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Licensed Unlicensed Requires Authentication Published by De Gruyter August 9, 2007

Intrauterine growth restriction and risk for arterial hypertension: a causal relationship?

  • Ludwig Gortner


Aims: Intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR) has been demonstrated to have serious consequences for health in adult age. These include an increased risk for metabolic syndrome, pulmonary and cardiovascular disorders. These disorders are in part secondary to the development of arterial hypertension, which has been demonstrated to be more frequent in individuals subjected to restricted intrauterine growth.

Methods: A review on publications on pathogenesis and epidemiology of hypertension associated to IUGR.

Results: Current concepts for this association include a reduced nephrogenesis and increased arterial stiffness, impaired sympathetic regulation and steroid metabolism secondary to IUGR. Early postnatal risk-modifying factors include among others catch-up growth leading to childhood overweight.

Conclusion: IUGR increases the risk of hypertension in adult life. Identifying relevant risk factors for arterial hypertension will be the basis for the development of preventive concepts to be applied for predisposed individuals.

Corresponding author: Prof. Dr. Ludwig Gortner University Children's Hospital University of the Saarland 66424 Homburg/Germany Tel.: +06841-1628300

Received: 2007-2-16
Revised: 2007-4-4
Accepted: 2007-5-16
Published Online: 2007-08-09
Published in Print: 2007-10-01

©2007 by Walter de Gruyter Berlin New York

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