Tracey Koehlmoos, Adil H. Haider, Shehzad Basaria, Quoc-Dien Trinh

Patients choose certainty over burden in bladder cancer surveillance

  • Open Access
  • Original Article

Frits H. M. van Osch, Duncan Nekeman, Neil K. Aaronson, Lucinda J. Billingham, Nicholas D. James, K. K. Cheng, Richard T. Bryan, Maurice P. Zeegers

Artificial urinary sphincter longevity following transurethral resection of the prostate in the setting of prostate cancer

  • Original Article

Andrew J. Cohen, William Boysen, Kristine Kuchta, Sarah Faris, Jaclyn Milose

Clinical significance of cystoscopic urethral stricture recurrence after anterior urethroplasty: a multi-institution analysis from Trauma and Urologic Reconstructive Network of Surgeons (TURNS)

  • Original Article

Nima Baradaran, Kirkpatrick B. Fergus, Rachel A. Moses, Darshan P. Patel, Thomas W. Gaither, Bryan B. Voelzke, Thomas G. Smith III, Bradley A. Erickson, Sean P. Elliott, Nejd F. Alsikafi, Alex J. Vanni, Jill Buckley, Lee C. Zhao, Jeremy B. Myers, Benjamin N. Breyer

Contemporary analysis of management of isolated pendulous urethral strictures using pedicled skin flap urethroplasty repair

  • Original Article

Ramiro J. Madden-Fuentes, Michael J. Belsante, Michael A. Granieri, Andrew C. Peterson

Comparison between cold knife and laser urethrotomy for urethral stricture: a systematic review and meta-analysis of comparative trials

  • Original Article

Xiaonan Zheng, Xin Han, Dehong Cao, Hang Xu, Lu Yang, Jianzhong Ai, Qiang Wei

Risk factors affecting post-pubertal high serum follicle-stimulating hormone in patients with hypospadias

  • Open Access
  • Original Article

Kimihiko Moriya, Michiko Nakamura, Masafumi Kon, Yoko Nishimura, Yukiko Kanno, Takeya Kitta, Nobuo Shinohara

Obstructive sleep apnea syndrome should always be screened in patients complaining of nocturia

  • Letter to Editor

Vincent Misraï, Helene Charbonneau, David Attias, Atul Pathak

Preputial lichen sclerosus: a rare and easily ignored initial clinical presentation of newly diagnosed diabetes mellitus

  • Letter to Editor

Yu-Chen Chen, Hao-Wei Chen, Po-Yin Shen, Yung-Shun Juan, Chia-Chun Tsai

Neu im Fachgebiet Urologie

Große Trinkmengen bei Blasentumoren möglicherweise von Nachteil

Beim nicht-muskelinvasiven Blasenkrebs scheint eine hohe Flüssigkeitszufuhr keinen schützenden Effekt in Bezug auf das Risiko eines Rezidivs oder einer Krankheitsprogression zu haben. Eine niederländische Studie legt sogar nahe, dass große Trinkmengen das Fortschreiten der Erkrankung begünstigen könnten.

Urintest auf Prostatakrebs funktioniert mit Erststrahlurin

Ein auf die Expression von 18 Genen gestützter Urintest auf klinisch signifikanten Prostatakrebs könnte offenbar auch in Anwendung auf Erststrahlurin dazu dienen, unnötige Biopsien zu vermeiden.

Hohe Atrophierate nach Hodentorsion im Kindesalter

Auf längere Sicht ist die Atrophierate nach einer Hodentorsion pädiatrischer Patienten erschreckend hoch. Das hat eine Studie mit jahrelanger Nachbeobachtung ergeben. Entscheidend ist die Zeit, die bis zur Detorsion verstreicht.

Studie zur HIFU bei Prostatakrebs lässt viele Fragen offen

Führt eine HIFU-Ablation beim Prostatakarzinom im Vergleich mit einer radikalen Prostatektomie zu ähnlichen onkologischen, aber besseren funktionalen Ergebnissen? Interimsdaten der französischen HIFI-Studie sind uneindeutig. In einem Kommentar zur Studie werden zumindest drei allgemeine Erkenntnisse herausgearbeitet.

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