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Publicly Available Published by De Gruyter July 1, 2010

The experience of chronic pain, loss and grief

  • Bodil Furnes and Elin Dysvik


Based on a theoretical framework which integrates grief theory, cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) and writing theory, 1–2 an intervention for persons experiencing loss and grief caused by chronic pain or death of someone close is planned. There seems to be lack of understanding of the connections between pain, loss and grief and how these life phenomena can be met in patient care. Understanding the process involved in one sort of grief following loss may help us understand the processes involved in another. Increased understanding of this complexity may contribute to suitable approaches in practice.


This is a mixed method design 3:

  1. Qualitative theoretical study (literature review) 1–2

  2. Intervention study (questionnaires and interviews):

    1. A CBT approach and writing as tools for managing grief and loss related to chronic pain

    2. A CBT approach and writing as tools for managing grief and pain related to loss by death

A structured group approach following a fixed plan. Participants: 100 with chronic pain and 40 bereaved adults are included.


(1) A comparison between two previous interventions dealing with chronic pain and grief caused by death, indicate common main themes like “relearning the world” and “adaptation”. Between these themes a continuous movement emerges involving several typical experiences. (1) Life phenomena grief, loss and chronic pain seem to have many qualities in common, they may overlap, and a “common core” is identified. (2) Based on this core, a group programme, which integrates CBT and writing theory is suggested.

2. The intervention study based on these findings will be initiated April 2010.


This theoretical framework might offer an integrated fundament for health care workers. There is a value in future research to consider together as well as separately different kinds of losses. The results from our theoretical study will form a new platform for intervention programmes.

Published Online: 2010-07-01
Published in Print: 2010-07-01

© 2010 Scandinavian Association for the Study of Pain

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