PTEN Nuclear Functions

  1. Vuk Stambolic1,2
  1. 1Princess Margaret Cancer Centre, University Health Network, Toronto, Ontario M5G 1L7, Canada
  2. 2Department of Medical Biophysics, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario M5G 1L7, Canada
  1. Correspondence: vuks{at}


For years, clinical and basic researchers have been aware of the presence of PTEN in the nucleus in cell culture, animal models, and both healthy and diseased human tissues. Despite the early recognition of nuclear PTEN, the understanding of the mechanisms of its nuclear localization, function in the nucleus, and importance in biology and human disease has been lacking. Over the last decade, emerging concepts for the complex involvement of nuclear PTEN in a variety of processes, including genome maintenance and DNA repair, cell-cycle control, gene expression, and DNA replication, are illuminating what could prove to be the key path toward a full understanding of PTEN function in health and disease. Dysregulation of nuclear PTEN is now considered an important aspect of the etiology of many pathologic conditions, prompting reconsideration of the therapeutic approaches aimed at countering the consequences of PTEN deficiency. This new knowledge is fueling the development of innovative therapeutic modalities for a broad spectrum of human conditions, from cancer and metabolic diseases, to neurological disorders and autism.

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