Issue 2, 2021

Label-free SERS detection of proteins based on machine learning classification of chemo-structural determinants


Establishing standardized methods for a consistent analysis of spectral data remains a largely underexplored aspect in surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS), particularly applied to biological and biomedical research. Here we propose an effective machine learning classification of protein species with closely resembled spectral profiles by a mixed data processing based on principal component analysis (PCA) applied to multipeak fitting on SERS spectra. This strategy simultaneously assures a successful discrimination of proteins and a thorough characterization of the chemostructural differences among them, ultimately opening up new routes for SERS evolution toward sensing applications and diagnostics of interest in life sciences.

Graphical abstract: Label-free SERS detection of proteins based on machine learning classification of chemo-structural determinants

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Article information

Article type
28 Oct 2020
13 Nov 2020
First published
19 Nov 2020

Analyst, 2021,146, 674-682

Label-free SERS detection of proteins based on machine learning classification of chemo-structural determinants

A. Barucci, C. D'Andrea, E. Farnesi, M. Banchelli, C. Amicucci, M. de Angelis, B. Hwang and P. Matteini, Analyst, 2021, 146, 674 DOI: 10.1039/D0AN02137G

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