Erratum to: Mol Genet Genomics DOI 10.1007/s00438-014-0939-9

After publication of this review, concerns were raised regarding the correct citation and reference given to three review articles published by other groups. An investigation of these claims showed that the author indeed omitted proper citation. The authors of the three review articles concerned were also informed and have accepted the publication of an erratum as a solution.

The three review articles concerned are:

For the chapters “The role of retromer in neurodegenerative disease”, “The vps10 receptor family” and “The role of vps10 receptors in proneutrophin signaling” (page 4, paragraph 2; page 5, paragraph 2 and paragraph 3; page 6, paragraph 1 through to page 7, paragraph 1; page 8, paragraph 2, paragraph 3, paragraph 4; and page 9, paragraph 3):

Lane RF, St George-Hyslop P, Hempstead BL, Small SA, Strittmatter SM, Gandy S (2012) Vps10 family proteins and the retromer complex in aging-related neurodegeneration and diabetes. J Neurosci 32:14080–14086

This article by Lane et al. was included in the reference list, but text passages were not cited properly.

For the chapters “Additional cargo-specific sub-complexes” and “Accessory proteins for SNX-BAR-retromer” (page 3, paragraph 3 through to page 4, paragraph 1):

Cullen PJ, Korswagen HC (2012) Sorting nexins provide diversity for retromer-dependent trafficking events. Nat Cell Biol 14:29–37

For the last paragraph of the chapter “SORCS2 and SORCS3” (page 8) and the last paragraph of the chapter “The role of vps10 receptors in proneutrophin signaling” (page 9):

Oetjen S, Mahlke C, Hermans-Borgmeyer I, Hermey G (2014) Spatiotemporal expression analysis of the growth factor receptor SorCS3. J Comp Neurol 522:3386–3402

The two articles above by Cullen and Korswagen and Oetjen et al. were not included in the reference list.