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  1. Magazine | Zeitschrift


    Die Zeitschrift NeuroTransmitter versteht sich als Diskussionsforum und führendes berufspolitisches Medium für alle Nervenärztinnen, Neurologen und Psychiaterinnen. Die Zeitschrift bietet eine umfassende Kombination aus aktueller Berufspolitik, fundierter Fortbildung und praxisnahem Leserservice. Die Inhalte dieser Zeitschrift stehen sowohl im Online-Volltext wie auch im ePaper- und PDF-Format zur Verfügung.

  2. Open Access 01.12.2024 | OriginalPaper

    Fibroblast expression of neurotransmitter receptor HTR2A associates with inflammation in rheumatoid arthritis joint

    The study of neuroimmune crosstalk and the involvement of neurotransmitters in inflammation and bone health has illustrated their significance in joint-related conditions. One important mode of cell-to-cell communication in the synovial fluid (SF) …

  3. 09.01.2024 | OriginalPaper

    Depression promotes breast cancer progression by regulating amino acid neurotransmitter metabolism and gut microbial disturbance

    Breast cancer (BC) has the highest cancer incidence rate in the world [ 1 ]. BC patients usually suffer psychologically during the diagnosis and treatment of BC, with the incidence of BC-related depression at 32.2% [ 2 ]. Epidemiological research …

  4. 22.02.2024 | OriginalPaper

    InSpectro-Gadget: A Tool for Estimating Neurotransmitter and Neuromodulator Receptor Distributions for MRS Voxels

    Magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS) is widely used to estimate concentrations of glutamate and $$\gamma$$ γ -aminobutyric acid (GABA) in specific regions of the living human brain. As cytoarchitectural properties differ across the brain …

  5. 18.03.2024 | Online First

    Impact of ovariectomy on neurotransmitter receptors BDNF/TrkB and endoplasmic reticulum molecular chaperones in rat hypoglossal nucleus

    Currently hypoglossal nerve–genioglossus axis is the major research core of OSA pathogenesis. The pathogenesis of OSA incidence changes before and after menopause needs to be clarified further. Little is known about the influences of ovariectomy …

  6. Open Access 21.07.2023 | ReviewPaper

    Neurotransmitter and receptor systems in the subthalamic nucleus

    The Subthalamic Nucleus (STh) is a lens-shaped subcortical structure located ventrally to the thalamus, that despite being embryologically derived from the diencephalon, is functionally implicated in the basal ganglia circuits. Because of this …

  7. 05.07.2023 | OriginalPaper

    Structural and CBCT analysis of mandibular canal microvessels expressing neurotransmitters in human cadavers

    Many previous studies of the inferior alveolar nerve of the mandibular canal (MC) have reported its size and location in the mandible [ 2 , 11 , 16 , 17 , 24 ]. The location of the MC has been considered important for the assessment of dental …

  8. 31.05.2023 | OriginalPaper

    Imbalance of multiple neurotransmitter pathways leading to depression-like behavior and cognitive dysfunction in the triple transgenic mouse model of Alzheimer disease

    Depression is among the most frequent psychiatric comorbid conditions in Alzheimer disease (AD). However, pharmacotherapy for depressive disorders in AD is still a big challenge, and the data on the efffcacy of current antidepressants used …

  9. 27.02.2023 | OriginalPaper

    Analysis of neurotransmitters validates the importance of the dopaminergic system in autism spectrum disorder

    Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a highly heritable neurodevelopmental disorder [ 1 ]. The prevalence is steeply increasing throughout the world, including India [ 2 – 4 ]. Although ASD is characterized primarily by (1) impairments in social …

  10. 2022 | OriginalPaper | Buchkapitel

    Periphere Peptidhormone, Neuropeptide und Neurotransmitter

    Nach dem bisherigen Erkenntnisstand ist davon auszugehen, dass die meisten bei Essstörungen beschriebenen Veränderungen von appetitregulierenden peripheren Peptidhormonen, Neuropeptiden und Neurotransmittern sekundären physiologischen …

    verfasst von:
    Stefan Ehrlich, Friederike Tam
    Erschienen in:
    Handbuch Essstörungen und Adipositas (2022)
  11. 01.06.2022 | ReviewPaper

    Role of neurotransmitters in the regulation of cutaneous wound healing

    Wound healing is a highly coordinated and dynamic process of tissue repair after injury. The global burden of disease associated with wounds, both acute and chronic, is a significantly rising health concern. Upon skin wounding, neurons have the …

  12. 01.05.2022 | OriginalPaper

    Age-related changes in medial septal cholinergic and GABAergic projection neurons and hippocampal neurotransmitter receptors: relationship with memory impairment

    The hippocampus, which provides cognitive functions, has been shown to become highly vulnerable during aging. One important modulator of the hippocampal neural network is the medial septum (MS). The present study attempts to determine how …

  13. 2020 | OriginalPaper | Buchkapitel

    Bewegungsstörungen und Neurotransmittererkrankungen

    In diesem Kapitel werden Bewegungsstörungen vom Typ Dystonie, Parkinsonismus und Chorea bezüglich ihrer pädiatrischen Differenzialdiagnosen dargestellt. Myoklonien, Tremor, Tics und zerebelläre Symptome werden nur als Teilaspekte von beschriebenen …

    verfasst von:
    Birgit Assmann, Christine Klein
    Erschienen in:
    Pädiatrie (2020)
  14. 07.03.2016 | Print-Titel | Produkt


    Diskussionsforum und führendes berufspolitisches Medium der Neurologie Berufspolitische Informationen aus erster Hand Tipps zu Praxisführung und Abrechnung 12 Hefte pro Jahr Normalpreis 279 € Weiterbildungspreis 167,40 € in 2024 zzgl. Versandkosten, inkl. dt. gesetzlicher MwSt. » Jetzt testen Sie möchten direkt zu den Inhalten und CME-Kursen dieser Zeitschrift?  » Jetzt online lesen

  15. 28.09.2022 | ReviewPaper

    Role of neurotransmitters in immune-mediated inflammatory disorders: a crosstalk between the nervous and immune systems

    Immune-mediated inflammatory diseases (IMIDs) are a group of common heterogeneous disorders, characterized by an alteration of cellular homeostasis. Primarily, it has been shown that the release and diffusion of neurotransmitters from nervous …

  16. 23.08.2022 | OriginalPaper

    Expression and Neurotransmitter Association of the Synaptic Calcium Sensor Synaptotagmin in the Avian Auditory Brain Stem

    In the avian auditory brain stem, acoustic timing and intensity cues are processed in separate, parallel pathways via the two divisions of the cochlear nucleus, nucleus angularis (NA) and nucleus magnocellularis (NM). Differences in excitatory and …

  17. Open Access 01.12.2022 | OriginalPaper

    Effects of moxibustion on miRNA-133b, Pitx3/TH, and neurotransmitters in the midbrain of rats with diarrhea-predominant irritable bowel syndrome

  18. 07.12.2019 | Colestyramin | BriefCommunication

    Lösung zum Regress-Quiz auf Seite 13 in diesem NeuroTransmitter

  19. 01.08.2020 | OriginalPaper

    Protective Effect of Hemin Against Experimental Chronic Fatigue Syndrome in Mice: Possible Role of Neurotransmitters

    Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) is a disorder characterized by persistent and relapsing fatigue along with long-lasting and debilitating fatigue, myalgia, cognitive impairment, and many other common symptoms. The present study was conducted to …

  20. 22.09.2022 | OriginalPaper

    Pterostilbene improves CFA-induced arthritis and peripheral neuropathy through modulation of oxidative stress, inflammatory cytokines and neurotransmitters in Wistar rats

    Pterostilbene is a stilbene flavonoid that occurs naturally in various plants as well as produced by genetic engineering. It exhibits anti-inflammatory, analgesic, anti-oxidant and neuroprotective activities. This research was aimed to determine …

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Enzyklopädie der Schlafmedizin
Das Zentralnervensystem verfügt über mehrere weitverzweigte Netzwerke von Neuronen, die unter Verwendung spezifischer Neurotransmitter den Aktivitätsgrad des Kortex und subkortikaler Areale steuern können. Schlaffördernde Neurotransmitter sind unter anderem Adenosin, GABA (Gamma-Aminobuttersäure) und Serotonin sowie die Peptide Cortistatin, Dynorphin, Endorphin, Enkephalin, Galanin, GRH und Somatostatin. Aktivierende Neurotransmitter sind Acetylcholin, Dopamin, Glutamat, Histamin, Noradrenalin sowie die Peptide CRH, Hypocretin (Orexin), Neurotensin, Substanz P, TRH und VIP (vasoaktives intestinales Peptid). Über den Blutweg können auch Adrenalin und Glukokortikoide aktivierend wirken.

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